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Aquattro 09-08-2013 02:19 PM

Tang Growth
So we always hear the rules about Tangs and tank size, because we know Tangs grow really big. Right?
So here's the thing. I've been doing this a long time, always keeping tangs, and not one of them has ever really grown bigger than the day I got it. Example, bought a 4 inch Yellow Tang. 8 years later, still 4 inches.

What's everyone else's experience with this? I did see a Naso that was about a foot long grown from a baby, but never my own tangs. And I feed a lot. Probably too much. I currently have 5 Tangs, none have grown at all.

don.ald 09-08-2013 02:32 PM

Same here, my yellow tangs seem to stay the same size.
I have kole tangs and one was quite small but it's growth has been very minimal...hardly noticeable.
Years ago I purchased a Juvie shoulder tang and it grew no more than two inches, if that, as it matured and grew the shoulder stripe.

The Codfather 09-08-2013 02:36 PM

I would have agreed with you a few months ago, especially with the tangs we normally keep, the yellow, purple, hippo, etc. I have a black spot and a fowleri tang, these two I know have grown a lot in the last 6 months. To the point where they are starting to be quite impressive, I'm starting to hope they slow down.

Myka 09-08-2013 02:39 PM

Most of the "smallish" tangs grow fairly slow. The bigger ones I've seen many grow real fast, like Hippos, Unicorns, Sohols, Vlamingis, Clowns, Nasos, Sailfins, Achilles. I have seen a 10 year old Hippo tang that was only 5" or so, but it was not in good condition. It does seem that (dare I say it) fish kept in smaller tanks tend to grow slower.

reefme 09-08-2013 02:42 PM

Me too. Max. I see is 4"-5". I buy small tangs 2" max. and see they grow.
If you have small tank they will stay small. If you have big tank they will grow big.

Aquattro 09-08-2013 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 843894)
Sailfins, Achilles.

I've got both of these, no growth in 3 years.

typezero 09-08-2013 02:56 PM

My experience with the smaller tangs dont grow much, if most 1"-1 1/1" from the size i bought it. But they do get thick, Arnold in his prime thick. I also feed pretty heavily.

MarkoD 09-08-2013 02:58 PM

After 2 years my Achilles is still the same size as the day I got him. And he's in a large tank and constantly grazing

Myka 09-08-2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 843899)
I've got both of these, no growth in 3 years.

I have a Milli frag with no growth in 2 1/2 years. That doesn't mean Millis don't grow. ;)

marie 09-08-2013 02:59 PM

I have a yellow tang that might have grown an inch in 7 yrs and had an achilles tang that grew from 3" to 10 " in less then 3 yrs.

Right now I have a Naso that has grown approx 4" in less then a year, a powder blue that has barely grown half an inch and a bristlemouth that started out smaller then the powderblue and is now easily twice the my experience there is no rhyme or reason to fish growth :lol:

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