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kien 10-22-2012 05:32 AM

kien 10-22-2012 05:35 AM

kien 10-22-2012 05:37 AM

FTS 2012
The South Face

The North Face

zhasan 10-22-2012 07:48 AM

Wao.. thats some work and the result is just amazing! Stunning looking tank you have! How often do you find yourself working on your tank on a weekly/monthly basis? I'm trying to get an idea of what I'm getting myself into :razz:

kien 10-22-2012 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by zhasan (Post 757062)
Wao.. thats some work and the result is just amazing! Stunning looking tank you have! How often do you find yourself working on your tank on a weekly/monthly basis? I'm trying to get an idea of what I'm getting myself into :razz:

Thanks :-) It has seen better days but it's alright. Could be worse :lol:

This tank has seen all sorts of maintenance schedules over the past 3 years. When I started the tank I was quite religious with the upkeep and would clean the glass every other day and do weekly water changes. I also emptied my skimmer cup every two or three days and frequently made batches of Calcium, Alkalinity and home made fish food.

As time went on I started to get really busy with other things and the tank maintenance took a hit. Everything got pushed back and some chores got skipped :( The tank still hung in there but some of my more delicate corals started to go, sadly.

This past spring I ran into some equipment failures which completely demotivated me because I just didn't have time to fix or replace the equipment and so mostly all of my corals got nuked. My fish were all still fine though so I tweaked my maintenance down to the bare minium. 1. Filling my auto fish feeder, 2. refilling the auto top off reservoir, 3. Cleaning the skimmer cup every weekend. That's pretty much all I did for the past 7 months or so. All of my fish and invertebrates did just fine on just that schedule.

I guess the moral of the story (and the answer to your question is), it depends :-) That is, it depends how complex you want your system to be and how much time and effort you *want* to put in.

daplatapus 10-22-2012 01:36 PM

Well it looks like you've definitely taken some very positive steps in the last little bit. It looks great. Beautiful pics.

fishoholic 10-22-2012 01:38 PM

I really like the aquascape, you can really see the middle tower now and it looks cool! Love the angels!

Delphinus 10-22-2012 03:18 PM

Great pictures as always!

How big are the angels now Kien? Anything that they pick at or are they behaving well? (I see they don't pick at GSP :lol:)

Salt2Death 10-22-2012 03:52 PM

Love it

Sent Via The Pirate Ship...

riceboy 10-22-2012 03:53 PM

is that a new acro i see in there lol

so it has begun :mrgreen:

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