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kien 08-07-2013 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 836298)
.. even dropped one in my tank I'm considering not even getting another one now I'm scared lol:pp.

Dude, get one of these. Thank me later.

The Grizz 08-07-2013 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 836298)
Re-text me lol with the renos coming to an end at the new shop I honestly haven't seen my phone in days lol can't wait to be back to my "normal " life :pp

I have a ton of emails pending like a ton lol I've bysted my phone 3 times this month like who goes through 3 phones lol even dropped one in my tank I'm considering not even getting another one now I'm scared lol:pp

Text me if you don't get a reply text me again lol I have short term memory I mean to text everyone back at lunch or offtimes but I get distracted easily........oh look a squirrel!!!

Get an iPhone with a LifeProof case, mines been to the bottom of my pool twice & dry as a popcorn fart. Also as a welder the grinding dust would distroy my phone in month but no long with LifeProof.

Just need to get that replacement power supply so I can fill the 300 :biggrin:

Jeff000 08-07-2013 05:06 PM

Who is the owner of the forum? Could someone shoot me his contact?

Delphinus 08-07-2013 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 836246)
Would be nice for titus to explain it maybe then we can see why..

Has anyone else noticed the drop in mods as well? When i started with canreef all the mods were active now its just brad i feel bad he does an amazing job and hes the guy holding this site together.

I am here, just not chatty. Been doing some camping and stuff away from a keyboard. You should try it sometime!

kien 08-08-2013 08:21 PM

hmm.. I have three 5 gallon pales of chemicals coming in next week from BRS. My office receptionist will be receiving it most likely. I hope she doesn't call the Feds.. but then she's used to receiving random boxes marked, "LIVE ANIMALS" with my name on it so it might be OK. Stay tuned!

jorjef 08-09-2013 03:14 AM

Can't believe it!!! My wife has banned me from using her Facebook account to join the Canreef group on Facebook. What up with that!

The Grizz 08-09-2013 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 836999)
Can't believe it!!! My wife has banned me from using her Facebook account to join the Canreef group on Facebook. What up with that!

:lol::lol::lol::lol: banned again!! And I think this one will stick :twised:

jorjef 08-09-2013 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 837001)
:lol::lol::lol::lol: banned again!! And I think this one will stick :twised:

I can't afford a third wife so I better tread lightly. :redface:

JDigital 08-09-2013 03:00 PM

I don't see why the responsibility of paying the bills of the website should fall on the Vender Sponsors alone. We all use this site for our benefit/knowledge.

If keeping Canreef around means introducing a membership fee so be it.

Make it tiered and depending which tier you fall grants you permissions for the forum.

As an example. Prices are just pulled out of my arse. Same with the per month thing.. just an example.

$5/month Tier 1 - General browsing
$10/month Tier 2 - General browsing/Post a Build Thread/Browsing Marketplace
$15/month Tier 3 - Full Access. Post/Make Threads in Marketplace, etc.

If the site owner doesn't want to incorporate a Membership Fee that's fine, but maybe consider a Paypal/Fundit Donation link somewhere that is clearly visible. Some people may not donate at all and that's fine but I bet some people would donate monthly, even if it was only $5-10. It would be extra income to help offset costs and take some of the responsibility off the Vendors who choose to be on here and help keep their costs down.

We have that sort of system on my Gaming Clans forum and it works well.

Myka 08-09-2013 03:01 PM

Why is everyone talking about CanReef "not being around" or such. Is this just rumor from the coffee room (Lounge)? I haven't seen anyone with behind the scenes knowledge acknowledging any sort of lack of funds.

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