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Rbacchiega 10-10-2010 07:46 PM trip back home (although long overdue...miss family and friends) is going to blow chunks. Hello 3rd heart operation. I hate you already

lorenz0 10-12-2010 03:09 AM

K so I think I have the most f'd up story... never witnessed anything like it before

Coming home from a killer DJ show last night, 4 of us jump in a cab and start making our way home. So we are coming up to a light and we notice another cab totalled with people crawling out of it, the force of the hit looked like it caused the cab to spin up a curb and into a post. There was another car north of it parked (which we think was the one that hit the cab) with no one at it and a mitsubishi lancer on the overpass parked in the other direction. As we are asking the people in the cab if they are all ok we notice a fight at the mitsubishi and a man pushes a woman, jumps in the car and started peeling out with her hanging off the door. She was dragged about 60 feet before falling off and hitting the ground hard. Our cabby chases after the mitsubishi into silver spring community to get the plates cause we thought this was the car that hit the cab and we weren't going to let him get away without getting the plates. after another intersection, the guy hoops the median onto the wrong lane, than he hoops it again to get to the right lane almost flipping the car. Shortly after he stops when he realized we were after him, jumps out and screams at us (saying nothing just a noise) we got the plate and called it in. I would have jumped out but I was not in the right state of mind to be doing anything stupid.

After being on the phone with the cops, we found out that the guy in the mitsubishi was the one who crashed into the cab in the car north of the crashed cab and he stole the car from the lady who pulled over in the mitsubishi to help. After learning this I wish I got out of the cab and made sure that the cops came and got him. He was obviously drunk and I hope they caught him, never heard back about what happened


guess he was caught, found this

mark 10-12-2010 03:35 AM

^people are bizarre. Hope you do your part and give a witness statement to the cops.

banditpowdercoat 10-12-2010 03:52 AM

I'm wearing a string....

PoonTang 10-12-2010 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat (Post 555680)
I'm wearing a string....

Man thong??? Eeewww

banditpowdercoat 10-12-2010 04:07 AM

Ur sic.My kid threw a string on my head LOL

lockrookie 10-12-2010 04:11 AM

<-------watching paint dry

Borderjumper 10-12-2010 04:16 AM

Aww Farve has an ouwie elbow

Rbacchiega 10-12-2010 03:05 PM

The cat farted on my leg. I felt it.

A lady at the shop has the most epic "front butt" I've seen in a while.

banditpowdercoat 10-12-2010 03:18 PM

Better to have felt than smelt. And front butt??? WTF EWWWW

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