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Baldy 02-02-2014 09:34 PM

Newly added frag motality rate
Hello all.

A recent frag addition to my tank has gotten me wondering, what percentage of frags that you add to your tanks survive?

I just added 4 frags, 2 head galaxy torch, 10-15 heads pink palys/zoas, 5-7 heads magician zoas, and an acan frag with around 5 heads on it. The galaxy torch and the pink zoas are doing great. The acans have been acting strange. a couple dayas after i added them, they were maybe half inflated again, and held that way for a few more days. I thought maybe it was too much light. Theyre in a lower flow area of my tank. I shaded them and the next day they were way worse. I pulled the shade off before i left for the weekend, and when i got back theres been no change. the skeleton is very much exposed, theres still color around where the mouths would be, just not much.

solving the problem isnt really what im looking for, just wondering if newly purchased frags dying is a fact of life with this hobby or if im doing something wrong that i need to look at. I think i end up about 50-60% of my frags surviving.

Proteus 02-02-2014 11:21 PM

I would think your doin something wrong

SteveCGY 02-02-2014 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus (Post 877720)
I would think your doin something wrong

Agreed, I've lost 2 since I started both were when I first started and my tank water was crap. Other than that I float the bag for like 39 mins than just throw them in

Coral Hoarder 02-02-2014 11:27 PM

Mine is 99% are fine you do get that one on ocation that's freash cut or has some thing eating it and doesn't do well

Aquattro 02-02-2014 11:43 PM

I would say probably trouble with 1 out of 50.

Baldy 02-02-2014 11:54 PM

damn this is disheartening. with this last batch of frags i cna understand as ive allowed my maintenance to slip. the summer/winter i havent done as much as i should, but ive still got coralline growing like crazy, and all the frags that i have are growing fine. nitrate, phos are 0, alk 7 (working on bringing it up), calc 440, mag 1300. i can grow chaeto like crazy, and run gfo and carbon. I use RODI water and h2ocean salt. i dose 3 part BRS suppliments through a marine magic doser. the lighting grows the coral i have great, I just cant figure out what the problem is. maybe my skimmer, it doesnt work very well, but would that alone cause the problems?

Baldy 02-02-2014 11:55 PM

btw, yes now im trying to figure out what the problem is. I was hoping to hear that people had frags die like me, but expected that i have a problem.

Slyguy00 02-03-2014 12:21 AM

Probably 1 out of every 50 coral I might have an issue. And thats usually because it was already in rough shape when I got it. 02-03-2014 01:01 AM

Newly added frag motality rate
Lately the only losses I've had are corals that were rtning when I got them (attempted to bring some back) and even at that I only lose half of those

jason604 02-03-2014 01:11 AM

99% frag surviving rate.ake sure u put the new bag of corals in the tank still closed to temp matches then do a slow drip for about 1hr to acclimate then do a coral dip

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