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gregzz4 10-10-2013 04:39 AM

I can't keep this to myself any longer

Some didn't believe me when I told them my boss is a real road apple
- The north end of a south-bound horse
- The pointy part of a needle

An employee who started Nov/12 decided to leave around May/13 but was convinced to stay 'till Aug 20th
I decided in June I wanted out
A guy started late Aug lasted 2 weeks
An employee who started Apr/12 gave notice early Sept for Sept 24th
I gave notice today, then found out our newest hire, who started Sept 17th, gave his notice yesterday !
And he told the boss to be nice, or he'll leave immediately

My boss is firing the cannons through the hull, and our General Manager doesn't even know the hold is flooded and the crew took all the rowboats 10-13-2013 03:58 AM


When you go to drill a 3 holes in a tank, get distracted by how ugly the paint is on your drill and decide to paint it and forget to drill the other 2 holes....

Or when you go to build an overflow box and decide to build a dust collector system for your router table half way through it using recycled aquarium plumbing

Murminator 10-16-2013 03:44 AM

I'm still alive....just sayin :mrgreen:

reefwars 10-16-2013 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Murminator (Post 851882)
I'm still alive....just sayin :mrgreen:

Hey buddy:) been wondering if you were still kicking how's things going?

Ps: Denny here :)

Magickiwi 10-16-2013 03:56 PM

I have an acquaintance that heard my stories of how my aquariums relax me and give me a slice of the coral reefs to enjoy at home. Apparently my stories were so compelling that he decided he wanted to purchase a tank and start up a reef of his own. Thousands of dollars into the hobby his interest has waned and now his tank hasn’t had a water change in a couple months, algae is starting to take over, his livestock has had “mysterious deaths”, rock looks like poop, etc.

My rant is this: If you are interested in a hobby where you are essentially taking over for The Almighty in terms of caring for a life by feeding, keeping healthy etc. then have the decency to accept that you are now their entire lifeline to this world. They can no longer exist without your attention and care; and as such you have a real OBLIGATION to see these creatures either maintained or moved to new homes where they will be cared for.

My acquaintance is now convinced that he is losing interest because his tank is not large enough to keep all the species he wanted; which is why he’s losing interest in his current tank. (Red Sea Max 130d, bought brand spanking new along with every piece of rock, sand, livestock, etc.) Do you really think that after you lose interest in one responsibility that taking on an even larger responsibility will change things?

I want to take away this person’s credit cards until they’ve learned responsibility for what they’ve already taken on.

Proteus 10-16-2013 04:50 PM

The sad kart of this is people don't have respect for the animals the keep. Some people think it's just a fish when in reality every fish purchased and lost due to there negligence just creates more demand as they continuously aquire more. These are the people who hurt our hobby and are the reasons why fish caught in the wild suffer from depleting stocks

Makes me sick that these type of people are keeping any kind of animal

Coralgurl 10-16-2013 05:46 PM

So sad today. I wish I was ubber rich where money was no object, to make things happen. The money isn't the issue, its time and there's never enough and its so hard to balance out life's demands. And time is running out and it makes me sad.

That is all.

gregzz4 10-23-2013 11:28 PM

Sorry to hear you're down in the dumps Sheena
Maybe this'll cheer you up ?

I just watched our Solar dump a fresh one that the Purple Firefish promptly gobbled up, with a cloud coming out it's gills :surprise:
Can't wait for any mini-cycle in the QT to run it's course so I can feed these guys a bit more as they are obviously a tad hungry !

lastlight 10-24-2013 01:03 AM

Sorry man my well fed fatties still do that lol.

gregzz4 10-24-2013 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 853451)
Sorry man my well fed fatties still do that lol.

In a year and a half of SW, and a lifetime of FW, I've seen lots of fish 'test' poops, but never eat it. Well, except for nori poops

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