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StirCrazy 12-10-2009 10:42 PM


Parker 12-10-2009 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by parkinsn (Post 471460)
i cant even see the lines on the roads.....

I've driven in Calgary many times... it doesn't matter if you guys can see the lines or not.. you still drive like maniacs! :lol::mrgreen:

PoonTang 12-11-2009 11:54 PM

Never try to buy snow tires the day before a big snowstorm.

Myka 12-12-2009 12:03 AM

My eyes are burrrrrrrrrning!!!

Skimmerking 12-12-2009 12:32 AM

Not a bad spot in the hour, for a bunch of old fella's to be going on home out of this.


just as well as we go on home out of this, cause there nothing for me to do tonight BYE.

it be a day day if it wasn't raining .....


If ya ain't got it on, you can't put it on :biggrin:

lastlight 12-12-2009 05:22 AM

Mike what in the HELL?

Are you SURE you're ok to send me payment tonight? I'm scared you might add on a few extra ze...

Mike have another beer and fire up that email money transfer bud =)

muck 12-12-2009 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 471885)
Mike what in the HELL?

Are you SURE you're ok to send me payment tonight? I'm scared you might add on a few extra ze...

Mike have another beer and fire up that email money transfer bud =)

Let me guess... Mike saw you were selling a skimmer? :lol:

Zoaelite 12-18-2009 07:21 PM

REMIND ME TO NEVER PURCHASE AN OCEAN RUNNER PUMP AGAIN god what a piece of %&#ing garbage!!!! This stupid thing has gotten me electrocuted 4 times already tonight. Also, if you think your power outlet is wet but want to check it works don't try and listen for the electricity by sticking it close to your ear... This will only leave you shocked and confused, you also might find an ass shaped hole in your wall from where you spasmed, tripped and fell backwords...
[/end rant]

muck 12-18-2009 07:32 PM

lol... pics or video please? :lol:

Zoaelite 12-18-2009 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by muck (Post 473695)
lol... pics or video please? :lol:

Already patched it up, I would pay $100,000 to get a video of it then I could finally rival single ladies gone wrong on youtube for the worlds funniest video.

Here's the link for anyone that wants a quick laugh.

and the wall

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