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Ross 11-23-2010 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 567187)
What part of the city do you work in Ross?

I live in Airdrie and comute to Glenmore and 52nd SE

Normally winter comuting isnt that bad, add 10 minutes or so and your fine, but last week was painful.

As for zum14, it's simple, sleep deprivation...

I just wish that the ring road went to glenmore and not stop at 17th ave. If you want to get all the rig traffic off the road, should the road not go to where the rigs are?

I know what would help... another 25million foot bridge with another two 100m away...

Like tossing a Bubble King on a 10 Walmart aquarium.
looks good, but truely could be done alot cheaper and spend money where its truely needed...

Delphinus 11-23-2010 03:59 AM

Lived here my whole life (let's call it 4 decades, it's only a few months shy of the mark). I'm not sure what percentage that puts me in but it's not huge. The irony is that probably more people in town were happy with yesterday's football game than not. :lol: (I couldn't care less BTW but that's another story).

Anyhow. It's been taking me anywhere from 60 to 120 minutes to get to work this last week. My commute is a whopping 8km long.

So .. yeah. I have words to share about this but they're not fit to print.

It snows here. WHO KNEW IT COULD SNOW IN CANADA LET ALONE ALBERTA. Wowee what a news flash. Adjust your maximum speed, leave room ahead of you for braking and slow down on corners. It's not rocket science. Someone posted a rant the other day about people who drive too fast for the sake of 12 minutes and I thought .. well, I sympathize. I really do. You shouldn't have to feel like you're risking your life because of jerks who drive too aggressively when the conditions are suboptimal. I get that fully. But 12 minutes?! 12 minutes when it snows? Holy crap! How nice it would be if snow meant only *12* minutes more to my commute!

Seem to be two kinds of drivers: those are too aggressive, and those that are too fearful. Neither should be on the roads.

That reminds me, I'm missing Canada's Worst Driver right now...

The Grizz 11-23-2010 04:16 AM

I am in the country and walk 40 feet to work :biggrin: but I have been on the hiway heading to calgary on some of the worst days during the winter. Have been almost taken out by almost everything from a smart car to a semi.

I am so glad I don't live in any of the big cities because of the commute's and really feel for all of you and absolutely agree with all of the opinions about the crappy driver's. With my profession there can be a ton of travel and have seen way to many people that should have never been given a license to drive.

Delphinus 11-23-2010 06:54 AM

Don Draper says "What?" :lol:

jorjef 11-23-2010 08:30 PM

WHY DO PEOPLE THINK MY IN-BOX IS MY PHONE....OR MY CALCULATOR...I'm sure they think they're doing me a favor (so I don't miss it) but really...think about it.

michika 11-24-2010 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 567500)
WHY DO PEOPLE THINK MY IN-BOX IS MY PHONE....OR MY CALCULATOR...I'm sure they think they're doing me a favor (so I don't miss it) but really...think about it.

I loathe it when people put things on my chair. To get back at someone who just wouldn't get the hint I started sitting on an exercise ball. Said person then opted for erasing my white board, and taping the paper to it, so damaging the paper and destroying important notes in the process. Go genius level co-workers!

I love my snow tires, I've had them put on my car now three years running, and they were so worth the investment. They make a world of difference on a car with no power steering!

I really want a nice meal with some serious garlic and ginger in it, but it'd be such a bad choice professionally. Why must garlic and ginger be so delicious and savory?!

Rbacchiega 11-24-2010 06:30 PM

debating just not comig back from the next trip to the states.

Madreefer 11-24-2010 08:05 PM

Rich Coleman with a smug look on his big fat face on Global news all proud of himself 'cause he seized 2 cars worth 200k and auctioning them off. Give higher traffic fines or jail time if they want to street race. B.C. may be beautiful but sure starting to feel like a communist province.

Rbacchiega 11-25-2010 03:04 AM

Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal! Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal! ting ting ting....

lastlight 11-25-2010 03:05 AM

HAHA. I wish I had no idea what you're talking about but sadly I *did* view that clip as well. Damn you facebook...damn you!

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