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lockrookie 07-23-2012 06:21 AM

noone wants to see dead frags either i hve to remove some failed attempts.

lockrookie 07-23-2012 11:22 PM

quick vid of the 180 as it is today definately need more corals sooooon

click on pic for this vid this was done before livestock

and this one on youtube as it is today

Snaz 07-24-2012 12:08 AM

Video +1 and commented.

lockrookie 07-24-2012 02:56 AM

thanks snaz for the comment as well. i see so many nice tanks out therein here andall over. i had so many ideas that i threw them all together since i couldnt decide. still lots to do andim glad to be able to share it with everyone

lockrookie 07-25-2012 06:39 AM

tonight i plugged in the calcium reactor.. it has a bit of a leak i will tend to later just a drip really.. my calcium was at 320 before startup so in 24 hours i will check and see where its at.. i did it at the slowest rate to start for fear of overdose and will adjust as needed. hopefully it works and i can grow me some sps..

also in the news im putting together a skimmate resevoir tonight if i can find some silicone. this way i have additional gunk storage incase i go away (wishfull thinking) and i won thave to worry about an overflow issue.. eventually i will put a float switch on it to shut down the skimmer just incase of skimmer flu and it upchucks on me.

i was informed as well that the curve 9 may be here this week or early next week and i will start my guessing since i didnt hear from aqua-digital it will be the unauthorised version.. so be it heres to hopeing im satisfied... i will most likely post some pics on my thread. but will make its own thread for questions comments anyone may have.. if i dont know the answers i will try to find out the answer iven if i have to contact BM themselves somehow. im hopefull that this skimmerwill perform. it is infact the first "new" skimmer ive purchased.. other than the seaclone 100 that suffered a very painful end.. still peeved about wasting money on that after 4 years.

anyways thats all for tonight will post picsof my skimmate collection cup . i have an idea for it that i hope works.. thanks for lookin

gregzz4 07-25-2012 07:44 AM

Following along and wanting to see how your Ca reactor works out

Hope your skimmer works out too :wink:

I wanted to say something stellar, but I can only come up with ...

Momma, momma I'm comin' home !!!

lockrookie 07-25-2012 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 733380)
Following along and wanting to see how your Ca reactor works out

Hope your skimmer works out too :wink:

I wanted to say something stellar, but I can only come up with ...

Momma, momma I'm comin' home !!!

im hoping it works out too i hate wasting money.. and if the skimmer is crap well....i will be violent lol

as for comment at this time

gregzz4 07-25-2012 08:17 AM

Ya, I know how you feel ...

I could let you have a go at some stuff I haven't smashed yet if you like ... ya know, the kind of things that don't stick to hammers ....

More pics of your build please :mrgreen:

lockrookie 07-25-2012 08:30 AM

i wish i had more pics .. haven't done much just waiting on things..but o appease you i will leave you with someone elses build cause it sure as sh... not me

gregzz4 07-25-2012 08:40 AM

Better watch that, or I'll have to come over there and do something ... :mrgreen:

Umm, not me either ..... :wink:

lockrookie 07-28-2012 04:58 AM

so ive always wanted to do this with skimmers puking and contaminating the tank or overflowing cause i forgot to empty the cup. but mostly if i go away for a weekend or 2 weeks i want to be able to not worry about an overfowing skimmer cup. so i made a glass box 8"x 9" by 12" high drilled a hole for a valve and a hole on thetp ofthe cube.. but i wanted a lid so after posting jancame through fro me andgot me a large pickle jar that was perfect.. cut the top off of it attached it to the top of my box and voila i have a skimmate overflow container.. now i will have skimmate on tap for all those future reefing bbq's in the future.

here it is just need to make a quick stand for it and its ready to go for when the new skimmer arrives..

i will be drilling into the cap for hookups and later a float switchto shut down skimmer in case of overflow or random skimmer issue.. butfor now it is what it is

thanks for looking

fishytime 07-28-2012 05:09 AM

well, your a crafty bugger aren't cha?:biggrin:

lockrookie 07-28-2012 05:21 AM

lol ya i guess.. why buy something when you can recycle..and i still have glass laying around...whats next... coast to coast frag tank??? with waterfall into QT tank.. mmmm maybe :)

lockrookie 07-31-2012 03:55 AM

im really hoping my new BM curve 9 skimmer shows up tomorrow and that it performs like its rated.(think the worst he for the best) i will still post in my build thead and a seperate thread my review of this skimmer. all in all im just excited to be trying something out of my comfort zone.

as well new bulbs should be here shortly. im planning on re wireing the lights so that i can unplug them close to the fixture then move the balasts to a close by closet to help with some heat issues ive been having. with the ballasts under the stand and no fans under there it get quite warm during the day.

gregzz4 07-31-2012 05:50 AM

Looks like a great skimmer

Like the overflow tank you built

Keep us posted ...

lockrookie 08-01-2012 03:07 AM

bulbs and skimmer hath arrived ..yeah!! my first impression of the skimmer is this.. i quote "HOLY BLEEP the box is huge.." and now i forsee some modifications to my sump. will post pics later and also begin my review of this skimmer. i havent heard from A-D on that matter not that i really care at this point.(long story) i was told, to get my answers to my question, is to review this skimmer.. so that is what i intend to do even thou it would have been much simpler for the distributer just to answer my questions. anyways that will all be in my review thread .. back to the important stuff yeah new bulbs for both tanks and a skimmer woo hoo.. off to do a photo shoot...

lockrookie 08-01-2012 06:53 AM

my new skimmer that i cant fit into my sump...yet lol a little modification and we will be good to go

Coralgurl 08-03-2012 03:57 PM

Great looking skimmer, been following your review....not that I need a skimmer but its interesting.

Can you post a pic on how you notched out your stand? I can't get my skimmer out either, and I either have to cut a notch out of the sump or completely drain it and push it out the end of the stand. I like the drawer idea and I think I'll look into it, there's no way to get the sump out of the stand without draining everything.

lockrookie 08-03-2012 04:58 PM

i can.. its not pretty lol my stand is made of all wood and i believe yours is made of metal.. i was able to quietly...(as quiet as one can be with a hand saw) .. cut a chunk out of the hindering 2x6. then i had to remove the water level control valve to manipulate it into position andcarefully twist and adjust until the fellinto place ..then i had to assembl the skimmer in a 112" x 12" area lol it took me, after cutting the 2x6 30 to 45 min to get the body then skimmer together. maybe longer with various curse words leading the way. but i will post a pic for you as ugly as it is .. i haveno shame hehe

Coralgurl 08-03-2012 05:49 PM

Ya, my stand is steel, so there's no cutting there. My only option for removal right now is to drain and slide, but it makes me nervous to do this as the sump ages....I haven't done a flood test since adding in all the equipment to see how much of a difference it makes for levels if I were to notch the sump.

I love ghetto fixes, you are probably the only one who would even notice how it looks, others will just oooo and ahhh over the tank :lol:

lockrookie 08-03-2012 06:03 PM

well yes and no skimmer king has a good idea about rolling the sump you just have to make sure you have room for rollers. i do have one other suggestion for you if you have the room you could plumb a second tank into your sump and have that tank just for the skimmer it can be hidden in a cabinet beside the main tank...which candouble asstrage for tank stuff..if you have the space for it

lockrookie 08-05-2012 04:35 AM

skimmer is installed barely but we got there. took a bit to get it to settle down and running ..decentlly pleased. also hooked up my resevoir. i can sleep easier at night knowing it wont puke on the floor of the stand. i stillhave to pickup some float switches for backup. but over all pleased. nuff babbling here arethe pics

gregzz4 08-05-2012 04:47 AM

Like that green beer keg :smile:

lockrookie 08-05-2012 04:48 AM

its my fish poop slushi maker

lockrookie 08-12-2012 06:56 AM

so in trying to get a pic of my toadstool everyone came out to play

fishytime 08-12-2012 02:08 PM

holy hydnophora batman! that colony is huge!

lockrookie 08-12-2012 10:28 PM

yes it is ill see if i can find a pic of what it started as for ya

lockrookie 08-12-2012 11:05 PM

here is what it was when i got it in 09 off another reefer...

lockrookie 08-16-2012 04:57 AM

mooooore pictures of old and new additions in the tank

old stock

duncan started out as 3 heads


fuzzy shrooms and palys

paly and zoa rock

pearl bubble coral isnt as happy these days hopefully it perks up

frogspawn again not so happy may have to adjust placment

lockrookie 08-16-2012 05:05 AM

new stuff

thanks to some kind reefers

galaxy coral

unkown sps colony

green palys from jan cant rememer the name

capt colby from shroom

unknown monti i thnk possible superman with blue base red polyp

green fuzzy stick

green torch

gregzz4 08-16-2012 05:16 AM

I want that torch :wink:

Skimmerking 08-16-2012 04:53 PM

looking good Jeff really liking the tank

lockrookie 08-16-2012 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 737777)
I want that torch :wink:

it is a cool torch but ya cant have it


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 737855)
looking good Jeff really liking the tank

thanks bud ill try and get a fts since its been over a month that its been running.before and after pics lol hoping to see your soon all fixed up

lockrookie 08-17-2012 04:08 AM

fts 2 months in

fishytime 08-17-2012 04:10 AM

looks seamless, now that the background has colored up:thumb:

gregzz4 08-17-2012 04:23 AM

May we see it from the ends ?

lockrookie 08-17-2012 04:25 AM

sure tomorrow.. lights are off now

lockrookie 08-17-2012 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 738063)
looks seamless, now that the background has colored up:thumb:

yeah im quite pleased how it turned out i will be honest and was scared it was going to look like a bad stage background from a high school musical...

lpsreefer 08-17-2012 04:36 AM

does your trigger nip at any of your corals?

lockrookie 08-17-2012 04:43 AM

not as of yet but i avoid things like clams... and snails an crabs he likes to toss around the tank but for the most part he is good and likes to come and nudge me to pet him im still nervous tho i fear his bite.. in the 90 i failed to glue down a frag and he and the regal played catch with it both flung it around the tank untill i glued it.. lil buggers

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