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cuz 01-13-2012 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan (Post 670693)
Here is a new acro I picked up today locally.

sweet plug!!lol

Ryan 01-13-2012 04:57 AM

If you want brett I can talk to my source and see what he will charge for a frag. His came right from Greg I was there when he bought it. I will be up next weekend (21st)

Ryan 01-13-2012 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by cuz (Post 670721)
sweet plug!!lol

I realliken Larry! Sit nice on the sand and they are small enough to sit in a groove on LR. Then acros encrust you cant even tell its on a plug.

lastlight 01-13-2012 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan (Post 670728)
If you want brett I can talk to my source and see what he will charge for a frag. His came right from Greg I was there when he bought it. I will be up next weekend (21st)

Ryan please do thanks so much =) You and I can have a grow off it'll be more fun than a sleepover!

Ryan 01-13-2012 05:35 AM

I passed the word on for ya Brett. You should have an PM from him soon.

Ryan 01-20-2012 02:29 AM

Went out to run some errands and stopped in at the LFS. With a Calgary trip saturday I didnt think I would find anything that caught my eye.....

But this is always a good thing when you come home right? 2 more Banggai Cardinals, 2x Ricordia, and 2x .......... NEON GOBIES!!!!! I am so excited to find 2 more.

Ryan 01-20-2012 03:40 AM

Well here they are, freshly introduced into the tank.

This piece has about 5 heads

Ryan 01-22-2012 04:54 AM

So after a trip to calgary I picked up a new light fixture. I picked up a TEK 6 Bulb off Lorenz0 and plan on adding a pair of Reef Bright LED strips to it so I can pop colors.

I also picked up some live goodies!!

I found 2 Scarlet Reef Hermits at Big Al's which was pretty exciting as I have been looking for them for a while. I would like to add another 8 eventually but we will see how well behaved these 2 are. I also was able to pick up a sand sifting star to help the nassarius stir the sand.

I also picked up a couple of the Walt Smith pieces from Red Coral. One is a Teal A. humilis and the other is a Pink with Blue tips Tabling Acro. I have this same species in yellow with blue tips but the small frag that survived when the colony RTN hasnt done much. Hopefully this frag grows fast.

Last but not least and defiantly a great score is a Yasha Hase (sp?) goby from Pisces! Sorry guys no picture as he darted into the rocks as soon as he hit the water. I hope I actually get to see him once he sets up shop. They also had a Golden Angel I wanted but with the cloudy eyes I was very hesitant and left it there. Oh I wanted him so badly though!

Didnt pick this up today but here is an acro I picked up last week. Doesnt look like the colony but we will see.

Well thats my little update for the week. BTW sorry for the Iphone pictures.

Ryan 01-22-2012 04:58 AM

Forgot to mention My Bangaii Cardinals paired off I beleive and have sent 2 into the Corners of the tank. So I have 2 up for sale or trade if anyone is interested. They have different looking Jaw lines but I am not forsure if they are male and female.

Also my 2 little Neon Gobies paired up I think. They have staked claim under a rock and forced a Porcelain Crab out of his home. The other Neon Goby kinda makes the odd appearance in the tank during feeding.

I would like to see if I can raise the young if they lay eggs. I need to research this a little more, I know there is a member here that has bred them just cant remember who it was now.

Ryan 01-26-2012 02:12 AM

Actinic Shots

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