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Nuggs 11-30-2015 01:11 PM

So its been about 3 weeks since I started noticing my zoas closing up. Since I stopped dosing Nopox my nutrients still haven't registered on the test kit but my Zoas have almost fully recovered.

The new UPS is installed I gotta APC back-ups pro 1000. I finished configuring the apex for power loss and in testing it looks like I get approximately 6 hours runtime.

Couple of shots from last night. Layout is still a work in progress, with new frags continuing to come in.

shiftline 11-30-2015 03:45 PM

Tank is looking great. What type/size of sand did you use for your substrate?

Nuggs 11-30-2015 04:03 PM

CaribSea SeaFlor Special Grade

I've used 5-6 different types in the last few years and this is what I settled on.

Grain size is 1-2mm. So its small enough that it looks more like sand than crushed coral. I really like the sand look, but like a larger grain size so that it doesn't sandstorm everywhere.

This is the only stuff I'll ever use again.

shiftline 11-30-2015 04:17 PM

Awesome thanks. Im upgrading my 30g to a 5.5' peninsula tank and have been trying to find a "fine sand" that wont blow around! :)

Nuggs 12-03-2015 12:23 AM

I always used to feed my anemone in my larger tanks but I had stopped on this nano for fear of impacting water quality.

The other day I felt a little bad for it so I decided to feed it yesterday (a nice mix of LRS Fish Frenzy and some chopped clam).

I woke up this morning to the BTA taking a stroll over my zoa garden, Within about an hour he'd settled into a spot. Funny enough the spot I wanted him in when I setup the tank.

Then I realized the reason he'd moved is that it had split.

At least it'll keep the Porcelain Crabs happy.

Duckhams 12-03-2015 01:04 PM

Nice! I feed mine Fauna Marin's LPS Grow and Colour pellets, keeps the bubble tips nice and bright.

Nuggs 12-20-2015 01:35 AM

Well, the only thing consistent is change.

Looks like I'm moving to Ottawa.

Likely going to have to shutdown.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Nuggs 01-13-2016 09:22 PM

All sold off. Gonna keep the stand pumps lighting and a couple of accessories and maybe setup an IM 25 Lagoon after I move.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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