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Delphinus 01-26-2011 06:02 AM

Thanks Doug!

Mitch - sorry, the "rocks" in this case being zeolites. The zeovit system is so named since you put these zeolites in a reactor and I guess they're porous and thus create new surface area for the dosed bacteria to colonize (I'm sure some settles on the regular substrata as well). The instructions tell you to change it out every 6 to 8 weeks or thereabouts.

I don't think Prodibio makes use of zeolites but I believe both the UltraFauna and Brightwell systems do.

MitchM 01-26-2011 07:44 AM

Hi Tony,

Yeah, I know Zeo uses the rocks, I was just wondering if you had considered using Prodibio instead of Zeo because Prodibio uses no rocks.
I haven't heard too much regarding the water clarity and Prodibio though.
I am considering using Prodibio for my new setup.

globaldesigns 01-26-2011 03:50 PM

Hey Tony,

I have a few bags of zeo rocks, good deal if you want them. let me know.

fishoholic 01-26-2011 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 584706)
Same with GPS

Since when do fish need navigational tools? :razz:

Delphinus 01-26-2011 10:29 PM

Heh, oops.

fishoholic 01-27-2011 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 585371)
Heh, oops.

:lol: Sorry Tony but I couldn't resist :mrgreen:

To bad butterfly's really do eat everything, there have been a few I've seen over the years that have been tempting but I'm glad I didn't risk one since they tend to eat any and all corals.

Snappy 01-27-2011 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 584706)

@Greg - The Rhumphella sits at the left edge of the gorg "forest" in the back - you can sort of see a glimpse of it here behind the lavender:

I haven't taken any close ups of the gorgs since a lot of them sustained heavy damage from the butterflies and although it's evident they are recovering nicely now in the new tank, there's still enough damage that at some point I'll have to go in and snip off the dead branches before they'll really start looking good again.

It was interesting to see how the butterflies would go through different phases. I was warned they would eat "everything" by the LFS, but I foolishly thought "well, surely not EVERYthing - let me find out what they REALLY eat and then I can tailor what I keep and I what I don't" - well over time I found out that although there was never a time they ate "everything", there was never a time they weren't interested in "something." At first they went to town on the aiptasia and majano and were content with that. After those were all gone they moved in on certain LPS but left others alone. But then they've moved onto those others when the first LPS were taken out. I tried a test SPS frag, they literally started mowing it within minutes. Same with GPS gets absolutely mowed. They wouldn't harrass clams too bad normally - unless the clam would fall over and show it's byssal gland - they'd go to town on that if they could. The only things that escaped their wrath are clove polyps (which is too bad because it's such an invasive and stinky pest), then I had one colony of yellow zoas that I've had all along that they left alone (although they took care of other zoas). Ok: lesson learned: "everything" really can indeed mean "everything."

Tony your Gorg forest will be a real showpiece once it takes off. If you need more rhumphella or Corky finger just let me know.:wink:

Delphinus 01-27-2011 07:03 AM

Thanks Greg :)

Delphinus 02-17-2011 10:29 PM

Well sounds like I've had my first disaster here.

Have been running a red slime problem and it had been getting steadily worse and worse. Got to the point that I decided to do a red slime treatment although I really was hesitant to do so on account that I hate doing them, I hate how the skimmer goes berserk for a week and all that goes with it.

Well, 2 days post treatment and it seems that all my clams are dead.

Got a panicked phone call from home but I'm stuck between an emergency at work and an emergency at home. Although I suppose at this point it's no longer an emergency but rather grim cleanup waiting for me when I get home.

I hate this hobby, I hate what it does to me.

Never seen a cyano treatment actually take out clams before. I wonder what else I will end up losing.

Lance 02-17-2011 10:40 PM

Aw no Tony. That's terrible! I know how much you love your clams. I feel your pain.

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