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TheReefGeek 07-24-2006 04:49 PM


I have actually found a couple of the yea..they aren't all alive.
Neal, did you drip acclimate for 2 hours?

Psyire 07-24-2006 05:00 PM

Thanks, Rory!

TheReefGeek 07-24-2006 05:36 PM

No problem, hopefully they make it to you ok, I checked on them last night and they were ok, hopefully that is still the situation this afternoon.

TheReefGeek 07-24-2006 06:49 PM

Psyire your nudis look good, they are waiting for your sister to pick them up.

You should feed them while acclimating them, some of them are going white instead of brown.

Funky_Fish14 07-24-2006 08:49 PM

Im not sure what im doing differently. I've left them in the original water, and havent done any water changes so far, but im about to increase the volume of water and container size.

All im doing, is I have them in the ogriginal water, to which I added a small 1" shell from a dead maxima clam. I Have them in a small container that is 'sorta' sealed(doesnt leak water around the top) and im floating it in a temperature controlled bin of saltwater. I have the temp at 77 ish. Too high and any nudis can and will croak. I have only thrown in two small aiptasias that were harvested off rock so far. Will update on what im doing and the nudi's progress.

I hope everyone's pulls through! Im ready to give you all offspring if yours die. I have 4 or 5 eggsacs at the moment. I'll see how it goes.


TheReefGeek 07-24-2006 09:28 PM

Chris, glad it is going well for you so far.

Psiyre, your sister picked your up at 3pm.

I think I am going to release mine into a 20g as a rock cleaning tank, instead of breeding them in the container. Hopefully they breed and I too can try to get everyone else who lost some, their nudis.

Anyone found good information on how to breed aiptasia's quickly? I am going to take a few heavily infested rock and some non-infested dry rock and put them into a tank, but im not sure if I will need heat/light/oxygetn for the aiptasia or not?

Funky_Fish14 07-24-2006 10:31 PM

I think any average reef temperature is fine, 74-79?

I also know that lots of light and nutrient rich water+feedings can help grow aiptasia. From my readings, I saw that it was suggested they stay in a dark, nutrient rich container for them to start producing clones by a-sexual reproduction, but I also noted that damaging them(Ie: Chopping them up) can cause lots of budding and regeneration of pieces. I figure decent lighting(a fluorescent strip or so) and heavy feedings, as well as hacking at them, should produce good results of growth. This is what im about to try.


TheReefGeek 07-25-2006 03:01 AM

Well for me it doesn't matter, my berghia are now toast. And I was about to put them into my 20g tank too. At noon they were fine, 9 hours later they turned into expensive small piles of white goo.

Chris, hopefully you continue to have success.

*warning, following is venting!*

I don't know what to do. even if I took out all my rock to "cook" it, that wouldn't get rid of the aiptasia. Besides selling off all my livestock, draining the tank and letting it sit, I don't know what else to try with these darn things, it is ruining my reef aquarium experience, I can tell you that!

And with my 3 week wedding/honeymoon coming up, shutting down the tank now is becoming dangerously tempting. Maybe I will change my mind by the morning! !@#$!@#$%

Funky_Fish14 07-25-2006 04:17 AM

I'll do my darndest to keep mine going! So far, 4 out of 5 are eating well. One didnt eat the last time I fed, but still has a slight pigmentation from when I picked it up, or maybe it ate a little here. Im taking it real slow. I hope to work them into a 1g acrylic container. I hope I dont have any problems! :(

Rory, Im sure the aiptasia's in your tank wont cause too many problems? I can also say that if berghias were able to colonize in there, im sure they'd clean 'er out real quick.

Did you guys drip acclimate right away real quick? Im still floating in the original water, and could even smell some decay from the dead aiptasia remains I added, but the berghias seemed fine. I am starting to add small amounts(squirt-tubes full) of water from my tank that has been temperature matched. Will slowly quadruple the volume of water in their container.

I'll keep everyone updated!

Rory, any chance of cross contamination between tools you were using? I rinse everything I use with RO/DI water all the time, also, I dont let chlorinated water near any of my tank stuff except test tubes when I clean them, then they are rinsed with RO/DI anyways. I use new towels all the time, and completely dry anything thats wet. I also only used new containers thus far with anything I did reguarding the Nudis.


Psyire 07-25-2006 08:43 AM

Mine seem to be doing fine, I'll report back in the future... as I see progression,

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