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WarDog 02-12-2017 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 1008412)
Ok Warren, I did my part. I mounted most the frags/mini colonies (lol) in my tank, and then took/posted photos. Your turn.

Ah crap. Wasn't prepared for that.

This post officially ends this tank. It sits dirty and grimy, waiting for a shutdown. The bubble algae is so completely rampant that it covers every single surface and coralline is growing on it. I have cut a ton of coral and moved it over to the 20 gal in hopes of saving it. Everything gets a major dip in Coral RX and Peroxide, just to be on the safe side. Most of the hardware will make its way to the new tank, along with half the fish and some inverts too.

I'd like to thank Rich, Peter, Wayne, Hung, Jess, Ryan, Chris, The 2 Dave's, Greg, Mike, Thomas, Ian, March, Tim T., Laurie, John, and that Jeff guy at J&L for all their help and encouragement along the way!

WarDog 08-04-2018 02:58 AM

Seeing as it's all the rage these days to update your Tank Journal..... I'll just leave these here.

WarDog 04-20-2020 12:24 AM

EPISODE II : Attack Of The Aiptasia

It's been three years without a tank and it's time to scratch the itch. So I thought, why not build it myself?
Found a local glass fabricator that was willing to work with me. 1/2 inch glass, 3 sides Starphire, all edges polished.
49 x 19 x 16 1/2. Works out to about 60 gallons.

Leak test.

Held water for over a week with heater and powerhead.

Then Rich helped getting it in the house.

Bblinks 04-20-2020 12:26 AM

That’s it!!!! I waited too long for this! Gimme more please!

Ryancw 04-20-2020 12:48 AM

awesome:lol: along for the ride!

WarDog 04-20-2020 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 1042457)
That’s it!!!! I waited too long for this! Gimme more please!

OK OK, get out of the way... you're blocking the view!

Still had to silicone the weir in.

Went with an unconventional weir design. Just wanted to cover the overflow box, and keep the piping exposed. It'll all get covered in coralline anyhow.

brotherd 04-20-2020 04:55 AM

Awesome! Custom screened top with feeder cut out from?

WarDog 04-20-2020 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by brotherd (Post 1042465)
Awesome! Custom screened top with feeder cut out from?

Concept. Lol.

WarDog 04-21-2020 03:04 AM

Little bit of work in the stand.

New techno roller thingy, all the rage these days.

Just as I started making water, I thought I'd update the firmware on the Apex classic. Long story short, I crashed it, opened a ticket, and fixed it over the course of 24 hours. What a nightmare.

hillegom 04-21-2020 03:28 AM

I like it, especially the plumbing

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