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TDP 11-26-2005 12:55 AM

New member... new tank

Hello, I have been lurking for a while and thought I should finally introduce myself. I hope I got my photo to work. It is a picture of my new tank. I customized an old armoire and had a 135 gal. tank built for it (49l x 24d x 28h). I combined 2 smaller tanks livestock. I had a 50 gal running and I bought back a 70 gal. that I had sold 6 years ago to a friend. The end result is that all the livestock was mine originally. In fact, some of the corals are 18 years old, which is how long I have had a reef tank of 1 form or another (actually 11 forms if a person were counting).

Anyhow, thought I would initiate my first post with a picture and some background. I live in Calgary, by the way.

reeferaddict 11-26-2005 01:02 AM

Dude! My hat's off to you! That is one SWEET looking rig! Those colonies are monsters! DO post more pics.... and oh ya.... details! What are your secrets? C'mon man! Share! :mrgreen:

deacon hemp 11-26-2005 01:43 AM

:eek: Holy mother of pearl!!! I love the (aged) look of big colonies. Specs would be cool and welcome to canreef.

robzilla 11-26-2005 01:43 AM

welcome, your tank is looking great. some close up would be great

Murminator 11-26-2005 02:04 AM

Welcome :mrgreen:

.......where did I put my fragging tools :razz:

Skimmerking 11-26-2005 02:04 AM

love the look of the leathers too.


Johnny Reefer 11-26-2005 02:05 AM

Beautiful tank!
Yes, close ups please.
I'm curious to see whatch got underneath too.
Welcome to CanReef!


TDP 11-26-2005 02:30 AM

Thanks for the compliments. Specs, lets see...
2 x 250 watt 10K MH, 2 110 watt VHO atinic
aquac 150 skimmer
oceanrunner 6500 return
3 maxijet 1200's on a wave timer
around 200 pounds of live rock
11 fish (3 tangs, coral beauty, comet, 2 clowns, 2 damsels, royal gramma, flame hawk)
various corals, mostly soft and lps (would like to start getting sps)
4 crocea clams

I will try to post a close up. I have to downsize my pictures and figure this whole posting thing out. If not tonight will try tomorrow. Thanks, again.

Chaloupa 11-26-2005 04:04 AM

VERY nice tank! Welcome to Canreef

andestang 11-26-2005 04:32 AM

Welcome aboard :cool: ..... Very impressive, your experience shows :mrgreen: Yes, more pic's would be nice !

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