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Reef Pilot 04-29-2014 01:31 PM

Yup, easy to get rid of it with Chemiclean, but unless you can maintain the right balance of bacteria to out compete the cyano, it will come back. And any carbon dosing like vodka or even bio pellets will just fuel it more. And sudden changes (new coral feedings, etc) can also upset that balance.

And it doesn't matter if your P04 and N03 are near zero. Cyano can still happen.

mrhasan 04-29-2014 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 894617)
Actually, what I was suggesting is that the reason you don't have brownapora and that your tank otherwise looks so good is because the cyanobacteria is in fact acting as a nutrient sink taking nutrients OUT of your tank before they become a concern. Not unlike the bacteria that some people add in other methods like Zeovit, for BioPellets, etc. :biggrin:

Seriously though, I don't recall anyone using Chemiclean and not getting results out of it. Cyano is such an easy thing to get rid of (with chemiclean) :biggrin: If it comes back after Chemiclean, then ya, either you do have a real problem or you just simply re-introduced the bacteria by adding new livestock that had the bacteria in the water or you just simply need to do a second treatment.

:cry: I hate these sort of situation. Things go well and suddenly BOOM! Something happens


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 894618)
Yup, easy to get rid of it with Chemiclean, but unless you can maintain the right balance of bacteria to out compete the cyano, it will come back. And any carbon dosing like vodka or even bio pellets will just fuel it more. And sudden changes (new coral feedings, etc) can also upset that balance.

And it doesn't matter if your P04 and N03 are near zero. Cyano can still happen.

Can you please link me to your post, where you talk about how you effectively used chemiclean, at your convenience? :smile:

Reef Pilot 04-29-2014 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by mrhasan (Post 894625)
Can you please link me to your post, where you talk about how you effectively used chemiclean, at your convenience? :smile:

Chemiclean gets rid of your cyano, for sure, just follow the directions. But to keep it from coming back you have to get your bacteria in balance to out compete the cyano. And there is a sure fire solution for that.

It's called MB7. I have discussed this many times in various threads over the past year. And yet, I see people still struggling with it, and not solving the problem long term. Here is one thread with several of my posts. You can start there.
The key points to understand are:
- Go slow with anything. Rapid changes cause imbalances.
- MB7 will not get rid of cyano. Use Chemiclean for that.
- MB7 is a preventative for cyano, and is especially important if you use bio pellets or other carbon dosing. And the MB7 has to be started BEFORE the carbon dosing is used (at least 2 weeks before).
- Follow the MB7 directions carefully (except I never had to shut off my skimmer). Ramp up slowly and do not overdose. Then ramp down to low dosage. If cyano does reappear (it may at first as it takes time for the beneficial bacteria to get fully established) go back to the initial high dosage for a few days. Once the cyano is beat and you have not seen it for some time, then you can cut the dosage even further than what the instructions recommend.

Like I said, have not seen cyano in my tanks for 2 1/2 years, and last time I had to use Chemiclean was about 3 years ago now. But before that, had major cyano outbreaks regularly, and was constantly turkey basting to try and get rid of it. And with my low dosage usage now, it is costing me less than $20 per year for a 230g system. Plus many other benefits, too...

mrhasan 05-01-2014 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 894630)
Chemiclean gets rid of your cyano, for sure, just follow the directions. But to keep it from coming back you have to get your bacteria in balance to out compete the cyano. And there is a sure fire solution for that.

It's called MB7. I have discussed this many times in various threads over the past year. And yet, I see people still struggling with it, and not solving the problem long term. Here is one thread with several of my posts. You can start there.
The key points to understand are:
- Go slow with anything. Rapid changes cause imbalances.
- MB7 will not get rid of cyano. Use Chemiclean for that.
- MB7 is a preventative for cyano, and is especially important if you use bio pellets or other carbon dosing. And the MB7 has to be started BEFORE the carbon dosing is used (at least 2 weeks before).
- Follow the MB7 directions carefully (except I never had to shut off my skimmer). Ramp up slowly and do not overdose. Then ramp down to low dosage. If cyano does reappear (it may at first as it takes time for the beneficial bacteria to get fully established) go back to the initial high dosage for a few days. Once the cyano is beat and you have not seen it for some time, then you can cut the dosage even further than what the instructions recommend.

Like I said, have not seen cyano in my tanks for 2 1/2 years, and last time I had to use Chemiclean was about 3 years ago now. But before that, had major cyano outbreaks regularly, and was constantly turkey basting to try and get rid of it. And with my low dosage usage now, it is costing me less than $20 per year for a 230g system. Plus many other benefits, too...

Thanks :) I use zeobac (equivalent of MB7) so should be good in that section. Infact, zeovit method suggests zeobac and coral snow mixed and dosed to out compete cyano but it seems like an extremely long process. I will keep this thread updated on the new product from zeovit called Cyanoclean. Says that it can take upto 8 weeks so I will have to be patient :razz:

mrhasan 07-24-2014 11:48 PM

Updates :)
Yap I am stilling hanging to this hobby :mrgreen:

Cyano taken care off. I don't know why it was being so persistent (I think the pores somehow got into the tank and it was fueling on zeovit). Anyways, used two treatments of chemiclean and they are gone.

None of the coral lost its color but on the good side, the pom pom xenia died after the treatment along with many mushrooms so that was nice.

Here's some pics. Didn't feel like taking out the DSLR so here's some crappy pics of the tank. 17.10.08 by md. raied, on Flickr 17.10.20 by md. raied, on Flickr 17.10.35 by md. raied, on Flickr 17.10.59 by md. raied, on Flickr 17.11.16 by md. raied, on Flickr 17.11.24 by md. raied, on Flickr 17.11.56 by md. raied, on Flickr 17.12.01 by md. raied, on Flickr

denny_C 07-24-2014 11:53 PM

well done little buddy , were gonna have to change your handle to master hassan;)

WarDog 07-25-2014 12:05 AM

Wow! Even your 'crappy pics' look good!

kien 07-25-2014 03:18 AM

looking rad in there !

hillegom 07-25-2014 03:30 AM

I like

mrhasan 07-25-2014 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 907219)
Wow! Even your 'crappy pics' look good!

Thanks :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by kien (Post 907238)
looking rad in there !

Thanks Kien :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by denny@concept (Post 907218)
well done little buddy , were gonna have to change your handle to master hassan;)

Lol. Nah I prefer being a noob :biggrin: and Thanks :mrgreen:

mrhasan 07-25-2014 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by hillegom (Post 907240)
I like

Thanks :mrgreen:

lpsreefer 07-25-2014 05:23 AM

Omg! Thank you I have been waiting for photos.
On a serious note tank looks awesome!

mrhasan 07-25-2014 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by hillegom (Post 907240)
I like


Originally Posted by lpsreefer (Post 907253)
Omg! Thank you I have been waiting for photos.
On a serious note tank looks awesome!

Lol. Yah you very persuasive :biggrin: and thanks :D

And cyano is back again! At the exact same spot where it started last time. I am getting tired now.

michika 09-22-2014 03:26 PM

So what's happening?

Any more recent photos of your tank? Your SPS look great in those last photos, I'm curious how much they've grown since.

mrhasan 09-27-2014 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 914260)
So what's happening?

Any more recent photos of your tank? Your SPS look great in those last photos, I'm curious how much they've grown since.

Hey Catherine. Sorry for replying let.

Anyways, tank is doing good (knock on the wood). My cooperband suddenly died out of no where (it was eating, swimming around and suddenly flat on the sand bed). Mushroom is taking over so I am trying to keep them under control (hairy mushroom seems to the worst; it killed my rock flower and now is bothering maxi mini). Anyways, here's some pictures :)

Dearth 09-27-2014 01:27 AM

As always I am jealous of you Raied your tank looks awesome and well laid out

mrhasan 09-28-2014 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 914780)
As always I am jealous of you Raied your tank looks awesome and well laid out

Thank you very much :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 09-28-2014 02:31 AM

man your tank looks full as in great looking...Cannot wait for mine to be that full.

FishyFishy! 09-28-2014 02:37 AM

WOW!!! Looking amazing!! Everything is growing nicely!! Mad jelly.

mrhasan 10-01-2014 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 914914)
man your tank looks full as in great looking...Cannot wait for mine to be that full.

Thanks Eli :D Your tank needs more rocks and clown fishes :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 914915)
WOW!!! Looking amazing!! Everything is growing nicely!! Mad jelly.

Thanks :mrgreen:

kien 10-03-2014 05:33 AM

Ooo, very nice. Looks like your tank is on auto-pilot. Just sit back, put up your feet and enjoy :-)

mrhasan 10-03-2014 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 915514)
Ooo, very nice. Looks like your tank is on auto-pilot. Just sit back, put up your feet and enjoy :-)

Thanks Kien :mrgreen: Yah that tank is literally on auto pilot; I always forget to do the scheduled water change, carbon change, skimmer cleaning, zeo dosage, refilling dosing solutions and what not. I found that things learn alright without being anal about them. Just following Brad's LTFA method and it works wonderfully :)

michika 10-03-2014 05:18 PM

Thanks for the update. Like everyone else has said, things look like they're going great. :)

mrhasan 10-04-2014 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 915562)
Thanks for the update. Like everyone else has said, things look like they're going great. :)

Thanks :D

Dearth 10-04-2014 12:49 AM

Raied between you and Kein you two take some of the nicest pictures I sometimes think you and he are one in the same both of you have a knack for taking beautiful tank pictures

mrhasan 10-04-2014 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 915610)
Raied between you and Kein you two take some of the nicest pictures I sometimes think you and he are one in the same both of you have a knack for taking beautiful tank pictures

Thanks a bunch for such high compliment :D But I think comparing mine to Kein's photography is just way way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over-rating. I use my cellphone to take pictures (and a cheap dslr with a cheap lens) while Kein knows how to take pictures properly and own gears which costs more than a couple of months of my expense (or even more I guess) :redface:

Dearth 10-04-2014 01:54 AM

There is no doubt Kein is a master photographer and the images he captures often are beyond belief and leave us drooling for more every time but don't downplay yourself either Raied you also have a knack for capturing images that many of us wish we could do I know I'm one of those people.

I know If I lived in calgary I would be begging on both of your doorsteps for pointers and tips

mrhasan 10-08-2014 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 915616)
There is no doubt Kein is a master photographer and the images he captures often are beyond belief and leave us drooling for more every time but don't downplay yourself either Raied you also have a knack for capturing images that many of us wish we could do I know I'm one of those people.

I know If I lived in calgary I would be begging on both of your doorsteps for pointers and tips

Thank you very much for such high compliment :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: It's all the power of galaxy s5 :biggrin:

(Sorry for not replying early; I just remembered that I forgot to reply back when I saw your comment on my other thread :redface: ).

michika 10-08-2014 08:23 PM

If only it was just equipment. :P Talent is talent.

mrhasan 05-14-2015 12:07 AM

I don't know why but for the last few days, I am missing my tank :sad::cry:

Dearth 05-14-2015 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by mrhasan (Post 949848)
I don't know why but for the last few days, I am missing my tank :sad::cry:

Why where is your tank

mrhasan 05-14-2015 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 949908)
Why where is your tank

I have shut it down before Christmas last year.

Dearth 05-14-2015 08:47 AM

That sucks Raied I always looked forward to your updates and tank pictures....I hope this isn't more than a temporary set back?

mrhasan 05-14-2015 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 949931)
That sucks Raied I always looked forward to your updates and tank pictures....I hope this isn't more than a temporary set back?

Thanks :)

Well hopefully it is a temporary set back. Already planning to start a tank but won't be happening any time soon. All I know is it is going to be a very small one; probably an 18" or 24" cube at max. Tired of maintaining big tank :redface:

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