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spedly 05-22-2016 04:14 PM

Anyone using Aquaforest Reef Salt ever measure calcium of fresh salt water? I just received a Hanna checker for calcium the other day and this morning I decided to measure it - it came out to 474. Is that consistent with other people's measurements?

gmann 05-22-2016 04:16 PM

420 my last check

mrhasan 05-22-2016 05:04 PM

Mine was something between 420-440. Cant remember precisely.

Myka 05-23-2016 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by spedly (Post 991932)
Anyone using Aquaforest Reef Salt ever measure calcium of fresh salt water? I just received a Hanna checker for calcium the other day and this morning I decided to measure it - it came out to 474. Is that consistent with other people's measurements?

I don't like the Hanna Calcium checker -it always reads about 50 ppm higher than Salifert and Elos when I used it.

spedly 05-23-2016 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 992002)
I don't like the Hanna Calcium checker -it always reads about 50 ppm higher than Salifert and Elos when I used it.


Really? I was using a Red Sea test kit and it was waaaay off. I was measuring ~360 in my display so I started dosing kalk to bring it up. I could never get it higher than 380 - which I thought was weird. I tested the display yesterday and it was around 490 which was when I realized my Red Sea kit was out to lunch. I was expecting the Hanna checker to be a silver bullet.

spedly 05-23-2016 04:05 AM

Doh! I think I've been messing up on my testing procedures. I'll perform another test tomorrow and see what comes out of it.

spedly 05-23-2016 05:45 PM

So I properly tested some salt mix I made yesterday and it tested 353. This is more aligned with the test results I've been getting all along but certainly different than the results others are getting. Might be time to try a different salt mix.

Myka 05-23-2016 05:48 PM

If you're getting 353 ppm calcium in freshly mixed Aquaforest salt then I think you're making errors testing or maybe your refractometer isn't calibrated and the specific gravity is a lot lower than you think it is.

spedly 05-23-2016 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 992041)
If you're getting 353 ppm calcium in freshly mixed Aquaforest salt then I think you're making errors testing or maybe your refractometer isn't calibrated and the specific gravity is a lot lower than you think it is.

So maybe fresh isn't the right word. I got the salt mix going two days ago and performed a water change yesterday. Salinity was measured at around 1.025. After the water change I turned off the mixing pump and heater so what I measured today was what was left at the bottom of the container.

I have a Vertex refractometer and ensure it's calibrated before every measurement. Do they have a limited lifespan? This one is about two years old.

You're right though something is weird. I thought that my old Red Sea test kit was garbage because of the low measurements. I've watched and re-watched YouTube videos on how to use the Hanna checker and I think I'm doing it right now. I'll watch it one more time....

I'm a little more concerned now that the Hanna checker is basically confirming things.

Myka 05-23-2016 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by spedly (Post 992042)
I have a Vertex refractometer and ensure it's calibrated before every measurement. Do they have a limited lifespan? This one is about two years old.

You calibrate it every time before you use it? That's a bit excessive. If you're just using it on one or two tanks, and it's not traveling around anywhere getting bumped around or exposed to significant temperature changes, then once every 2-3 months should be sufficient. How are you calibrating?

Skimmer Juice 05-23-2016 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by spedly (Post 992042)
So maybe fresh isn't the right word. I got the salt mix going two days ago and performed a water change yesterday. Salinity was measured at around 1.025. After the water change I turned off the mixing pump and heater so what I measured today was what was left at the bottom of the container.

I have a Vertex refractometer and ensure it's calibrated before every measurement. Do they have a limited lifespan? This one is about two years old.

You're right though something is weird. I thought that my old Red Sea test kit was garbage because of the low measurements. I've watched and re-watched YouTube videos on how to use the Hanna checker and I think I'm doing it right now. I'll watch it one more time....

I'm a little more concerned now that the Hanna checker is basically confirming things.

would recommend bringing your refractometer to a lfs and just cross check numbers, also get them to test with different test kit that should solve any issues. Also what are you calibrating your refractometer with? Solution or rodi ? I found my hanna calcium test kit super inconsistent so I went back to test kits recently started using Nyos test kits really liking how easy the numbers are to calculate with no color matching .

spedly 05-23-2016 06:16 PM

I think my RO filters need replacing. Just ordered replacements from Reef Supplies and will re-test.

I have been using RODI for calibration but I think I have solution somewhere. And good advice about the refractometer - I'll take it to the LFS and see what they say.

spedly 05-23-2016 06:31 PM


So I did find an unused container of Pinpoint salinity calibration fluid. I used that to calibrate my refractometer and then checked the salinity of my display and fresh salt mix. Wow is it ever off. I'm measuring only about 1.021 salinity. That would explain why my calcium measurements are so off. Thanks for the tip Skimmer Juice.

Myka 05-23-2016 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by spedly (Post 992053)

So I did find an unused container of Pinpoint salinity calibration fluid. I used that to calibrate my refractometer and then checked the salinity of my display and fresh salt mix. Wow is it ever off. I'm measuring only about 1.021 salinity. That would explain why my calcium measurements are so off. Thanks for the tip Skimmer Juice.

That's exactly what I was getting at when I asked how you were calibrating. ;) I'm glad you found the issue.

Also, if your RO/DI isn't perfect, using it for the Hanna Calcium Checker will throw those numbers off too. I recommend using distilled water in the Calcium Checker.

mrhasan 05-23-2016 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 992060)
That's exactly what I was getting at when I asked how you were calibrating. ;) I'm glad you found the issue.

Also, if your RO/DI isn't perfect, using it for the Hanna Calcium Checker will throw those numbers off too. I recommend using distilled water in the Calcium Checker.

Finger prints on the vials can throw off the numbers too. I used to handle those vials using napkins :razz:

Myka 05-23-2016 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by mrhasan (Post 992062)
Finger prints on the vials can throw off the numbers too. I used to handle those vials using napkins :razz:

Yes, so can using different sides of the vials (quartz thickness isn't always even). I always polish up the vials, and line them up in the checker the same direction every time. When I handle them to add reagents I don't touch anything except the lid and then the very bottom 1/2" of the vial (the test is taken about 1/3 of the way down the vial). They are fussy little things, but if used carefully they are very accurate. The Calcium Checker requires much more care to use properly. It's VERY easy to mess up that one. The alkalinity and phosphate/phosporus checkers are much more forgiving. I use them all the time, but the calcium one collects dust in my cabinet. :lol:

mrhasan 05-23-2016 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 992072)
Yes, so can using different sides of the vials (quartz thickness isn't always even). I always polish up the vials, and line them up in the checker the same direction every time. When I handle them to add reagents I don't touch anything except the lid and then the very bottom 1/2" of the vial (the test is taken about 1/3 of the way down the vial). They are fussy little things, but if used carefully they are very accurate. The Calcium Checker requires much more care to use properly. It's VERY easy to mess up that one. The alkalinity and phosphate/phosporus checkers are much more forgiving. I use them all the time, but the calcium one collects dust in my cabinet. :lol:

Damn those calorimeter! :twised:

Slick Fork 05-27-2016 12:48 AM

So people seem happy with this? Just read the whole thread and other than some broken boxes I don't see a whole lot of complaining. I'm used to using RBS but the price difference is now hard to swallow.

Thoughts on the differences between the probiotic and "just" the reef salt? Is the probiotic simply reef salt with some bacterial additive?

WarDog 05-27-2016 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Slick Fork (Post 992342)
So people seem happy with this?

I'm loving it so far.

Forgot to post my mixed parameters of the reef salt.

Alk : 7.3
Ca : 435
Mg: 1230

@ 1.025 and 78 degrees

Galizio 05-27-2016 03:12 AM

Does anyone use component +1,+2 & +3? I will like to know more about this product and some experience.

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Myka 05-27-2016 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Slick Fork (Post 992342)
Thoughts on the differences between the probiotic and "just" the reef salt? Is the probiotic simply reef salt with some bacterial additive?

There are also vitamins and aminos too. I used one bucket of probiotic and now trying out a bucket of regular reef salt.


Originally Posted by Galizio (Post 992352)
Does anyone use component +1,+2 & +3? I will like to know more about this product and some experience.

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I'm using Component 1+2+3+. What do you need to know?

Galizio 05-27-2016 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 992354)
There are also vitamins and aminos too. I used one bucket of probiotic and now trying out a bucket of regular reef salt.

I'm using Component 1+2+3+. What do you need to know?

I'm currently using tlf c balance,I'll like to know if this product is similar and what are the dosage recommended when all the parameter are in check. I read about that all 3 have to be dosed daily at the same ratio,kinda like c-balance, but for example c balance say to start with 5 ml every 20g, I don't seem to find any instruction online about this product.

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Galizio 05-27-2016 05:45 AM

Actually I just found the instruction on the aqua forest web site, I may actually give it a try.

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Myka 05-27-2016 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Galizio (Post 992355)
I'm currently using tlf c balance,I'll like to know if this product is similar and what are the dosage recommended when all the parameter are in check. I read about that all 3 have to be dosed daily at the same ratio,kinda like c-balance, but for example c balance say to start with 5 ml every 20g, I don't seem to find any instruction online about this product.

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You have to find out how much alkalinity your tank uses in a day. If your demand isn't super high, then the easiest way is to test at say 8 am one day, skip all dosing that day, then test again at 8 am the next day. If your tank is high demand then you should calculate the amount using the concentration of the supplement you're using.

Once you know that then you can calculate how much to use. There are instructions on the jugs. For the alkalinity jug,1.7 fl oz increases alkalinity by 1.3 DKH per 27 gallons of water.

They must be used in exactly the same proportions because you can't buy each Component separate - they come in a 3-pack. For adjustment doses you must use a different product.

Galizio 05-27-2016 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 992360)
You have to find out how much alkalinity your tank uses in a day. If your demand isn't super high, then the easiest way is to test at say 8 am one day, skip all dosing that day, then test again at 8 am the next day. If your tank is high demand then you should calculate the amount using the concentration of the supplement you're using.

Once you know that then you can calculate how much to use. There are instructions on the jugs. For the alkalinity jug,1.7 fl oz increases alkalinity by 1.3 DKH per 27 gallons of water.

They must be used in exactly the same proportions because you can't buy each Component separate - they come in a 3-pack. For adjustment doses you must use a different product.

Thank you so much. Couple of question and I leave you alone , lol are you happy with this product? Do you use vessel or just use the product straight from the jars? Also will like to know dimensions of the jugs if dosing is possible from the jugs supplied.

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Myka 05-27-2016 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Galizio (Post 992366)
Thank you so much. Couple of question and I leave you alone , lol are you happy with this product? Do you use vessel or just use the product straight from the jars? Also will like to know dimensions of the jugs if dosing is possible from the jugs supplied.

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Ask as much as you want! :) Yes, I like the Components. I've only been using them for about a month so far though. Interestingly, in my tank the big three are staying balanced in relation to each other via dosing equal amounts. I know some other people haven't had this experience and have had to do some supplemental dosing with other products to keep the big three in balance.

I was going to dose them directly from the jugs just by drilling a hole the size of rigid airline tubing, but I found a good deal on some Bubble Magus dosing containers, and that's what I'm using now.

Galizio 05-27-2016 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 992376)
Ask as much as you want! :) Yes, I like the Components. I've only been using them for about a month so far though. Interestingly, in my tank the big three are staying balanced in relation to each other via dosing equal amounts. I know some other people haven't had this experience and have had to do some supplemental dosing with other products to keep the big three in balance.

I was going to dose them directly from the jugs just by drilling a hole the size of rigid airline tubing, but I found a good deal on some Bubble Magus dosing containers, and that's what I'm using now.

Yes was reading the instructions on the web page and they recommend to get all the parameter in check then dosing the 3 components equals amount per day, really interesting product... I plan to do my new tank probiotic, do you dose any other elements or the 3 should be enough for everything?
Thanks for your help, I guess I'm going to order some on Amazon :-)

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Myka 05-27-2016 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Galizio (Post 992412)
Yes was reading the instructions on the web page and they recommend to get all the parameter in check then dosing the 3 components equals amount per day, really interesting product... I plan to do my new tank probiotic, do you dose any other elements or the 3 should be enough for everything?
Thanks for your help, I guess I'm going to order some on Amazon :-)

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For LPS and mixed reef tanks, I personally think you're better off just using the 3-part (either dry or liquid), and not much else. All the micros and foods are more geared towards high-demand SPS tanks imo. So it depends what you want from your tank, and where you currently are with it. I can help you pick the correct products.

You can do the Aquaforest Method in many ways, but here is the basic break down of the complete Aquaforest Method.

The probiotic part:
NP Pro (carbon source, like vinegar, vodka, biopellets, etc)
Pro Bio S (probiotic bacteria)
Zeo Mix (helps reduce nitrate by absorbing ammonia, good for ULNS)

Then the balling method which is 3-part dosing (macros) plus microelements.

There are 3 ways you can dose macros: Dry powders you mix yourself (Calcium, KH Buffer, Magnesium) OR liquid supplements (Ca Plus, KH Plus, Mg Plus) OR liquid all-in-one (Component 1+2+3+).

There are 4 ways to dose micros: Dose the 6 micro mixes separately for ultimate tweaking (Iodum, Fluorine, Strontium, Kalium, Iron, Micro E) OR liquid supplement (Component A,B,C) OR Components Strong and Reef Mineral Salt OR all-in-one Component 1+2+3+.

The most economical way to do the full balling method to buy the dry Ca, Alk, and Mg powders, and add the micros yourself.

The food part:

AF Amino Mix (formerly Coral A)
AF Build (formerly Coral B)
AF Vitality (formerly Coral V)
AF Energy
AF Power Food

Galizio 05-28-2016 12:29 AM

Going to go mainly sps,
Before I make the switch will like to clean up all the others zeovit I got lol...
At the moment dosing c balance, some zeovit micro elements, strontium &potassium (brightwell) ascorbic acid, and for the probiotic part also use brightwell biofuel & mb7. Corals Food also zeovit.
If I think how much the zeovit cost+ c balance+ the probiotic part well the aqua forest can save me some money and time on dosing some of the macro that I'm doing manually everyday :-)
Was reading the thread and don't know if I'm going to go for the salt but the component 1-2-3 and the probiotic definitely are worth a try . Also was reading on the AF website to use siporax, may have to look into those also and the placement in the sump or reactor.

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Myka 05-28-2016 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Galizio (Post 992425)
was reading on the AF website to use siporax, may have to look into those also and the placement in the sump or reactor.

I have 2L of Siporax in my sump. I only have 28 lbs of live rock in my tank because I used branch rock, so I think the Siporax helps in my case. I'm not sure it is even beneficial in many cases.

dcw1sfu 05-28-2016 02:57 AM

I've been using the AF products for about 4 months now and have been really happy with them.

I currently use the following AF products:

Probiotic Salt
Coral A
Coral B
Coral E
Coral V
Pro bio s
NP Pro
Coral food
Phosphate minus (took it offline as not needed at the moment)
Component Strong
Mineral Salt

I use the component strong rather then their 1+ 2+ 3+ as its much cheaper to mix my own as my tank currently consumes at least 2dkh per day. Ends up being the same product in the end.

I also have 2 liters of Siporax in my sump (60 gallon total water volume)

Myka 05-28-2016 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by dcw1sfu (Post 992440)
I've been using the AF products for about 4 months now and have been really happy with them.

I currently use the following AF products:

Probiotic Salt
Coral A
Coral B
Coral E
Coral V
Pro bio s
NP Pro

Awesome! What's your dosing schedule?

Here's mine:

AcroPower 5 mL on even nights (just about empty, will switch to Coral A)
Coral V 3 drops on odd nights
Coral E 3 drops per night
Reef Chili (in place of Coral Food) 3 scoops pery night
Coral B (not using it, don't need it)
NP Pro (not using it, don't need it)
ProBio S 3 drops per night

Carbon (using Rox right now, 120 mL changed out monthly)

2L Siporax

dcw1sfu 05-28-2016 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 992443)
Awesome! What's your dosing schedule?

Here's mine:

AcroPower 5 mL on even nights (just about empty, will switch to Coral A)
Coral V 3 drops on odd nights
Coral E 3 drops per night
Reef Chili (in place of Coral Food) 3 scoops pery night
Coral B (not using it, don't need it)
NP Pro (not using it, don't need it)
ProBio S 3 drops per night

Carbon (using Rox right now, 120 mL changed out monthly)

2L Siporax

60 gallon water volume

Feed pellets twice a day and reef frenzy frozen once a day for heavily stocked tank. Add coral food and reef roid's to the frozen 3 to 4 times a week.

NP PRO 2 drops daily at night
PRO BIO S 2 drops daily at night
Coral A 2 drops daily at night
Coral V 2 drops daily at night
Coral B 2 drops daily at night
Coral E 2 drops daily at night (I sometimes reduce to 1 drop if I notice coral lightening to much)

5 MLS of component strong per liter added to the calcium / Alk and mineral salt dosing jugs ad per the instructions. Dose 85 MLS of each using randy recipe 1 and dose 2 liters of kalk a day.

I just switched from Rox to AF Carbon and change every 3-4 weeks

Weekly water changes approx 15%

Myka 05-28-2016 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by dcw1sfu (Post 992444)
60 gallon water volume

Feed pellets twice a day and reef frenzy frozen once a day for heavily stocked tank. Add coral food and reef roid's to the frozen 3 to 4 times a week.

NP PRO 2 drops daily at night
PRO BIO S 2 drops daily at night
Coral A 2 drops daily at night
Coral V 2 drops daily at night
Coral B 2 drops daily at night
Coral E 2 drops daily at night (I sometimes reduce to 1 drop if I notice coral lightening to much)

5 MLS of component strong per liter added to the calcium / Alk and mineral salt dosing jugs ad per the instructions. Dose 85 MLS of each using randy recipe 1 and dose 2 liters of kalk a day.

I just switched from Rox to AF Carbon and change every 3-4 weeks

Weekly water changes approx 15%

Pretty much the same as me, except I think I have more food going in. I'm fairly heavily stocked too, and feed a homemade frozen mash twice a day and pellets on an auto feeder once a day. Plus the 3 scoops of Reef Chili everyday. :) I'm using the Component 1+2+3+ so no mixing, but I'll probably switch when demand goes up.

What's N and P at for you? I'm 0.5 ppm and 3 ppb (0.009 ppm) respectively. My corals were really pale before starting AF, and they've finally started darkening up now.

dcw1sfu 05-29-2016 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 992461)
Pretty much the same as me, except I think I have more food going in. I'm fairly heavily stocked too, and feed a homemade frozen mash twice a day and pellets on an auto feeder once a day. Plus the 3 scoops of Reef Chili everyday. :) I'm using the Component 1+2+3+ so no mixing, but I'll probably switch when demand goes up.

What's N and P at for you? I'm 0.5 ppm and 3 ppb (0.009 ppm) respectively. My corals were really pale before starting AF, and they've finally started darkening up now.

I was showing 0ppb P and 4ppm nitrates so I removed the phosphate minus as I was phosphate limited. Hadn't checked in at least a month prior to this l.

I'm now showing .012ppm Phosphates and 1ppm nitrate

I have also seen amazing improvements in color since switching to AF and have polyp extension on some across that I never had before.

Myka 05-29-2016 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by dcw1sfu (Post 992517)
I was showing 0ppb P and 4ppm nitrates so I removed the phosphate minus as I was phosphate limited. Hadn't checked in at least a month prior to this l.

I'm now showing .012ppm Phosphates and 1ppm nitrate

I have also seen amazing improvements in color since switching to AF and have polyp extension on some across that I never had before.

Yes, N and P looks better now. :)

Also, I'm getting excellent color and PE improvements too. I started making the transition in late February with salt and ProBioS. I started the supplements mid-April, and then I started the macros and micros beginning of May. It's when I started the macros and micros that I really started seeing improvements.

Here are a couple examples...

Strawberry Shortcake
Apr 27

Strawberry Shortcake
May 28

Garf Bonsai
Apr 27

Garf Bonsai
May 28

Galizio 05-29-2016 01:58 AM

So any of you use some phosphate remover with this method or not?

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Galizio 05-29-2016 01:59 AM

That ssc looks great:-)

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Myka 05-29-2016 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Galizio (Post 992524)
So any of you use some phosphate remover with this method or not?

Not I - don't need it. I have some hair algae in the tank, but I'm not concerned about it, it will cycle out. It was there before I started AF.

intarsiabox 05-29-2016 03:45 AM

I can't seem to find any info on Aquaforest's website about Coral A, B, E, V but it seems like that is what is available through Amazon. Coral A is amino acids and on the Aquaforest website they have AF Amino Mix instead. Have all these products been replaced and Amazon just doesn't carry the new line? Is there a reference chart somewhere that lists the counterparts and a recommended schedule?

I started with the AF Reef salt and just did my third water change with it and everything seems fine. I got the Bio Pro S and NP Pro in the mail on Tuesday and started dosing everyday. The only thing I've noticed is that my glass now needs cleaning daily but coral seems happy. The tank I'm trying these products out on is a 40g breeder, I dosed 2 drops each the first day and just one drop each day there after.

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