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themastr 01-10-2012 11:38 PM

Got some more new LEDs and an Apogee Par Meter
Sorry it's been awhile. Busy with work and going to have a baby this year. :D:D:D

So far the LED is doing great and been saving some money with Electrical cost. From 8 amps Before with Halides and VHOs down to 1 amp with the LEDs. I'm currently running them at 40% and will increase this week to 50%. I have some photos of my current tank setup but I took these photos with my iphone so it's not the greatest.

So I heard about True Violet LEDs and ordered some. I will add it to my setup this week and see the difference. I also coughed up money to buy an Apogee PAR meter. Don't know how it works yet but I will mess around it with.

I just wanted to ask if anyone notices any benefits with having True Violet in the LED build or should I go and add some red and green also? Is it just for personal viewing preferences?

Thanks and will try to post newer photos this weekend.


mr_alberta 01-10-2012 11:43 PM

Looks good Eric. Did you ever find the parts you needed for your reactor?

themastr 01-10-2012 11:45 PM

No parts for the reactor yet
I will give you a call later this week I need to special order them from Deltec I guess.


Milad 01-11-2012 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by themastr (Post 669856)

So I heard about True Violet LEDs and ordered some. I will add it to my setup this week and see the difference. I also coughed up money to buy an Apogee PAR meter. Don't know how it works yet but I will mess around it with.

I just wanted to ask if anyone notices any benefits with having True Violet in the LED build or should I go and add some red and green also? Is it just for personal viewing preferences?

Thanks and will try to post newer photos this weekend.


True Viloets (420nm True Violets) really bring out some intense colors. Especially in the light greens. They also give a good color to the tank.

Reds are good if they are the 660nm
For greens, I dont really recommend them but I do like the 495nm Turquoise which when combined with the 660nm red and 455 royal blue turns all the light to a nice white color and brightens the tank. The turquoise also makes the oranges and reds pop.

Milad 01-11-2012 12:25 AM

BTW that build looks amazing (just finished looking at all the pics)

themastr 01-13-2012 12:18 AM

Thanks Milad
Thanks Milad

I got my order for the True Violets from Ledgroupbuy but haven't installed them yet. I just wanted to confirm that they don't need optics correct? Also I might take your advice and maybe throw in some Turquoise color we will see.

I will have time this weekend (hopefully) :D to solder and take more photos with a better camera. I hopefully can get some PAR readings. BTW What percent in intensity do you run your LED's at?

I might have to do a Tank Journal eventually. :D


reefwars 01-13-2012 12:25 AM

looking great erick buddy cant wait to see it all finished:):)cheers bud:)

Milad 01-15-2012 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by themastr (Post 670595)
Thanks Milad

I got my order for the True Violets from Ledgroupbuy but haven't installed them yet. I just wanted to confirm that they don't need optics correct? Also I might take your advice and maybe throw in some Turquoise color we will see.

I will have time this weekend (hopefully) :D to solder and take more photos with a better camera. I hopefully can get some PAR readings. BTW What percent in intensity do you run your LED's at?

I might have to do a Tank Journal eventually. :D


True Violets are equipped with 60 degree optics so you dont need any additional optics. I run mine at 600mA max but to acclimate everything you should start out about 20% intensity.

themastr 01-16-2012 01:24 AM

Changed a few LED to True Violet
So I finished installing about 12 True Violet and can't see the difference with all the rest of the LEDs LOL. I have way too many RB and CW to even make a dent. LOL it's okay I just left them there and hopefully I will notice one day.

Here are some current photos of the modifications today. I still never got to use the Apogee Par meter yet so bare with me.

Also I will be trying to setup another 65 gallon Hexagon Seahorse tank and will build an LED light for that setup along with my refugium. I just have to find some aluminum heatsinks.

Thanks Milad I will be placing some orders shortly to get some more LEDS for my Refugium.

Check out the sliding door hanger I attached to the canopy so I can move it for cleaning and repairs if I need too. Don't forget this canopy is about 150 LBS if not more. :D Works perfectly.

Sorry for the dirty tank need to clean up this week and I will take better photos.



Milad 01-16-2012 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by themastr (Post 671623)
So I finished installing about 12 True Violet and can't see the difference with all the rest of the LEDs LOL. I have way too many RB and CW to even make a dent. LOL it's okay I just left them there and hopefully I will notice one day.

Here are some current photos of the modifications today. I still never got to use the Apogee Par meter yet so bare with me.

Also I will be trying to setup another 65 gallon Hexagon Seahorse tank and will build an LED light for that setup along with my refugium. I just have to find some aluminum heatsinks.

Thanks Milad I will be placing some orders shortly to get some more LEDS for my Refugium.

Check out the sliding door hanger I attached to the canopy so I can move it for cleaning and repairs if I need too. Don't forget this canopy is about 150 LBS if not more. :D Works perfectly.

Sorry for the dirty tank need to clean up this week and I will take better photos.



Ya 12 isnt going to make a huge dent because of the number of RB you have running. Make sure you dont driver them past 700mA (keep them at 650mA to be save), they will burn out.

If you want to see what they pop, just turn their driver on and turn off everything else.

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