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Willow 02-19-2005 03:27 PM

Game On? Hockey Season Saved!
just saw this posted..


Season saved Saturday?

February 18, 2005

The NHL season is expected to be "un-canceled" Saturday in New York.

A player close to the talks who asked to remain anonymous told The Hockey News the two sides have agreed to a deal in principle that features a $45-million salary cap. Asked if there was any way a deal won't get done, the player said,
"not that I can see. I couldn't possibly imagine the idea that somebody is going to try to make a name for themselves in the last minute here."

Following two days of media speculation that backroom talks between players and owners were taking place in an attempt to "un-cancel" the 2004-05 season, the NHL Players' Association issued a press release Friday night confirming it would be meeting with the league in New York on Saturday. If the two sides are as close as expected, an agreement in principle could be made public tomorrow.

As first reported by The Hockey News, Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux are still believed to be major players in the process. Both are reported to be in New York taking part in the talks.

"I believe all (that) stuff is pretty accurate," said the player.

A second source confirmed Lemieux traveled to New York on Friday.

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman cancelled the season Wednesday with the two sides seemingly within striking distance of a settlement. Though the components of their offers had some differences, the sides agreed on the basic premise of a salary cap with luxury taxes. The union was offering a $49-million cap and the league $42.5 million.

One NHL GM told The Hockey News Bettman’s decision to cancel the season had a lot to do with history repeating itself. In other words, if NHLPA executive director Bob Goodenow thought he was going to maintain his reputation of being a successful deadline hunter, he was wrong.
Since the season was called off, there has been considerable movement among the players as well as agents and GMs to do whatever is necessary to get talks started again in an attempt to save the season.

Detroit captain Steve Yzerman told The Hockey News Thursday afternoon he believed the season could be saved.

“I don’t know if it’s necessarily tonight, tomorrow morning, Friday night or Saturday…I know the season has been cancelled, but it’s not too late to 'un-cancel' it.”

Murminator 02-19-2005 03:33 PM


Tarolisol 02-19-2005 03:59 PM

Im so sick of these greedy b*sterds screwing with my emotions. If its not going to be fixed now im going to have a melt down. This stupid lock out has cost me most of my job. I cant take this rollercoaster anymore. :shocked!: :bad-word: :onfire: :2gunfire: :agrue:

StirCrazy 02-19-2005 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tarolisol
This stupid lock out has cost me most of my job.

what do you do?


muck 02-19-2005 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy

Originally Posted by Tarolisol
This stupid lock out has cost me most of my job.

what do you do?


You sell peanuts at the games..?? :razz:

Canadian Man 02-19-2005 05:40 PM

he's one of the players :razz:

Tarolisol 02-19-2005 05:56 PM

yep im a forward :cool: actully im just an usher during games and public relations during summer and off days.

Snappy 02-19-2005 07:03 PM

My wife & I were talking about how the greed of the players has had a huge impact and trickle down effect on so many people who directly or indirectly make their living through related jobs. I feel very bad for all these people. The hockey players need to get a grip and quit being so spoiled. How many people do you know that not only have a really fun job but can also dictate how much their boss has to pay them? These spoiled little millionaires have soured my opinion of them and the sport in general. How important do they think they are? It's not like they are out saving lives or helping the world in any way at all. They play sports and that is all. I think they should all get together and "Bertuzzi" each other until there is nobody left standing.

Red Snapper 02-20-2005 12:03 AM


Should I pass, shoot, go top shelf, five hole...cancel the season, un-cancel it.

Enough already!

Majestic_Aquariums 02-20-2005 02:44 AM

I guess IMO I do think there are 2 sides-but aren't we all tired of hearing them? On one hand, yes, the players are greedy. But it is really only a small percentage of them that are a problem $$$ wise. I think if there was a vote from players, we would have had a season awhlie back. But if your boss let things get out of control for 10-15yrs, and then told you they can't pay what they had originally agreed upon, wouldn't you be P.O.ed?

On the other hand, if the owners get what they want, do you think ticket prices will go down? Or Canadian markets will benefit, and be able to compete salary wise? And really, what kind of season can be salvaged anyway? If your team wins and can't repeat as cup champs next year, will it be recognized as a "real" win? The bottom line I think, is that they all had 10 years to get this crap straightened out, and didn't do anything, now the small folk are paying the price...Give me a break!

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