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Chaloupa 11-26-2010 07:49 PM

Sump; (it's about 175 gallons running capacity is around 140)

Bubble King

Most of the tangs;


Chaloupa 11-26-2010 07:56 PM

Green Brain from CUBEMAN with of course, the Tennenti. It's either the Tennenti or the Naso that's in all the pictures, all the time! of the many corals I still have to get pics of....yes, I know, you WON'T hold your breathe. Good thing, many of you would have perished LONG AGO :lol:

Orange Shoulder and friends...

Chaloupa 11-26-2010 08:09 PM

As you can see, there is still a few projects to be completed. We just had the bottom of the stand "fixed" by a local carpenter/customer. It was very very poorly done. So, will take a couple shots of it, and it is much improved.

We also still have to build the "cabinet" around the sump. Too many kids with things in their hands that could drop, walk by the tank better safe than sorry. On the refugium side, there will be a window in front and possibly overhead to view the animals we hope to have in there.

The refugium side of the sump is FAR from completed. We still have to add sand, live rock, macro algaes, lighting, and then in several months we "hope" to add a couple of seahorses to it. Maybe, maybe not. We built it with that in mind so we'll see.

We have a few powerheads and a wavebox still to add, and some LED nightlights, my controller from home and a few other I need to lower the lights. The lights are still quite high over the tank so I can get in there and play around still. AND of course have room to add fish.

Fish additions; those will happen over the next 6 months. We really screwed up when we added an unhealthy fish in the beginning so now we are taking our time, and really, it's soooo incredible looking already, that it's really not something we're going to get bored with quickly. We will add a couple more gobies of different types, wrasses, maybe/maybe not some tangs, Sargassum Trigger is a hopeful addition as well, maybe some Wyoming White Clownfish if we can, and who knows what else. We have a gorgeous Powder Blue Tang in the store that would look amazing in this tank, however I have one JERK tang, don't know that I want to add another that I know will be nasty!!!

Coral Additions;

LPS will be added as it comes in. I've been very lucky to have a few local reefers have corals outgrow their tanks, and been traded in....YAY for me! And Zoanthids will always be added when I get them...always collecting!!! I will add some SPS to the tank as I love it, but for general public viewing the tank, they like seeing coral moving around, and don't get the excitement behind "look at the polyp extension on that Bali Tri Color"......

Borderjumper 11-26-2010 09:10 PM

Wow Sarah.. That look amazing! When my wee little Atlantic Blue outgrows my tank I now know where to send him.:mrgreen:

christyf5 11-26-2010 09:26 PM

Look at all that tangy goodness!! Tank is looking awesome Sarah! :cool:

What kind of clowns are those in the 2nd pic? Onyx? Me likey!

Chaloupa 11-26-2010 09:32 PM

Thanks Ladies!!

Shelley...I will take your tang in a heart beat!!!

Christy...those are my Picasso Clowns...they're actually really a nice trio...the little guy (male) isn't as well patterned as the other 2 but nice anyway.

Chaloupa 11-26-2010 09:40 PM


Aussie Orange Torch
Green and Pink Frogspawn
Green and Green Frogspawn
Aussie Duncan
Green and Purple Chalice
Red and Green Chalice
Lava Chalice
Mystery Chalice
Green Brain
Red and Green Brain
Green and Purple Brain
Orange/Blue/Brown Acan
Green Horn Coral
Pink and Green Hammer
Green and Green Hammer
Nuclear Green Palys
Purple Death Palys
Giant Palys
Blue Mille
Green frag from O.C.
Couple of small Mille frags from O.C.
Bits of previous corals from my 150 that are attached to the live rock
MANY MANY MANY Zoanthids, Paly's and such
Hawaiian Feather Duster

Green Bubble Tip Anemone

I have 4 or 6 Peppermint Shrimp (sorta lost count while putting them in)
MANY Snails of all sorts
40-50 Blue legged hermits
2 Sand Sifting Starfish

Skimmerking 11-26-2010 10:27 PM

looks great Sarah

Lance 11-26-2010 11:04 PM

Sarah, it's looking terrific! Good job! I'll be over your way soon to have a look-see.

Delphinus 11-26-2010 11:15 PM

Now I want a 10' tank. Thanks a LOT Chaloupa! :lol:

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