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fishoholic 10-20-2011 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Oilers (Post 643674)
I am in for the tour but out for the dinner. I'll be driving my own car as well. Thank you Howdy for coming up with a great idea and your time and effort in putting it together as well. THANK YOU!!!

A big part of the fun of the tank tour is hanging out in the limo and getting to know everyone. I recommend leaving your car at Neal's and joining everyone in the limo. Also that way you don't have to worry about getting lost etc. FYI the limo ride is free, but we usually give Neal $10 each towards gas and as a thank-you for driving us.

Myka 10-20-2011 12:56 AM

You guys can come see my tank! :D ;)

In all seriousness though, I'm jealous you guys are all doing this. Sounds like a blast!!! ...And Neal has 30 tanks up and running?? He's waaay worse than me and Grizz for tank collecting! :p

Wayne 10-20-2011 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by BlueTang<3 (Post 643657)
I have to go to work on sunday to catch up before back to school. If you want to come over just send me a message anytime.

Oh you know I will, going to have to do it soon before the snow flys and I get busy :lol:

howdy20012002 10-20-2011 02:49 AM

Hey all.
so we have 7 including myself???
i hope the numbers go up, or else everyone will be be to lay down and have a nap in the limo between houses.
and Myka, most of the tanks are 20 gallon breeding tanks with clown pairs in isn't as bad as it sounds. (although I still do have a I am still in the middle of setting up everything. I have been working my ass off trying to have more up and running for this weekend..but university and working keep getting in the way of my plans.
Oilers, I dont' mind at all doing this, it is interesting seeing each other peoples tanks.
i have been doing this know for about 4 - 5 years, and I still feel I know so little.
so it is always a plus to learn what other people do.
plus it is lots of fun too.

fishoholic 10-20-2011 04:30 AM

Only 7? I count: 11

Fishoholic x2

Alang x2

Sgreen x2

Fencer x1

Oilers x1

Edmontonewbies x2

Wayne x2? (I think they're still going)

There are other members who said earlier they wanted to come, not sure if they still do or not:

Mark (who's tank I would love to see again HINT HINT)

Mechaninano and maybe? Badfish

Flash x2



howdy20012002 10-20-2011 04:41 AM

I was going off the people who have confirmed recently.
anyhows, it doesn't really matter either way. we will still do this.

here is the new timeline than:

Meet at my house at 12 pm
leave at 1230 pm
arrive at Lauries at 1245 pm
leave Lauries at 130 pm
arrive at Alang - 2 pm
leave at Alang at 245 pm.
back at my house just after 3.
dinner at coliseum steakhouse ?? not sure what time cause 3 is pretty early

let me know what you think.

fishoholic 10-20-2011 04:58 AM

We need to start at 12:30 we were actually going to ask for an eariler start cause Doug has to drive back to Calgary and pack up all his stuff before he leaves on Sunday. We won't be able to go to Lenny's if we start any later. Also if it starts to late I'm not sure if we'll bother going in the limo since it would just be to your place then back to mine and that would suck, plus I want to see Lenny's tank!

howdy20012002 10-20-2011 05:39 AM

changed the times.
not sure about dinner though cause we should be done around 3 which is pretty early for dinner.

fishoholic 10-20-2011 10:52 AM

Cool thanks. Also for the people who wanted to have dinner I bet most of them would be willing to meet back at 6pm for it. Also if you have dinner at 6 Steve can close up and head over and be at the collisum steak house in a few mintues.

Once everything is confirmed (hope everyone is ok with 12pm if not 12:30 is ok just 2 is too late) Neal maybe you could update your first post with the date/time schedule and your address so it's easy for everyone to find :biggrin:

fencer 10-20-2011 01:35 PM

No I can't go but I might join you for supper

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