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lastlight 10-22-2010 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 558503)
If I can save money somewhere i'm going to do it

I support local when I can but for many things I can't ignore those facts. Trouble is often times the thing I want is only quickly available through an online purchase. Then I just get the other stuff I might otherwise get local (at a higher price but to support the LFS).

paddyob 10-22-2010 04:43 PM

I bought my TEK light for price and quality.

I call an LFS looking for a part (legs) and he decides to tell me I should have bought such and such from him.

Who cares what I bought. If he had what I wanted I may have bought it from him. I was very specific in my needs and was NOT going to pay what he wanted for a particular fixture (Ice Cap).

My tank will do fine with what the TEK light. More than fine.

Geeez.... Another store to avoid.

IMO... sell me what I want.... not what you think I need. There is always going to be something "better" but come on.... JUST SELL ME WHAT I ASKED FOR!!!!!!!!!!!

freezetyle 10-22-2010 04:51 PM

Cool link found on RC

sphelps 10-22-2010 05:11 PM

How can anyone afford a mortgage in this bloody city? My wife and I are both engineers and we can't even afford anything close to what we want/need. We would have been better off not going to school and buying a house 7 years ago like many of our friends. Life is ridiculous!

Rbacchiega 10-22-2010 05:31 PM

I put the vortech up full speed on "Nutrient Export" mode...hello wave.

jorjef 10-22-2010 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 558560)
How can anyone afford a mortgage in this bloody city? My wife and I are both engineers and we can't even afford anything close to what we want/need. We would have been better off not going to school and buying a house 7 years ago like many of our friends. Life is ridiculous!

In the long run you and your wife will win over your friends, but your situation/timing would be a hard pill to swallow...Gone are the days of any thought of "a couple of guys" even going out after high school and renting a house.

Delphinus 10-22-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 558565)
I put the vortech up full speed on "Nutrient Export" mode...hello wave.

Video please?


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 558560)
How can anyone afford a mortgage in this bloody city? My wife and I are both engineers and we can't even afford anything close to what we want/need. We would have been better off not going to school and buying a house 7 years ago like many of our friends. Life is ridiculous!

I hear you. I bought into my current abode just before things got stupid price-wise and both my wife & I were working. Now we're a single income family with two small kids. There's no way we'd qualify to buy the house we're in if it were on the market today, and that's even after it's devalued for a couple years - in 2007 it was worth at least 3 times what it was in 2003-2004, nowadays it's not quite 2 times. I don't how you're supposed to break into the market like this. Good luck man.

lorenz0 10-22-2010 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 558545)
I support local when I can but for many things I can't ignore those facts. Trouble is often times the thing I want is only quickly available through an online purchase. Then I just get the other stuff I might otherwise get local (at a higher price but to support the LFS).

true, I just ordered a new skimmer at RC. I go there before anything

michika 10-22-2010 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 558560)
How can anyone afford a mortgage in this bloody city? My wife and I are both engineers and we can't even afford anything close to what we want/need. We would have been better off not going to school and buying a house 7 years ago like many of our friends. Life is ridiculous!

Fixer-uper seems to be the answer. When we bought our house in 2008 it was half the price of the houses on either sides because it still sported some 1970s and 1950s decor. In 2009 it went up 50K in value, and in 2010 it went down 70.5k.

Your other options seems to be buying in the boonies and making a commute if you work downtown.

My random thought; UGH ate too much at lunch and now I'm too sleepy to concentrate fully.

Doug 10-22-2010 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 558560)
How can anyone afford a mortgage in this bloody city? My wife and I are both engineers and we can't even afford anything close to what we want/need. We would have been better off not going to school and buying a house 7 years ago like many of our friends. Life is ridiculous!

Now thats the million dollar question Steve. One I have been asking myself for a few years now. Either I,m getting to old or just totally missed the boat. Or they never even called me when the boat was leaving. :lol:

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