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the marine apprentice 06-03-2010 10:03 PM

this sucks ya know. it really does. i have this beautiful 65gallon tank sittin in my place here that is running rock and water and sand for my 6foot build and my nano is getting pretty crammed full of stuff. i wish i had another light the same as the one im running that way i can put a bunch of the corals in the 65 so they grow more spread out.

anyone have another three footer they wanna get rid of?

the marine apprentice 08-24-2010 10:25 PM

wow four months later i finally update my tank thread. i also noticed that no one else has either haha.

i have learned that my iphone takes better close up pics then my digital camera. goes to show the quality of the apple product.
here are a few pics of what i have taken with my iphone.

it has been a pretty hecktic few months with work and bills and such so once this contest is over i am shutting down all my systems and will be starting up a new build when i am back on track with everything.

The Grizz 08-25-2010 12:02 AM

Where is the FTS!! Is that the same brain that I gave you a while ago?

albert_dao 08-25-2010 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by shrimpchips (Post 498643)
Basically this tank, with an internal overflow:

edit- and a few more edges it seems...

Funny story, this is actually my tank. As in this exact one. It's sitting in my closet right now waiting to be filled, Ha!

the marine apprentice 08-25-2010 06:41 AM

haha thats awesome. that was the original design but i switched it up soo many times that i ended up just building an acrylicic set up which has blown apart so i fixed it and gave it to my gf for her little turtle. i am now using a 15g standerd tank with 4x39w lighting. it works pretty damn good i think. and i have not done a water change in 4 moonths and havent dosed anything but a bit of calcium and alk buffer.

greg ill have a fts in a day or two just put up pics that i had on my comp at the moment.

the marine apprentice 09-13-2010 12:01 AM

hey so i have a FTS i took this afternoon. its nothing special but just to show that yes i am still in this competition here ya go

the marine apprentice 09-13-2010 12:04 AM

i moved alot of stuff around and made alot of room by getting rid of a bunch of my stuff to friends who need to fill up some voids in their tanks.
i got a new lil clow a week ago who my big clown just loves.

my new plate coral i got which is doing pretty awesome

my clown goby hangin out in my acro

Llamarama 09-13-2010 12:51 AM

Awww glad little clown is doing so well!

the marine apprentice 09-13-2010 04:36 AM

oh yeah lil guy is doing great. eats with the big guys all day long.

the marine apprentice 10-07-2010 03:56 AM

so what is going on with this contest. i never got an update for the final pic because i was away at work butnothing has changed since my last fts a month ago so if that works then cool.

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