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Molino 06-19-2006 05:22 AM

55 gallon
I just started this tank back in March. So far I've got a variety of Zoos, some Green Polyps, a Xenia Frag, Mushrooms, a Ricordea frag as well as 2 Clownfish, 2 PJ Cardinalfish, 1 Striped Damselfish, 1 Cleaner shrimp and 1 Coral Banded Shrimp.

Full lights:

Just the Actinics:

and back in March:

muck 06-19-2006 06:42 AM

Its coming along nicely Molino. :cool:

TheReefGeek 06-19-2006 02:49 PM

Looking great.

Make sure to clean your powerheads, and hard to tell by the picture but you might benefit from a sand sifting goby to keep your sand a nice white.

danny zubot 06-19-2006 10:36 PM

I like the rockwork. Is that a bit of cyano I see?

Molino 06-19-2006 11:23 PM


and hard to tell by the picture but you might benefit from a sand sifting goby to keep your sand a nice white.
I plan to get a Goby for just that reason very soon.


Is that a bit of cyano I see?
I'd never heard of Cyano before now so looked it up on Google. It appears to be the same colour, but it refers to Cyano algea as slimy. The redish/purple spots you see on the substrate of my tank are almost hair like or fuzzy and grow in clumps which can be removed very easily. I'm not sure what they are?

vertex 06-20-2006 02:50 AM

Nice Molino,

I like the time lapse since you haven't moved any rocks, its easy to compare. I assume your coral banded and cleaners get alone together? I've avoided adding any other shrimp (would like some peppermint) but read the coral banded may not let that happen. I guess in a big tank, might be OK.

TheReefGeek 06-20-2006 03:08 AM

My massive CBS has tolerated peppermints, and cleaners, and pistol shrimp.

vertex 06-20-2006 03:13 AM

Thanks Rory, a few good stories about them is enough to try it myself then.

TheReefGeek 06-20-2006 03:18 AM

Does your CBS go after fish? Mine would try to snatch at fish when I first got him and didn't do any other shrimp with him until he "calmed" down a bit, and he just keeps to himself, hanging upside down in the middle of the tank rockwork.

If you watch your CBS that might give a clue, I would try a couple peppermints first, they are cheap in case your CBS is aggresive.

Molino 06-20-2006 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by vertex
I assume your coral banded and cleaners get alone together?

I wouldn't say they get along, but the Cleaner Shrimp knows to keep it's distance from the CBS and to be wary. The cleaner is also substantially faster than the CBS so seems to do fine. All of the hiding spots help a lot too.

I'd be a bit more concerned if the CBS was already in the tank the the Cleaner was being introduced second, but in my case the CBS was introduced second.

I have also seen him take a swipe at one of my Clownfish once, but the Clownfish was swimming immediately in front of him so probably deserved it :lol:

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