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TheReefGeek 07-25-2006 03:37 PM

I think they died from the decay from the feeder aiptasia.
I only fed one small aiptasia per day though, and syphoned out any remains the next day, but with such a small water volume the decay was probably too much, so everyone with berghias left should be carefull of that.

I also fed some aiptasia "bits", maybe stick with whole aiptasias so they are alive and not decaying right away?

muck 07-25-2006 03:38 PM

What was the water temp you had them in Rory?

Funky_Fish14 07-25-2006 06:43 PM

I did the aiptasia harvesting thing(torn feet though) too, and I did get bits and decay left over, which I took out after a day, and they were still fine.

Currently adding 6ml of water to their container every 7-9hrs.


TheReefGeek 07-25-2006 10:05 PM

Water temp was 80

Funky_Fish14 07-25-2006 10:07 PM

Hmm, that could be a little high for them. A couple years ago, I lost a lettuce nudi at 81, and another assorted nudi at 83. Not sure if that coupled with anything else might be the cause?


TheReefGeek 07-25-2006 10:51 PM

I wouldn't think so, because people's tanks get to 82 and 84 all the time, and nowhere in my reading said they were particularly temperature senstative compared to other reef creatures.

If 80 is too high I would have suspected warnings from vendors about this, or in my other reading.

Not saying you are wrong though, it could be, I just hope not or else the nudibranch colonies in many people's tanks would be whipped out so easily.

Psyire 07-26-2006 12:33 AM

My tank temp hovers right around 81 and these guys are crawling around and now laying eggs! I take this as a good sign...

Funky_Fish14 07-26-2006 01:45 AM

Im suggesting the 'slightly higher' temperature coupled with something else might have been the cause..

Dabbler 07-26-2006 02:04 PM

Well my tank made it to 82 and I thought mine were goners...but my wife (doublette) saw one cruising around last night. I hope the others made it

Psyire 08-03-2006 05:12 AM

How are other people's nudi's doing?

I went away for 5 days and have since been back for 2 and haven't seen any trace of them. (not sure if they are just out late at night or not)

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