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andrewsk 09-11-2006 03:42 PM

South Calgary Large Tank Tour
After some discussion with Al and Albert we have decided to try and set up a few tours of some of the larger (150+) Reef/Fish tanks in the city.

Albert is going to speak to some of his customers to see if they would be interested in hosting/participating in the tour. )If you are interested in hosting PLEASE let me know ASAP :) )

So far the plan is to get about 6 or 7 tanks for viewing in the South. (We would do a North one next) so travelling back and forth across town is minimized. We would have a maximum of about 15 people on the tour. (1st dibbs would go to the organizers and those displaying their tanks)

We would spend roughly 30 - 40 minutes at each location and would ask that any fragging or exchanging of items be done after the tour so we can keep things moving.

The first thing we need to do is get the vollunteers displaying their tanks confirmed. We will then begin taking names of those interested in the tour.

So far we are looking at doing this on a weekend afternoon or evening depending on what works best for all. (Albert, I think evenings are better for you)

Anyway, this is just in the initial planning stages, so keep your eyes on this thread for more details as we move forward.



Snappy 09-11-2006 10:10 PM

Sounds good, count me in to host and participate in the tour.

danny zubot 09-11-2006 10:24 PM

Way to alienate all of us small reef keepers. :sad:

andrewsk 09-11-2006 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by danny zubot
Way to alienate all of us small reef keepers. :sad:

Basically the reason for doing this was that since most of us Reefers do have tanks < 100 gallons , it would be something different/new to see instead of something nearly the same as their own tanks.

I guess there is a guy with a 1500 gallon tank that Albert knows and I for one would be more interested in seeing that instead of a 50 gallon tank just to see how he handles the scale and see all of the equipment most of us never really get the chance to play with.

I dont think most 50 gallon tanks employ Ozonizers, Dosing Pumps, Giant Skimmers, Zeovit systems, Large Refugiums etc. If they did, that would probably be a great tank to tour as it would be something novel for most of us.

No offense intended to the smaller tanks :)

Buccaneer 09-12-2006 12:27 AM

I will check with Rico ( perodogo ) to see if he is interested as well ( in case he does not see this post )

He has a 500G FOWLR monster ... awesome tank !!!

andrewsk 09-12-2006 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Buccaneer
I will check with Rico ( perodogo ) to see if he is interested as well ( in case he does not see this post )

He has a 500G FOWLR monster ... awesome tank !!!

Sounds great. Thanks for checking.

DiscusZ 09-12-2006 07:07 AM

ya Rico's setup is sweet. was out there once swapping a pump with him definately a tank to see.

danny zubot 09-12-2006 02:38 PM

Well I guess if you are talking that big it would be worth a look. I'm in if I'm still invited, it would be a chance to get some nice pics.

kwirky 09-12-2006 04:58 PM

i'd like to come along if there's room, and it doesn't fall on a day where i have class/buttloads of homework. It'd be cool to see some nice setups to let me know where I'd like mine to end up.

surgeonfish 09-12-2006 08:53 PM

Interested as well
I am new to the hobby with my system running since Dec 05. I have a 250g tank which is 48" deep that has created some challenges. I live in Lethbridge and don't know of any other reefers here. I would be interested in coming to Calgary to see how some of the local pros run their systems. The invitation is always open for anyone coming to windy Lethbridge to view my tank (I am always open to suggestions or positive criticism).

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