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Trabby 10-19-2010 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rbacchiega (Post 557748)
:morning::sleep::juggle::ranger:drip acclimating takes foreeeeeeevvvveeeeeeer

I hear ya.... Drip..... Drip......drip..... What are you adding? How long you usually drip for? My new pair of peppermint shrimp are getting dripped on at this very moment :)

Rbacchiega 10-19-2010 08:31 PM

added a cleanup crew, some chromis and a wrasse.

I did half the shipment drip and the other half floating while adding some water to the bag, taking some out, adding more etc until I figured I'd done it about 2 full times...none of the bag water went into the tank....everything seems to be doing good...the wrasse is a little shy, but that's to be expected....everything else is movin around and picking at stuff and the 5 chromis already ate some rotifers.

I drip 2-4 drops per second until the water volume in the bag has doubled (empty the bag into a 5 gallon fish bowl first)...then take out about half the water and toss it down the drain...continue to drip until the water volume has doubled again...usually takes about an hour or so

whatcaneyedo 10-19-2010 09:11 PM

I keep having the same reoccurring dream/nightmare. In it I have 7 aquariums in my old bedroom where my parents used to live and I keep forgetting to do water changes and feed the fish... When I wake up I'm completely stressed out but then relieved that I'm just down to one tank now (I did have 5 at one point several years ago).

banditpowdercoat 10-20-2010 08:57 PM

It's official, Wifes moving out Nov 1 :'( I can't describe what Im feeling......

Lance 10-20-2010 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat (Post 558032)
It's official, Wifes moving out Nov 1 :'( I can't describe what Im feeling......


Rbacchiega 10-20-2010 09:19 PM

Sorry to hear that Dan...PM me if you need to talk...been there before

banditpowdercoat 10-20-2010 09:35 PM

Thx I may take you up on that.... I am stuck in camp for another 2 weeks!!!

lastlight 10-21-2010 04:09 PM

So EcoTech said MSRP $695 for the new MP60 and now I'm seeing in Canada it's going to cost us $799 if everyone comes in at around the same price. Our dollar is damn near even and these are not massive things to ship so with shipping and duties etc...I dunno sorta stinks to me.

Rbacchiega 10-21-2010 04:49 PM

I could always ship SOME fish dry goods in my tattoo gear, as that gets mailed and not taken on a plane...hmmmmmm ps...the shops here still carry black powder *swoon*

Zoaelite 10-21-2010 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 558239)
So EcoTech said MSRP $695 for the new MP60 and now I'm seeing in Canada it's going to cost us $799 if everyone comes in at around the same price. Our dollar is damn near even and these are not massive things to ship so with shipping and duties etc...I dunno sorta stinks to me.

Everyone has to make a living, unfortunately I don't really see us having the power to drop it down and Ecotech will most likely release a shortage of them to ensure they are purchased at that price. Like all new things I'm sure once the hype comes down, so will the price.

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