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Leah 05-08-2011 05:59 PM

Tank looks great Ryan. Love the Anthias and the corals are sweet too. :biggrin:

Ryan 05-14-2011 01:24 PM

Thanks Leah, the Anthias are my favorite fish in there right now. The males are flaring at each other and all the females right now so its making for a very active tank. I've been trying to get pictures but they are so food oriented that they run right to the front corner expecting to be fed everytime they see me.

Woo another little update. This Maxi-Jet with Sureflow kit is really starting to make me mad. The suction cups just arent wanting to stick to the glass and it seems some days the pump really chatters. I am looking forward to the day I can afford a 3X MP10W ES upgrade or a 3x Tunze 6055 upgrade.

I did a water change yesterday and did some tests while I was at it. It appears the corals have been growing because my ALk was down to 8dkH and the calcium was 195.... oops. Usually I like to run it about 10-12 dkh and the calcium about 425. So I added a bunch of baked baking soda and Calcium Chloride to the water change, I will make the rest up over the next couple days.

I also moved some stuff around. The Hot Pink Mille is starting to grow and is aiming right for my Cali Tort so the tort got banished to the back where it can have lots of room.
The Purple with White Polyp acro got moved as well to a more central location in the tank. I am going to see how it colors up here in the middle then maybe secure it permanently.
I woke up one morning to find the Red Planet on the sand so I moved it as well. It didnt go far just around the rock a little more so it wouldnt interfere with my purple/blue tabling acro.
The Super Grape Mille got moved as well closer to the light. It should have plenty of room to spread out now! This is such a nice piece when its full size.

I also moved a little rock around on the right side and had 1 piece left over so I started to make the last little arm to complete the cove. So far I like it but I am thinking of going a little farther up. Its mostly zoanthids and Palys right now which is okay with me.

Ryan 05-25-2011 04:06 AM

Woke up sunday morning and found this. The little Porcelain crab shed the old house for a new one.

Ryan 05-31-2011 03:05 AM

End of the Month update with bad news. Yesterday I awoke to 2 dead bodies in the tank. I lost the sickly little Dispar Anthias and my big male. All day I couldnt find the other 2 that were supposed to be left and now today still no sign. I think they are dead in the rocks as well. I did a water change on friday otherwise nothing was changed. All 4 were doing so well and eating like pigs. The little guy never really bulked up and had a sore so I thought maybe he was a goner but I never expected the other 3 to go too.

Now I need to find something to replace them with. I dont want to get Dispars again or Evansii anthias. I would like to find a nice schooling fish that are always in the open to add some movement. I am thinking maybe a 2M 3F school of flasher wrasses but I defiantly want to stay away from your common stuff like chromis. What do you guys think I should get?

I picked up a nice little plate coral this month as well. Nice orange with some light green flecks throughout. I think once I add the Royal Blue LED's this coral is really going to pop.

Now for some pictures.

lastlight 11-04-2011 04:11 PM

BUMP :razz:

Ryan 12-31-2011 01:40 AM

I guess its time for an update! I recently moved into a new place and thought I was going to have to downsize. Recently we found a place for the big tank and I got down to getting it reassembled before the mrs. changes her mind.

Things have been sitting in a holding tank without a light (infront of a window) and no skimmer so most of the SPS has lost color. You guys wont be seeing pictures of those though!

Also added a bunch of new fish, funny how when you have an empty big tank you cant find any fish that appeal to you but the second you have limited space you start finding fish everywhere. So far the stocking list 2 clowns, Blue Assessor, one Neon Goby, one McCoskers Wrasse, and the new guys are a couple Bangaii Cardinals.

Ryan 12-31-2011 01:42 AM

Okay its a crappy picture but this is one of my better finds. Giant Cinnamon Palys at a store that rarley has anything hard to find.

gregzz4 01-01-2012 06:04 AM

That's great news Ryan. I'm happy for you that you are able to keep the tank.
I'm just going to start my build thread (finally).
Happy New Year :drinking:

lee9 01-01-2012 06:53 AM

Hey Ryan is that an engineer goby? If so, did you only put only one in? Just curious. They are pretty cool fish but I have read a few things saying they are better in pairs or groups. Is your's tunneling/building stuff solo?

Ryan 01-01-2012 06:58 AM

Thats a Blue Neon Goby.

The last thing I want is an 18" engineer goby mining under my rock work..... or a school of them!

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