Delphinus |
02-18-2011 12:28 AM |
I do agree with you Doug, I was really torn on this but the thing that made me pull the trigger in the end was that it was starting to bring down other livestock - snails who eat cyano die and it was smothering the blue zoas I had bought from Greg a little while ago. I'm not sure if they're recoverable at this point.
Anyhow I'm home now and I guess karma has been kind to me today. The carnage is not as bad as what it sounded like. Definitely dead is my blue spotted squamosa. :cry: My teardrop is gaping badly as is my hippopus. Linda forgot about my small crocea and small maxima so didn't check them when telling me the sitrep over the phone but luckily so far they seem to be OK.
What's happened is when I put my skimmer back online last night, I juryrigged it so that it was sucking hardly any air because it foams up so bad at first startup after a cyano treatment. What I failed to take into account was that the ATO is fed into the skimmer intake (an idea someone told me about that keeps the venturi clear of deposits. It works well but..). I actually did unplug the topup controller thinking that this would be good enough. Anyhow, wrong. What happened is all that suction from the skimmer recirc caused a siphon and emptied the top up reservoir. So the skimmer overflowed like crazy, the 5g bucket I was draining into spilled over so there's water everywhere, smells lovely too, and the sump is filled to the top. It emptied my RO/DI reservoir but since I filled it up on Sundays, it should have no more than 1/2 - 2/3 full at this point so it should only have dumped about 20g into the tank. The salinity has definitely been pulled down but only a few points. That's probably why the clams are gaping although I'm surprised that there is a definitely death on account of the salinity so I'm still wondering if it could have been the cyano treatment.
No cyano though :neutral: yay?