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Delphinus 12-09-2008 06:59 PM

Those ARE amazing. :eek: WOW.

Do you know anything about the wrecks? Ie., what ships were they and when were they sunk? The steel one doesn't really look that old to me. I assume the cannons are from something WAY older.

And .. oh .. said it before but man the gorgonian diversity is amazing, love those seafans and seawhips. The brains too. Those Diploria brains look like ... well, real brains. :lol: It's too bad we can get frags of those in the hobby. Oh well, it's probably better that they be protected like that.

argan 12-09-2008 07:15 PM

Love the Sebae Anemones! And the Turtle shots wow.

You are getting really good at picture composition:painting:

cprowler 12-09-2008 08:01 PM

I'm not sure about the bay it's just down from the ship terminal. The 3 ships have only been there 5 years or so I would guess, they also had some things for snorkelers to check out in a bit shallower water. They just scattered some anchors and other stuff like the cannon in the bay to make a boring sandy bay into a interesting snorkeling/dive location loaded with life and fish.

Here are two shots before the second dive (nice and sunny), the two after the 60 minute dive (rainy) and some snorkelers arrived in that time.

cprowler 12-13-2008 01:40 AM

Just back in town from work again so here is St. Lucia.

It was not a very nice day when we were there, with the overcast skies and reduced light I didn't get many shots but I did get a few.

They had these fluorescent blue sponges that almost glowed that I thought were kind of cool.

fishoholic 12-13-2008 02:34 AM

WOW! Thank-you for all the eye candy! You took some really amazing pictures, I'm glad you shared them :biggrin: Keep them coming!

Doo 12-13-2008 03:04 AM

Fantastic pictures - great job - thank you for sharing :)

Marlin65 12-13-2008 03:11 AM

Very nice I think you are ready for a DSLR with duel strobes.:wink:
First class pictures mine never turn out that great.
Very much enjoyed them.

cprowler 12-13-2008 05:47 AM

I'm glad you guys liked them, I was wondering if I was boring everyone. Three more dive sites to go....

Snappy 12-13-2008 07:04 AM

Those pictures are spectacular!!!! Thank you for sharing.:mrgreen:

hillegom 12-13-2008 07:15 AM

Never boring, always looking forward to more

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