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Nano 05-31-2012 09:23 PM

Well I have lined up the sps I was after! now... where do I put them??
Help me place them (haven't picked them up but wanted time to kind of plan it out. I will post pictures of the colonies the frags are coming from for color reference, one frag isn't pictured, Garf Bonsai
Here is the tank (obviously) :lol:Circled in red is where colonies are starting to grow in. Do I really have room??:lol::twised:
Here are the mother colonies. frags will be 1"+

Nano 06-01-2012 01:35 AM

Bump, anyone wanna help a brother out :lol:

Borderjumper 06-01-2012 02:21 AM

How about building your rock up a little higher? that would give you another level for corals... You have way too much unused glass space too.. Magnets!:mrgreen:

Nano 06-01-2012 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Borderjumper (Post 720881)
How about building your rock up a little higher? that would give you another level for corals... You have way too much unused glass space too.. Magnets!:mrgreen:

haha thought about it.. not quite sure yet... I have a frag rach I might have to put them on temporarily til' if figure out a solution

Nano 06-05-2012 03:59 AM

Well if anyones still following :lol: tomorrow is going to be picture day :D picked up a 6 line on Saturday he'd very nice :) likes to come to the turkey baster to be fed. He has found a little cave that he has called home 3 nights in a row and seems to go to bed every night at 9:45 LOL weirdo. I like this little guy a lot he gets along great with every one but is a bit shy with sudden movements around the tank, probably still adjusting to the new surroundings

Nano 06-06-2012 12:39 AM

A few new corals I picked up on saturday, not the greatest pictures
pictures definitely dont do justice
Purple Bonsai (Garf)
can't remember the other kinds here
this one looks bleached but its actually like a sky blue color, again just my "epic" camera skills.

and here is the result of eggcrate over a tank long term... Tan lines on my monti, time to buy a screen kit.

gregzz4 06-06-2012 02:50 AM

Nice additions

Guess I'd better build a screen before I get too many corals :smile:

Nano 06-07-2012 04:34 PM

well we're in the process of HOUSE HUNTING!!!! :D:D:D
This is super exciting, and while I don't know when we actually intend to buy, I do know one thing... There will be a larger tank in the future after all.

I want to do a 3'x3'x2' Cube with all the stuff contained in a sump room.
It will have glass eurobracing to have the "rimless look" with out all the mess.
I have been thinking about this for months since starting my current tank, as to how I would go about doing a larger version of it, and this is what I came up with.

Starfire on 3 sides
External overflow, to maximize tank space
custom DIY LEDs with mounts
and here are some mock ups of the LED configuration I drew up last night.

I will likely do DIY Leds and try to copy the AI Vega, but more in the Sol's style
here is the mounting system I am toying with

Double support Approach

Personaly I like the 2 bar approach better it looks more supportive as well as balanced. The tank i have planned is 3'x'3'x2' cube so having about 1 1/2 years to plan before I under take it gives me lots of time to tinker. This is just what I came up with last night. The round bar would more then likely be 1" square tubing its just easier to bend round tubing in my program. Kinda gives you a general idea of what I am thinking anyway. the tank would be about 135g and i would rather have more light then I need and just dim rather then not enough.

The leds I am thinking would be CREE
Cool white 6500k or higher
Royal Blue
and a couple reds for sunset/sunrise as well as nocturnal viewing.

anyways thats just a dream for now, but its a plan as well so this is even better. plus I have the go ahead from the Mrs. when the time comes :D

lockrookie 06-07-2012 04:52 PM

if you can stick with round bar that looks great.. i wish i had cad skills lol

Nano 06-07-2012 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 722550)
if you can stick with rund bar that looks great.. i wish i had cad skills lol

:P thanks took some design schooling in the evening back when I did drywall.. never pursued it though. meh..

I like the round bar as well

I plan on editing it a bit further to make the whole fixture enclosed in acrylic so it has a manufactured look to it. now depending on the color scheme of the house, and the color of the stand will determine the color of the light casing and mount arm. I personally hope to go with white, but we'll see

Nano 06-15-2012 04:53 AM

New Camera! Now... Time to start playing around figuring things out :)
well I got my new Nikon D3000 today, so far, DSLR's are a hell of a lot different then my point and shoot P500. With a little playing around I managed to take 2 decent shots so far. now I just have to keep experimenting with lighting and settings til' I get it right. This is just the stock 18-55mm lens so macros are still a bit trick ATM... heres one of the clown(s) and one of the Bangai Cardinal (Finnegan) ;)

scubadawg 06-15-2012 05:39 AM

Looking good so far, just have to start playing with your WB settings

Next purchase

and a collapsible lens hood.


Enigma 06-15-2012 04:14 PM

Nice pics. :)

How about another tank shot . . . with your nice new DSLR.

Nano 06-15-2012 04:32 PM

haha will do tonight :)

Gotta clean the glass its in a real embarrassing state :P

Nano 06-16-2012 12:53 AM

Still working on getting a good fts shot, but got a few nice-ish close ups

didnt even turn off the pumps :)

Enigma 06-16-2012 12:55 AM

Very nice!

Nano 06-17-2012 02:34 AM

not an FTS
My beautiful little baby

Enigma 06-17-2012 02:35 AM

What a pretty little thing! She's got a bit of a Mona-Lisa-Smile going on. :) and the photo is great.

Nano 06-22-2012 02:40 AM

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgr een::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Got My RO!
It says it has mixed back Deionization Filter in it as well, does this mean its ro/di?

Enigma 06-22-2012 02:45 AM

Yup. That is green DI resin in the canister.

Usually it is the last stage of filtration: after the RO membrane. The difference in this setup is that you can't "T" the line off to collect RO water and RO/DI water separately. That's fine for your aquarium water, but I wouldn't drink the RO/DI water.

Enigma 06-22-2012 02:50 AM

Oh! Looking at the tubing in the photo, it looks like you will be able to. It runs from the second canister to the RO membrane, and I assume from the RO membrane to the DI canister.

Just ignore me. :lol:

Nano 06-22-2012 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Enigma (Post 725909)
Just ignore me. :lol:


Thanks Shelley, it looks like you can drain before the DI resin

Nano 07-08-2012 10:02 PM

Well my scooter blenny of all fish went carpet surfing today, the one day I take the lid off. Ugh... What a bummer he was my favorite fish.

gregzz4 07-09-2012 07:44 PM

Sorry about your Blennie

Get your RO/DI running yet ?

Nano 07-09-2012 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 729682)
Sorry about your Blennie

Get your RO/DI running yet ?

Thanks its a real bummer.... No not yet been to lazy :P

Enigma 07-09-2012 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 729497)
Well my scooter blenny of all fish went carpet surfing today, the one day I take the lid off. Ugh... What a bummer he was my favorite fish.


Nano 07-16-2012 04:17 AM

Well quick update, no pictures tonight, maybe tomorrow.

Rearranged the aquascape into a cove, and sucked out 10lbs of sand, I can see some BB so over the next week or 2 I hope to suck out the rest and keep it BB for a bit and then decide whether or not to add a thin layer of white sand. Also got a new scooter blenny, this one is much fatter then my old one, and he eats pellets, flakes, and mysis! So this one shouldn't be as picky as the old who would only eat mysis. Still miss the little bugger.

Also after 7 days of no poops from the little one(baby) she decided to fill three diapers and a onesie tonight... Lol bath time, looks like my hands won't be going in the tank for a day or 2

Nano 07-17-2012 12:21 AM

not that anyone is following anymore, BUT..

I'm online so I figured I'm due for an update. here are a couple of shots I took, after rearranging the aquascape, as well as picking up a few new sps
here is the top down shot, cant get a good FTS right now, cause my baby is asleep in my lounging chair lol....
Purple/pink acro
Green acro with purple tips and green polyps
mixed zoa colony
and a decent shot I snapped of the frogspawn

gregzz4 07-17-2012 12:34 AM

:boink: I'm still subscribed

Lookin' really nice

Can't wait to see some lighter sand in there

Coralgurl 07-17-2012 12:42 AM

Lovin this tank! Looks really good! I still like the black sand but if it's gotta go, it's gotta go!

Proteus 07-17-2012 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 731332)
Well quick update, no pictures tonight, maybe tomorrow.

Rearranged the aquascape into a cove, and sucked out 10lbs of sand, I can see some BB so over the next week or 2 I hope to suck out the rest and keep it BB for a bit and then decide whether or not to add a thin layer of white sand

I suck out the sand from my tank and cleaned it through a strainer. Keeping only the coarse. I barely have 1/4 on bottom but I really like it. Easy to keep clean. I have a conch and two peanut snails that agitate it daily.

Nano 07-17-2012 12:48 AM

yeah its gotta go. not causing any issues other then showing everything that lands on it. and it doesnt reflect any light, so i made up my mind. get it all out over a few water changes, then bare bottom for a bit to see if i'm up to the maintenance, and if not, then maybe like 1/2-1" of white sand. its a bummer, I love the black sand. on the bright side, I only have about 30lbs left to take out :lol: could be a while.

noirsphynx 07-17-2012 05:05 AM

Looks awesome!

Nano 07-21-2012 10:25 PM

Anyone wanna help rearrange the aquascape? Lol I am afraid to move things and break the sps. But it needs to happen.

Proteus 07-21-2012 10:38 PM

Let me know what u end up with for accidental frags lol

Nano 07-21-2012 10:40 PM

Lol. I might have to move all the coral to a bucket for a bit.

Nano 07-22-2012 12:12 AM

Ok so the aquascape is changed up. I'll post a few pics when everything's done being ticked at me.

Nano 07-22-2012 06:14 PM

Ok so i tried to get picks of all the new sps, but only got 2 or 3 good ones so i will just post those for now. I think once I get the rest of the sand out I'll play around with the rocks a bit more, cause I'm still not 100% satisfied with in :lol: what a headache.. shot pics in raw, but I think the zoas look a bit too saturated IMO
anyway here we go, start with some zoas I have had for a while, just tossed them all in a pile.
top down tank shot can you see the BB? I CAN! :D
Red Convexa (sp?)
not sure
Salty Nuts

gregzz4 07-22-2012 09:00 PM

Like that top down
Do we get a FTS ?

Nano 07-22-2012 09:08 PM

I cant seem to take one with my dslr like I could with my old point and shoot, it keeps coming out blurry and over exposed :( i am working on it :)

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