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Nano 04-19-2012 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 707162)
BTW, food for thought.
Next time you think about buying one of those, you may want to get either a clear one, a clear true union one, or clear wye style one. That way you can see if there's crud/someone in it and with the union and wye ( of course ) you can dismantle and clean it out. Otherwise, when you need it most, it may not close :surprise:

yeah I have thought about that since installation. Kinda wish I had..
Oh well once we move the plumbing will be dismantled and redone, possible plumbed into a basement, along with a frag tank (a small one for the time being)

The dream is eventually to do a nice 6Lx3Wx2H(270ish gallons + sump) in wall viewable from the front and one side pain, with everything enclosed into a room, with a nice large sump & skimmer as well as a frag tank around 50-75 gallons...

Hey a guy can dream right?

gregzz4 04-19-2012 02:31 AM

Nothing wrong with a little mansca err I mean mancaving :wink:
So, it's Wed PM ... Where's the Baby ?

Nano 04-19-2012 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 707194)
Nothing wrong with a little mansca err I mean mancaving :wink:
So, it's Wed PM ... Where's the Baby ?

Oh yeah definitely going to have a man cave when we buy a house. Baby is still cooking.. she was supposed to have her membranes ruptured (induced) but she isn't quite ready at 39 weeks LOL this kid is already as stubborn as her mom.. :wink:

gregzz4 04-20-2012 03:18 AM

Looks like I need one of the crappy swing valves you bought :mrgreen:
Check my build ....

Nano 04-20-2012 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 707539)
Looks like I need one of the crappy swing valves you bought :mrgreen:
Check my build ....

lol what? you dont have any?

gregzz4 04-20-2012 03:40 AM

No, I never wanted one of the non-serviceable ones before
I'm off to Corix tomorrow to get one
Sux to be me

Nano 04-20-2012 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 707548)
No, I never wanted one of the non-serviceable ones before
I'm off to Corix tomorrow to get one
Sux to be me

You could make it serviceable with threaded fittings that you could unscrew I believe.

gregzz4 04-20-2012 03:46 AM

What I meant was the union-style ones can be easily removed and cleaned out, plus the clear ones are useful for visual assesment.

Nano 04-20-2012 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 707553)
What I meant was the union-style ones can be easily removed and cleaned out, plus the clear ones are useful for visual assesment.

It's definitely a good fail safe to have I know cause i already had one power outage, when we move AMD I re do the plumbing every thing will be serviceable. Overkill, yes but better safe then sorry

gregzz4 04-20-2012 03:48 AM

Like this

Or this

Nano 04-20-2012 03:49 AM

I like the serviceable one looks nice lol

Nano 04-20-2012 03:50 AM

Oops didn't see they both were I'd do the first one personally

gregzz4 04-20-2012 03:55 AM

Only drawback to the George Fisher wye one ( besides price ) is the angle you install it on. Some say it works on any angle. Hmm ....

The flapper-style one is called a swing valve. That's what you have now, minus the clear housing, and the unions.
It works best when it's installed vertically, but again, others say it works in other angles. Again, hmmmm ....

gregzz4 04-20-2012 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 707558)
Oops didn't see they both were I'd do the first one personally

Actually, the second, more expensive one, is apparently the more reliable and easier to service one

Nano 04-20-2012 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 707562)
Actually, the second, more expensive one, is apparently the more reliable and easier to service one

It does look very easy to service, but IMO the swing valves are tried and true from what I've seen, but then I am limited to what I've seen being wet behind the ears still :lol:

gregzz4 04-20-2012 04:12 AM

Nothing wrong with the swing valve ..
The wye valve works on weight instead of a spring. It'll never get soft due to wear.
Something to think about, hmm ?

Oh ya, I'm still more wet behind the ears than you are :wink:

gregzz4 04-20-2012 04:15 AM

Hey, did you check out my build thread ?

fishytime 04-20-2012 05:32 AM

I've been using the flapper style one for several years on my system without issue...... that being said, my sump also has enough room in case the seal on the check valve fails.....I bought two when I first plumbed the tank and swap them out periodically to clean them

gregzz4 04-20-2012 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by fishytime (Post 707612)
I've been using the flapper style one for several years on my system without issue...... that being said, my sump also has enough room in case the seal on the check valve fails.....I bought two when I first plumbed the tank and swap them out periodically to clean them

I am definately going to buy one for my Chaeto tank. Unfortunately it will be the non-clear kind.
I would love to test the clear ones, especially the union kind, but I can only find the best prices from BRS and the shipping is what's keeping me from trying one

gregzz4 04-20-2012 07:33 AM

Guess I should compile a BRS shipment :rolleyes:

Nano 04-20-2012 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 707571)
Hey, did you check out my build thread ?

Lol who hasnt? It's so clean and organized :)

Nano 04-21-2012 11:55 PM

Not an outstanding picture in anyway, but I thought it was cute. Scooter having a nap mid day in the sand

gregzz4 04-21-2012 11:59 PM

Are you sure the tank mafia didn't do a crappy job ?
Ya, that is a cute pic

Nano 04-22-2012 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 708186)
Are you sure the tank mafia didn't do a crappy job ?
Ya, that is a cute pic

lol that would suck hard if they did, hes my favorite fish ATM

gregzz4 04-22-2012 12:04 AM

I love scooters. Have always been my fave, ever since my first pet store job, way back when

Nano 04-22-2012 12:06 AM

I would like to get a video of mine one day, I feed him with a turkey baster and the greedy pig just comes to the turkey basters tip to eat as it comes out :lol:

noirsphynx 04-22-2012 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 708182)
Not an outstanding picture in anyway, but I thought it was cute. Scooter having a nap mid day in the sand

That's adorable!

Nano 04-22-2012 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by noirsphynx (Post 708197)
That's adorable!

yup hes quite the little character this one. Always sleeps in this same spot.. Weirdo fish.. :lol:

gregzz4 04-24-2012 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 708198)
yup hes quite the little character this one. Always sleeps in this same spot.. Weirdo fish.. :lol:

Is Daddy gettin' the motherin' thing goin' on ?
Time you learned to change nappies Daddy :mrgreen:

C'mon, where's the baby already

Awww, c'mon, you know you want one of these.
Bill Cosby said that's what they look like anyway, so why not just try to love them and get it over with :twised:

Nano 04-24-2012 07:05 AM

CONTRACTIONS ARE HAPPENING BIGTIME HERE!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgree n::mrgreen:

gregzz4 04-24-2012 07:55 AM

Yea !!!!!!!!!!! It's about time :razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz:
I hope everything goes very well
We'll miss you while you tend to the missus this week or so, or more
Remember, I reminded you about the whole 'I hate you, you did this to me'
I'm happy for you .... Kenneth Jr Kehwai Kenwhatthehelllllll HEHEE

YEAAAHHHHHHH :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgr een:

gregzz4 04-24-2012 09:19 PM

Ava Maureen Hobden
Don't know why I couldn't find it

Nano 04-27-2012 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 709479)
Ava Maureen Hobden
Don't know why I couldn't find it

Yup thats it! she's a real angel, kept me up all night :lol: but today she has been up "talking" (making noises) and smiling and pooping all day so she should have a good little sleep tonight hopefully:razz:

finally got around to cleaning up the tanks a bit, just the algae growth on the glass + top offs, man, one of my sps has some major growth on it, its branching!!! probably 6 little branches beginning to grow, as well as 3 baby frogspawns popping up on the stock of the main branch of frogspawn. weird.. I leave my hands out of the tank for a week and BOOM things happen!

ensquire 04-27-2012 03:08 AM

All kind of new things growing over there .

Nano 04-27-2012 03:11 AM

Lol tell me about it, its weird what happens in the spring time ;)

ensquire 04-27-2012 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 710378)
Lol tell me about it, its weird what happens in the spring time ;)

I bet you got a smile a mile wide these days :wink:

Nano 04-27-2012 03:18 AM

Oh yeah even as tired as I am I couldn't wait to get home from work today and as soon as I did I picked her up :)

Nano 05-07-2012 04:20 PM

SO I have what I think is some pretty substantial growth on one of my SPS, I will post pictures tonight, this thing is growing noticeably week by week, got it as a $10 frag and didnt have high hopes for it, judging by some of my previous sps losses but I am very surprised to see it still going strong as well as my other frags :)

Stay tuned :mrgreen:

Nano 05-08-2012 12:17 AM

so this is my little sps frag that i am so proud of (since I kept it alive) :P

3 weeks ago
:mrgreen: not too shabby Imo

gregzz4 05-08-2012 12:29 AM

Since I've never owned coral yet, I have no idea how well that growth is and I'll just have to agree with you :mrgreen:
Hard to tell what color it is in the pic

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