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Trabby 11-05-2010 08:16 PM

Gotta love getting new appliances!!
Moving old stove out.... Cleaning dust bunnies... Collecting numerous pieces of Lego and other treasures....mopping floor.... Moving shiney new stove into place. Time spent .. About an hour

Removing the stupid energy star label off the front grrrrrrr..well over an hour!!

Does it really need to be a nasty industrial strength sticker???

sphelps 11-05-2010 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Trabby (Post 562299)
Gotta love getting new appliances!!
Moving old stove out.... Cleaning dust bunnies... Collecting numerous pieces of Lego and other treasures....mopping floor.... Moving shiney new stove into place. Time spent .. About an hour

Removing the stupid energy star label off the front grrrrrrr..well over an hour!!

Does it really need to be a nasty industrial strength sticker???

Did you use a razor blade? Worked like a charm for me.

Rbacchiega 11-06-2010 09:33 PM

thank god I'm leaving here soon. 17 year old is about to cause me to seriously consider assault charges

michika 11-06-2010 09:42 PM

Why is showing up on time a difficult concept? I hire a company, we set a date and time, company fails to show, doesn't call. Company just showed up 7.5 hours late and is angry at me because I just did the job myself, to quote "you're stealing food out of my children's mouths".

Really? REALLY?!

So yeah 2x dump run = $43 + 1 cup of coffee for the spider killer > guy to haul debris to dump for $300. I was willing to pay because I know there were spiders in the reno debris and spiders are scary.

Myka 11-06-2010 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 562526)
Why is showing up on time a difficult concept? I hire a company, we set a date and time, company fails to show, doesn't call. Company just showed up 7.5 hours late and is angry at me because I just did the job myself, to quote "you're stealing food out of my children's mouths".

Really? REALLY?! :eek:

Rbacchiega 11-07-2010 01:57 AM

see, aparently showing up on time IS a problem for more people than I thought. Our shop opens at the you tell me how it's so hard to show up even 15 minutes before open. NOOOOOOOO, you walk in at 4 pm and act like its no big deal...then throw a hissy fit when boss (your father) tells you that no, you can't tattoo your friend today because you havn't done enough work during the week to warrant you stomp your feet and tell him to bleep off and start throwing your pencils around. Grow up.

Wow, sorry...end rant.

lastlight 11-07-2010 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 562586)
see, aparently showing up on time IS a problem for more people than I thought. Our shop opens at the you tell me how it's so hard to show up even 15 minutes before open. NOOOOOOOO, you walk in at 4 pm and act like its no big deal...then throw a hissy fit when boss (your father) tells you that no, you can't tattoo your friend today because you havn't done enough work during the week to warrant you stomp your feet and tell him to bleep off and start throwing your pencils around. Grow up.

Wow, sorry...end rant.

I think she needs to handle your zoas and palys. Just sayin'...

Lance 11-07-2010 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 562627)
I think she needs to handle your zoas and palys. Just sayin'...

.......and don't forget the bristle worms!

lorenz0 11-07-2010 06:54 AM

LPS, I think I am addicted to you

michika 11-07-2010 02:48 PM

The cookies I have, you know the ones you get when you join the Dark Side, got eaten before I could get to them.

Also I can't wait for lunch, I'm hungry already.

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