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tlhood 05-22-2014 10:03 PM

Good focus fish for a nano
I have a 30 gallon display, and am looking for a nice colourful fish that likes to swim in the water column, that isnt a clown.

I have a firefish, but she is super shy and spends most of her time near the back end of the tank or under an arch.

I also have a YWG, but he stays in his cave.

misty s 05-22-2014 10:25 PM

I have a royal gramma that I love. Its out swimming in the center of the tank a lot, very colorful, and easy to feed. I haven't had any issues with aggression from it, but it was one of the last fish I added. :)

FishingGoalie 05-22-2014 11:00 PM

If you have a good lid fairy wrasses are very nice peaceful and colourful fish, also flasher wrases

ThisGuy12 05-24-2014 05:34 PM

Green chromis, yellow tang (albeit the tank is small for it and it will eventually outgrow it), royal gramma, clownfish :), diamond goby, skunk or red shrimp (these are cool and glow under the right lights).

Not a fish but look at blue sea urchins they are colourful and clean your tank.

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Proteus 05-24-2014 06:18 PM

Yellow assessor, blackcap basslet, midas blenny

darb 05-25-2014 04:40 PM

pygmy angels may deserve consideration; active and personable.

tlhood 05-26-2014 01:02 AM

Thanks for the ideas guys.

I like the idea of the pygmy angel, however my research suggests that 30 gallons is too small a tank, also in the case of a tang.

As my YWG and firefish are both yellow (and purple on the fire fish) I am leaning towards something more in the blueish-green colour, like the chromis or with a funky pattern like a wrasse of some sort.

My YWG is also a cranky pants so I am leaning away from most blennies, since they tend to be similar in appearance and I don't want to risk having someone get killed.

Skimmer Juice 05-26-2014 03:37 AM

I would recommend getting a small yellow boxfish , takes them a long time to get big. Best personality's IMO.

Taipan 05-26-2014 03:18 PM

If you can track one down - a Flame Hawkfish. Very animated and personable. Most are peaceful and won't stray towards smaller fish/inverts. Like any other fish; it depends on its personality - every fish is different.

tlhood 05-26-2014 04:14 PM

Boxfish are pretty neat, I really want a cowfish. But I wouldn't get one until I upgraded my tank.

Based on suggestions, I am thinking a couple blue chromis (the dark blue with black), a blue damselfish, or a black cap basslet.

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