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daplatapus 08-22-2013 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 840106)
Sign me up, size 9 :biggrin:

I bet your back would feel better too :D

The Grizz 08-22-2013 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 840112)
I bet your back would feel better too :D

Thankfully my back is feeling much better after 6 Chiro appointments, 3 messages & 4 days of ice packs.

titus 08-22-2013 09:30 AM


Guys I see comments about profit / lose interest / shut down / selling, etc. While I have said so in the past but guess it's been a while since the site has been around for a while also. I feel no pinch of having to sell or shut down if this turns out to be out of my pocket. End of story.

And this is not a forum with which I'll toy around with. And no we can't host it for $50 a month. We started out that way and have already expanded beyond that long time ago. I don't know of $50 sites that will do triple backup between North America and Asia with quadruple data redundancy, or have to ship our own firewall to the data center because that's how serious we are with the infrastructure.

For the last 3 years since I started my new job I have been trying to do either an upgrade to vBulletin so we can add more features (bought vBulletin 4 CMS before it came out) or introduce new functionalities on top of a pure forum. We deployed it to the UAT section but didn't went through everything or felt happy with the work so I dropped the idea of going live with it. The point is if I'm not happy with it I'm not comfortable to let it go live. Unfortunately my current job hasn't been that facilitating (on Tuesday I left work at 2:30 am and I start quite early) either.


jorjef 08-22-2013 01:17 PM

It was the acorn.

Magickiwi 08-22-2013 01:32 PM

Have you ever worked with someone that you so desperately wanted to punch in the back of the head?

daplatapus 08-22-2013 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Magickiwi (Post 840182)
Have you ever worked with someone that you so desperately wanted to punch in the back of the head?

Yup. :(

Proteus 08-22-2013 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Magickiwi (Post 840182)
Have you ever worked with someone that you so desperately wanted to punch in the back of the head?

Nope. I'd rather they see it coming ;)

FishyFishy! 08-22-2013 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 840188)
Nope. I'd rather they see it coming ;)

Hahahahaha me too. Nothing better than seeing the fear on their face when the impending doom they are about to face becomes a reality to them!

JDigital 08-22-2013 02:23 PM

I want to punch my iPhone in the face! Stupid piece of garbage refuses to update any of my apps! Just sits there, "Waiting". Waiting for what?!?! Update my damn apps FFS! :bad-word:

michika 08-22-2013 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 840035)
My household income today is more or less the same it was 10 years ago, but the costs of everything that is being paid for - and I mean just simple things, like groceries, gas, insurance, etc. - is several orders of magnitude different in that timeframe. Add on top of that the optionals it gets even worse. The choices are "earn more" or "spend less". Neither option may be all that straightforward though. Hard to say.

^^ This is pretty much exactly what I was getting at.

I don't play keeping up with the Joneses I learned a long long time ago that its not worth it. I found out a couple months before leaving for post-secondary that my parents weren't going to help me out and without the option of student loans my only recourse was to work AND go to school at the same time. I'm a very money conscious person now, kind of the result of being poverty level or below for much of my post-secondary career. I was lucky enough though to discover reefing after I'd gotten a little more settled financially. I've also learned you can only downsize so much and give up so much before you've crossed some arbitrary line that society will think you "weird".

I watch my peers literally run out the day their bonuses or stock options come available to spend it on new cars and fancy tech. Then again I also watch the entry level people struggle with their much smaller (if any) bonuses and I see the same thing happening on a smaller scale - the rush to spend.

This commentary has been popping up more and more often within my circle of friends and it was pretty interesting to see the commentary this generated.

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