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Van-rookie 11-13-2007 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by cprowler (Post 264370)
Thanks everyone!

The puffer seems to be happy in the bigger tank, lots more going on and is plumping up again. I have not seen him nip at any corals or have I seen damage to any. He shows little interest in snails or hermits but occasionally he sees one and devours it shell and all, crunchy but good. :mrgreen:

Are you saying that your puffer is reef safe ?
I am shutting down my FOWLR. I like to keep my puffer but I am not sure if its a good idea to move it to the reef tank.

cprowler 11-14-2007 01:49 AM

Fkshiu – I’ve only had it a week or so. It has not come on yet since my tank generates so much heat, I only need heaters in the dead of winter. I also cut the heater element of a won bothers and put a three prong plug on it and plugged it into the Aquamedic so that may alter it’s performance.

Van-rookie – They are not RS but I took a chance that he would not nip at the corals and I lucked out. He leaves the hermits alone but has gone through all my snails.

spoot 11-14-2007 03:50 AM

hey bill, any chance of getting some pics of your puffer? Would be awesome to see how he has filled in :D

titus 11-14-2007 02:37 PM


Very nice my friend.


cprowler 01-01-2008 09:15 PM

Well it's been a year since I started this thread and I figure a good time to give a update. The tank is just over two years old now so here is a pic from Jan 06,07 & 08.

I have to do a scrape of the sides and back and will be changing a few things so hopefully in the next few weeks I will get some better pics up.

michika 01-01-2008 09:26 PM

Nice changes! I'm really impressed.

I keep getting confused between this thread and your thread on RC!\

In regards to the lighting is it all just changes in bulbs between the years?

cprowler 01-01-2008 10:08 PM

Yeah it can get a bit confusing when people have threads on both :wink: :mrgreen:

Yes it has changed, a few months ago I changed the VHO to T5. I forgot I have not updated this thread with the lighting change. I hope to tonight sometime. So the lighting on the first two are the same and the last is the new combination.

cprowler 01-02-2008 12:23 AM

Here are some pic's to compare the new lighting, all T5 - 5x54w & 1x39w. Instead of the 4 vho and 2 T5's supplementing the MH's. It looks better in person, I need to adjust the white balance. As I mentioned I will be doing some other changes and will update them in a few weeks when I get them completed.

danny zubot 03-29-2008 04:11 PM

That anemone has sure grown!

Chowder 03-29-2008 04:41 PM

Tank looks great Bill.

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