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Skimmerking 12-11-2011 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by MarkoD (Post 659761)
this is way more entertaining when im not a part of it

ya Mark go plan a wedding you hoser.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

jtbadco 12-11-2011 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 659759)
Do you shop at Walmart? better not....The punishment needs to match the crime. You want him erased from the world and are going to no ends to voice this. Yep he's been proven guilty and will be sentenced, how are you making the world a better place by shouting out about the past, go make a difference in the future or quit preaching.

So then people should not discuss the wars or the holocaust, that stuff is all in the past.

The way you change the future is by making sure people don't forget the past. You want to stick your head in the sand, go ahead if it makes you feel better.
I did my part today to inform people that obviously care, what did you do....???

And I don't want him erased from the world, people need to be informed so they can make intelligent decisions. I posted the story so people could read and make their own judgements.

Myka 12-11-2011 05:50 PM

Resist the urge to be a jerk...DOIT! :p

Skimmerking 12-11-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 659771)
Resist the urge to be a jerk...DOIT! :p

play nice you meany lol

MarkoD 12-11-2011 05:53 PM

why would i plan a wedding? im not getting married :neutral:

Delphinus 12-11-2011 06:01 PM

I guess this hobby brings out passionate beliefs in people and it's difficult to express this in a forum without it get inappropriately heated and personal. I've been reading every post and I see both good points and flawed logic in here. To quote Yoda, let go of your anger. Ultimately this is a sad story regardless what we feel about any individuals.

Debate nice please. I'd rather not see this get closed.

jtbadco 12-11-2011 06:23 PM

I agree 100%

I believe in speaking out against any wrong doing I consider significant. It doesn't matter if it's a LFS or a major bank. Bad is bad. Nothing personal at all.

And I am not angry so much as disappointed really. Being stuck smack in the middle of the country makes for poor accessibility to the whole SW industry. We have very few local SW suppliers, and their access to good products and equipment is limited.

SWC is/was one of only a handful of local SW shops and I can't deny that they make some good equipment. They are one of the largest dedicated SW stores, if not the largest in Winnipeg. That is what makes this so sad. He was making an important contribution to the hobby, locally and internationally.

jorjef 12-11-2011 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by jtbadco (Post 659787)
And I am not angry so much as disappointed really.


Originally Posted by jtbadco (Post 659608)
As far as I'm concerned they should throw the book at him. Maybe a $1M fine and a couple years in jail will teach him a lesson.


Originally Posted by jtbadco (Post 659611)
My main objection is that he is allowed to stay in business.

No anger there, just say'in..... Yes, yes Mindy I know, but they were being jerks too!! I admit my comments are usually not of a constructive type but I don't agree with some of the comments and wasn't going for a sugar coated compromise to the subject, they came out gunning hard and I disagreed with some of their views.

Zoaelite 12-11-2011 07:02 PM

These are not the liverocks you are looking for...

jtbadco 12-11-2011 07:11 PM

No anger at all. He has never hurt me directly or personally.

I don't feel he should be allowed to stay in business. My opinion.
The fine and jail time are what he is facing as stated in the article, just a fact.

You don't need to be angry to stand up for something.

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