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muck 02-18-2011 02:40 PM

Damn Tony... sorry to hear this.

Any update?

Delphinus 02-18-2011 06:36 PM

Didn't really have much of a chance to do much of anything this morning before having to head out but as far as I could tell the remaining clams weren't gaping anymore, but pulled in. This could be because as far as they were concerned it was still the middle of the night so hopefully that's all it was.

Mopped up the stinky skimmer water off the floor yesterday and tinkered with the skimmer some more and it seemed to be still behaving. Air cranked way back and flow dialed down and it's still creating a tower of foam.

No idea why the squamosa kicked it. Typical case of "look fine one day" to "totally dead the next day". For all I know it's just coincidence that this happened to that clam, or it was the red slime remover, and maybe it was either the dead clam smell or 1 point drop in salinity that caused the others to gape (or it was the red slime remover but I can't even count how many times I've run one before without any incident). Despite dumping at least 20 gallons RO/DI into the tank, between the larger water volume and maybe most of it dumping out via the skimmer the SG only went from 1.025 to 1.024. I figured that if my standard water change is 24g and it takes 12 cups of salt to make 1.025 then assuming total water volume of 280g it actually needs 5 cups of salt or w/c water at 1.035 to bring that 280g back to 1.025 or spread out over two water changes to bring it up 0.0005 at a time. :neutral: Man it doesn't LOOK like such a big tank when you look at some of others out there but that sure feels like a lot of salt for not a whole lot of change in SG.

But actually what I'm going to do for now is let some of the water evaporate out of the tank and that will drift the SG back up anyhow and I'll see where things are at tonight. It was already down 1" this morning (this cold snap means some extra dry air) and only has about 2.5" ish to go before it's back to normal level.

Skimmerking 02-18-2011 07:51 PM

Tony wow man, that really sucks I know when I talked to you about the red slime stuff my skimmer went nuts for 8 days and i had to do almost a complete water change.

Delphinus 02-19-2011 03:40 AM

Annnnd my tear drop is toast. :cry:

And then there were 3 ... 15 a year ago, all long-term multi-year individuals some as old as 6 or 7 years ... and poof, just like that, all done. One by one.

What sucks is he's not completely dead but he's past the point of no return, I'll post a picture you can see what I mean .. but I think once you see the inside of the shell because the body has shrunk, that's really it.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place but have to go out of town tomorrow for 2 or 3 days for the sake of the family. If it were my choice I'd stay home and see how it goes because I always cling to the "what if it turns around" faint hope but I can't risk leaving it in there. So I have to do something I really wish I didn't have to do. :cry: But the reef collective is more important than any one individual therein..

fishoholic 02-19-2011 02:11 PM

:sad: That really sucks, I've never very good at making those choices either. I always want to cling to hope, however it's better to remove it then have it mess up the rest of your tank. Albeit that's easier said then done :sad:

Lance 02-19-2011 04:32 PM


Jason McK 02-19-2011 04:49 PM

very Strange Tony, Sorry to hear you lost your Squamosa but glad everything else is pulling through.
It's always odd when something like this happens. It's possible the changes and treatment where just enough to affect just the one clam. Lets hope so anyway


lastlight 02-20-2011 03:30 AM

Sorry man :cry:

fishytime 02-20-2011 03:35 AM

That makes me wanna blow chunks Tony.....very sorry mang:sad:

Delphinus 02-22-2011 05:27 AM

So I did pull the teardrop on Saturday before leaving town. :cry: It was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a very long time as it was the largest maxima I had ever known of. But it was clearly gone.

It had been looking a little off for a little while, I had hoped that it might turn around and it had its moments where it looked fine but then other moments where I could see something was not right inside. So I think the treatment may have had nothing to do with it.

The squamosa caught me off guard I did not think anything was amiss with it but honestly it takes so little to do these things in. Again it could have been a case of it not being well for a while and just not really noticing it until the last moment.

Losses aside I'm sort of regretting not doing the treatment earlier, with the cyano gone it's evident the damage it left behind most notably in receded tips on the gorgs (they are a cyano magnet especially when shedding) and the blue zoos I picked up from Greg are toast. Darn it all.

Other than that though tank is looking nice, the red planet I picked up from Lorenzo is looking smashing killer and laying down growth like crazy, a cali tort I've got looks amazing and the pieces I picked up from John are looking awesome too.

I just wish I could take a picture of them that's in focus. They are in some kind of strange dampening field or cloaking device or something because I can take 50 pictures of them and not a one, not a ONE will look anything other than a cat barf.

So you'll have to use your imagination for now. Sorry about that.. :redface:

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