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lastlight 06-22-2013 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by noy (Post 827443)
awesome tanks and amazing shots of the fish

Thanks! I haven't seen my orange back fairy wrasses for 2 days now hopefully he's in hiding for some reason...

I snapped these literally 5 min before I evacuated with my family thursday. not the greatest and the lights were very dimmed but good enough:

Skimmerking 06-22-2013 07:54 PM

ya its ok brett yours isn't like Kien's thou with fast running water and no power

christyf5 06-22-2013 09:16 PM

Glad your family and tanks weathered the storm well. I was wondering how things went for you :biggrin:

kien 06-22-2013 10:49 PM

Looks good and glad to see everything made it through. Thanks for helping me keep sane over the past couple of days!

lastlight 06-23-2013 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 827556)
Looks good and glad to see everything made it through. Thanks for helping me keep sane over the past couple of days!

I made sure to not call when I was crying for you.


christyf5 06-23-2013 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 827578)
I made sure to not call when I was crying for you.



lastlight 06-25-2013 04:19 AM

my tank is nothing but little sticks for the most part so my group shots are somewhat sparse but i'm without a macro at the moment so here's a few:

mrhasan 06-25-2013 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 827978)

I have this one in my system. Possibly the fastest grower among acropora and it coloring up very nicely in the middle of my tank. What is it called?

And glad to see that your tank has hold up against the power outage and everyone in your family is safe :)

Rice Reef 06-25-2013 04:26 AM

Sps looks great, even better in six months!

lastlight 06-25-2013 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by mrhasan (Post 827979)
I have this one in my system. Possibly the fastest grower among acropora and it coloring up very nicely in the middle of my tank. What is it called?

And glad to see that your tank has hold up against the power outage and everyone in your family is safe :)

I'm assuming you mean the middle one not the ponape bird's nest? I got it from Snappy and I believe it's a purple valida. I got it coloured down and have had it better than it is now... needs more time I guess! it is growing well now though.


Originally Posted by Rice Reef (Post 827981)
Sps looks great, even better in six months!

Yeah it's amazing what 6 months can do for small frags. they get a bunch of branches which start growing branches... and the rest is an buttload of brs chemicals.

michaelis88 06-25-2013 06:38 AM

Very nice acan selection u got there

daplatapus 06-25-2013 01:49 PM

Your tank looks really nice. Did you ever find your orange back fairy wrasses?

lastlight 06-25-2013 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by michaelis88 (Post 828017)
Very nice acan selection u got there

Thanks I wish there were unique and interesting acans for sale more often. so i could have less money in my wallet lol.


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 828039)
Your tank looks really nice. Did you ever find your orange back fairy wrasses?


No the wrasse appears to be gone. I have a screen top and my only cleanup crew is a pair of peppermint shrimp. I have no idea why I haven't found any traces of the poor guy. Maybe wrasses can die in their sleep (under the sand) ?

ChizerBunoi 06-25-2013 03:09 PM

Do you have to move all those corals on the ground to vacuum the sand bed?

Sorry to hear about the wrasse. Maybe he made a cocoon around himself and is attached to the rocks somewhere?

lastlight 06-25-2013 03:19 PM

No I just vacuum around them as best I can. As things grow in I'm going to be able to vacuum less and less. A lot of sand is sorta under overhangs etc.

JDigital 06-25-2013 07:45 PM

Are you using Acan Plus?

You Acans are puking polyps!

Tanks looks awesome.. better than my dismal water filled cube of glass..

lastlight 06-25-2013 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 828117)
Are you using Acan Plus?

You Acans are puking polyps!

Tanks looks awesome.. better than my dismal water filled cube of glass..

Thanks man. Yeah I started up again with the Acan Plus once I knew I had the hair algae under control. I'm feeding 2-3 times per week and the colours and appearance of the acans have really improved. Some of my zoas and palys love the stuff too especially the candy apple reds and the sunny d's. their growth rates have increased as well as their coloration.

I bought another kent squirt thingy for dosing but the device is really annoying. When you submerge a 24" tube partially filled with the food into the water you need to expertly manage the pressure on the bulb to keep water from forcing its way in diluting the food. No matter what this almost always happens so I'm planning on rigging my own device with a syringe or seeing if I can get my hands on Julian's Thing.

lastlight 07-07-2013 06:31 AM

Photo dump!

lastlight 07-07-2013 06:31 AM

thmh 07-07-2013 02:53 PM

Wow lights that's some sexy pictures, so I see you put away your camera phone and brought out the big boy ehhh!


Reef Pilot 07-07-2013 03:45 PM

I am jealous indeed,... I need to get a proper camera...

kien 07-07-2013 04:52 PM

Killer pics man! Can you mentor me on how to take these cinematic photos?

Delphinus 07-07-2013 04:58 PM

Yeah, wow! :eek:

fishoholic 07-07-2013 05:05 PM

Great pics!

noy 07-08-2013 03:13 AM

awesome pics - what are your camera/lens and settings?

lastlight 07-08-2013 03:50 AM

Thanks guys.

Was shooting manual on a nikon d80 with a 105mm macro. I don't really know a whole lot about camera speak but it was set to F22. For white balance I just set my camera to 9900K bulb and it comes out very close to true.

b09u5 07-08-2013 03:52 AM

Killer pics! Unreal! Nice work!

michika 07-08-2013 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 830667)
Thanks guys.

Was shooting manual on a nikon d80 with a 105mm macro. I don't really know a whole lot about camera speak but it was set to F22. For white balance I just set my camera to 9900K bulb and it comes out very close to true.

Very very nice.

FYI you can make your own "Julian's Thing" with some stiffer tubing and a 5ml syringe from the pharmacy. Just fit the tube over the end of the syringe and voila. I've done it for years now to spot feed. Cheap, and easy to replace or customize for food size.

JDigital 07-08-2013 03:22 PM

Wow.. Photo's look fantastic.

I'm jealous of your SPS. I never really had a problem keeping SPS in the past, but I can't for the life of me keep any piece I buy these days alive in either of my tanks. :sad: What's your secret?

lastlight 07-08-2013 03:43 PM

Thx Josh.

No secret really and while my relatively small collection is for the most part growing, most of the pieces are not yet very coloured up at this point. I find it always takes me a long time to get sps settled and i've never had many pieces reach the potential that other reefers reach.

As for my system it is quite basic.

- Mitras (~13k, 71% power) light ramps up / down for 2 hours. Full intensity for 6 hrs.
- DD H2Ocean with weekly 10 - 15 gallon changes
- reactor with gfo
- 2 filter socks with a bit of carbon in them. cleaned out weekly
- filter foam on top of socks which i rinse off a few times per week
- skimmer cup emptied once a week
- food added is NLS pellets, Pacifica Plankton and Acan Plus

Back wall of the tank was of course all dead rock. It leached a lot of nutrients but I think it's pretty settled now. Rest of the rock was live.

I turkey baste the tank thoroughly at least once per week. The coral looks very happy when I do this!

sphelps 07-08-2013 03:51 PM

This is your best build thread for pics so far! Can't wait to see the next one.

lastlight 07-08-2013 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 830746)
This is your best build thread for pics so far! Can't wait to see the next one.

Lol thx. Next one meaning next round of pics right?

reefwars 07-08-2013 04:15 PM

Brett come take some pics for me lol ill give you zoos for pics as mine suck lol :pp

sphelps 07-08-2013 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 830749)
Lol thx. Next one meaning next round of pics right?


chef 07-08-2013 04:53 PM

hey lastlight no dosing?
Just reading your specs and didn't notice any dosing.If ya use h2ocean salt and regular water changes, is that sufficient? Nice job btw.

JDigital 07-08-2013 04:55 PM

For a comparison I've bolded my 62G system..


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 830744)
Thx Josh.

As for my system it is quite basic.

Check - I'm very similar in schedule, with a varying K rating- Mitras (~13k, 71% power) light ramps up / down for 2 hours. Full intensity for 6 hrs.
Check - Same Salt although very different WC schedule....- DD H2Ocean with weekly 10 - 15 gallon changes
Check - Same- reactor with gfo
Negative- 2 filter socks with a bit of carbon in them. cleaned out weekly
Negative- filter foam on top of socks which i rinse off a few times per week
No comment - My skimmer isn't performing well at all- skimmer cup emptied once a week
I use PE Mysis, Pacifica..- food added is NLS pellets, Pacifica Plankton and Acan Plus

Back wall of the tank was of course all dead rock. It leached a lot of nutrients but I think it's pretty settled now. Rest of the rock was live. I'm starting to think the Live Rock is a major factor vs a 100% Dry Macro

I turkey baste the tank thoroughly at least once per week. The coral looks very happy when I do this!

Beside the LR you added we are not so far off in comparison, which only frustrates me more. :lol: I should likely increase my WC schedule.. I do 20G once per month compared to your 40-54G per month.

In the end.. Keep up for the good work, based on your photos you're doing all the right things. :wink:

lastlight 07-08-2013 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by chef (Post 830757)
Just reading your specs and didn't notice any dosing.If ya use h2ocean salt and regular water changes, is that sufficient? Nice job btw.

I balance the major 3 as well sorry forgot to mention that. I dose BRS chems for Ca and Alk. My Mg is always spot on.

Rice Reef 07-08-2013 11:42 PM

Just had a chance to catch up on your recent reef porn and man, looking awesome there!

Skimmerking 07-09-2013 12:34 AM

looks good man

lastlight 07-21-2013 09:32 PM

Thanks guys. Here's a new piece I picked up yesterday. Fiji Green Pipe Organ.

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