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fishoholic 01-16-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by andresont (Post 294626)
OK so so we all are sorry , lets do something..
Local people can help physically but all the non locals can help too eh?
How about those who wants to help voluntarily/willingly PayPal a few bucks to the man? Nothing special but 5-10 $ each would sure help right?
May be he won't be able to recover the price of the knives but least we can do is to show some support.

what is your PayPal account Albert?

Funny, I was thinking of saying something like that but I see you beat me too it. Great idea, I would like to give some money to help out

albert_dao 01-16-2008 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by andresont (Post 294626)
OK so so we all are sorry , lets do something..
Local people can help physically but all the non locals can help too eh?
How about those who wants to help voluntarily/willingly PayPal a few bucks to the man? Nothing special but 5-10 $ each would sure help right?
May be he won't be able to recover the price of the knives but least we can do is to show some support.

what is your PayPal account Albert?

I appreciate the thought, but it's quite alright :)

I get all my fish stuff for near free, so it really wouldn't be ethical. Plus, it's all just stuff, the dog wasn't hurt and no one was home during the robbery.

But yeah, this is such a great community. You all have my utmost thanks!

Matt 01-16-2008 05:16 PM

Your thieves, while undeniably idiots and remorseless vandals, have good taste in knives. I hope they cook with them, and not use them for chucking at trees before they pawn them for ten bucks.

albert_dao 01-16-2008 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Matt (Post 294668)
Your thieves, while undeniably idiots and remorseless vandals, have good taste in knives. I hope they cook with them, and not use them for chucking at trees before they pawn them for ten bucks.

I kinda hope they die... :P

Zylumn 01-16-2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by ponokareefer (Post 294643)
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. :cry: That would be a personal nightmare for me, so I could only imagine what you are going through. Unfortunately in our society, we will only see this type of activity continue to grow unless we become more proactive as a society.
As for your insurance claim, I'd start to make a list of items missing now. For each item, try to find a reciept, and if you can't find a reciept, try to contact the store you purchased it from to see if they can print you a reciept. Next, try to find any pictures of the items that are missing. Try to find old pictures of your place and compare them to your place now to see if anything is out of place. A video is even better if you have one. Try to do things that you have done in the last 6 months as well. You will be forced to use things from around your place then, and can find out if they were stolen. You'd be surprised how many customers have found out that some items were missing from a theft 6 months after the fact. As for the actual corals you have lost from your tank, I would make a list of what you had. Some companies may cover this type of loss, and if they don't and want to question how much money you have in your marine equipment, you can show them how much the livestock was worth that the equipment was keeping alive. Lastly, I'd keep a notebook and pen with you at all times. That way, if you think of something that may be missing or they might have taken, you can write it down and check.
Good luck, and if you have any questions, feel free to write me.

Sorry to hear about your loss Albert. What Ponokareefer said is very important. It does not sound like a random break in especially in a 3 hour window. Take that pen and paper and write down every persons name that has been in your place in the last 3 - 4 months. Then cross off the names you and your room mate guarantee would not be involved. The names that are left at least 1 of those would have had something to do with it. Also check your local pawn shops for your knives and other fish stores to see if someone is trying to pawn your corals (not sure in reading this thread if they stolen or just died). I have been through this and similar things lately so Albert pm me if you need some advice or help when one name sticks out after all the others have been crossed out.

ponokareefer 01-16-2008 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Zylumn (Post 294676)
Take that pen and paper and write down every persons name that has been in your place in the last 3 - 4 months. Then cross off the names you and your room mate guarantee would not be involved. The names that are left at least 1 of those would have had something to do with it. Also check your local pawn shops for your knives and other fish stores to see if someone is trying to pawn your corals (not sure in reading this thread if they stolen or just died). I have been through this and similar things lately so Albert pm me if you need some advice or help when one name sticks out after all the others have been crossed out.

Isn't this a sad when the general public has to do the police work. I do agree with you Kevin that it would be a good idea to do it, because it will never get done otherwise, but what is wrong with this picture? I have a friend that is a RCMP officer, and they do not have time to do this type of thing, mainly because of all the work they have to do on our roads pulling over people breaking the law and assisting in car accidents. Wouldn't it be nice if the police could be spending more of their time dealing with break-ins, rather than having to spend so much time on our roads.

Pier Pressure 01-16-2008 08:19 PM

Albert, I also am very sorry to hear that this happened. We got B&E'ed last year but at least I can say that they left the tanks alone.

The police said that they figured it was young kids because of the stuff they took, including DVD's, CD's, Rod's ENTIRE knife collection (approximately 50 pieces), jewellry, cold hard cash, etc. There were also many vandalism type damages.

I know how violated you must feel, and I too am willing to help out if you need anything.

fishoholic 01-16-2008 10:24 PM

FYI I was wondering if my insurance would cover my fish tank and contents if (heaven forbid) anything like this should happen to me. So I called them and I was relieved to find out that my insurance would cover the cost of everything, tank, lights, corals, LR, fish etc. Not sure if you have checked with your insurance company yet but hopefully they cover you for everything.

findingnemo1 01-16-2008 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by fishoholic (Post 294710)
FYI I was wondering if my insurance would cover my fish tank and contents if (heaven forbid) anything like this should happen to me. So I called them and I was relieved to find out that my insurance would cover the cost of everything, tank, lights, corals, LR, fish etc. Not sure if you have checked with your insurance company yet but hopefully they cover you for everything.

Hey can you pm me the name of your insurance company? Ours will only cover the damage of the water and thats it:)
I would like to have the whole thing covered by any means.


Snappy 01-17-2008 12:01 AM

Wow Albert I just saw this thread as I am out of town. That is a terrible thing to happen. Really feel for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

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