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sphelps 11-26-2008 04:38 PM

All I'm saying is that Xenon bulbs are not made for aquariums and probably never will be as there is no demand. Would you use a street or industrial MH bulb for your aquarium?

No point reinventing the wheel, they already make 70W halides for aquariums and I just don't see the need for anything smaller. So unless xenon bulbs can be proven more efficient than halides in terms of PAR what's the point in pursuing them? Maybe for fun, sure. Nothing wrong with that but don't make false/unproven claims misleading people into a bad purchase.

Whatigot 11-26-2008 05:28 PM

I think dandits whole point is to have more lighting options for a nano tank isn't it?

seems pretty clear to me and a good idea too IMHO.

There are t5's, compacts, mh, LED, vho, fluorescent, you're telling me that there isn't a point in reinventing the wheel?

seems like a lot of co's have made some major dough doing just that to me.

sphelps 11-26-2008 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Whatigot (Post 363288)
There are t5's, compacts, mh, LED, vho, fluorescent, you're telling me that there isn't a point in reinventing the wheel?

Not unless Xenon lighting is more efficient than MH which is yet to be proven and is extremely doubtful since they are essentially the same thing. If xenon gas was better they would already use it for other applications, this isn't new technology. I would suspect the main reason these are used in the automotive industry is related to firing capabilities over efficiency, xenon gas is often used in strobe lights and flashes for this reason.

70W halides would work great for a nano, maybe not a 5.5 or smaller but how many people are interested in that? Not much demand. A 70W halide has to be the least commonly used halide which is why they are hard to find and have a limited bulb selection, a 35W would be even worse and would be a poor investment by any company.

You can pursue this as much as you want and we're all entitled to our opinions but Xenon lighting is unproven technology for aquarium applications and stating otherwise is wrong.

Whatigot 11-26-2008 06:32 PM

who was stating otherwise?
some people on this thread were WONDERING at the possibilities but I don't see anyone here saying that it's definite.

My point, again was only that skepticism of anything is the greatest in it's infancy and you may not be aware of this but there are entire communities online to people dedicated to nano tanks.

Where do you get the info that not many people are interested in 5.5 and under?
since you're so adamant about having a basis to prove stated facts?

I have a 5.5 gallon and I could name a number of others on Canreef, let alone nanoreefs or reef central that do as well..

Stating that not many people are interested in 5.5 and under is wrong and in your case, hypocritical.

If a 35w xenon bulb was proven to work for nanos, the argument could easily be that a company could slightly tweak their design and open up their business to a whole new market....sounds like a great business move to me

sphelps 11-26-2008 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Whatigot (Post 363313)
who was stating otherwise?
some people on this thread were WONDERING at the possibilities but I don't see anyone here saying that it's definite.

It been stated in this thread and I quoted above, statements where made regarding higher efficiency and higher par ratings than other bulbs. These were also stated and claimed as fact not opinion and no evidence supports the claims.


Originally Posted by Whatigot
My point, again was only that skepticism of anything is the greatest in it's infancy and you may not be aware of this but there are entire communities online to people dedicated to nano tanks.

Where do you get the info that not many people are interested in 5.5 and under?
since you're so adamant about having a basis to prove stated facts?

What percentage of people in the saltwater hobby do you think have a 5.5g tank or smaller? 5% maybe, and that's probably generous. Now what percentage of that 5% would actually spend upwards of $200 on a light fixture? Maybe 25% of the original 5% which means your total market is only 1.25% of people in the hobby. Oh yeah that's a great business move, it would take 100 years to pay for the R&D.

dabandit 11-26-2008 07:09 PM

How many more times are you going to call me a liar? The FACTS do exist I've seen them. A xenon H.I.D is a metal halide H.I.D allmost identical technology why is it hard to beleive their out puts would be very similar?

Whatigot 11-26-2008 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 363316)
It been stated in this thread and I quoted above, statements where made regarding higher efficiency and higher par ratings than other bulbs. These were also stated and claimed as fact not opinion and no evidence supports the claims.

What percentage of people in the saltwater hobby do you think have a 5.5g tank or smaller? 5% maybe, and that's probably generous. Now what percentage of that 5% would actually spend upwards of $200 on a light fixture? Maybe 25% of the original 5% which means your total market is only 1.25% of people in the hobby. Oh yeah that's a great business move, it would take 100 years to pay for the R&D.

again, you're going out on a limb here and assuming a lot which I thought from your previous posts was contradictory to your nature but now I see it's merely selective depending on if it's you who wants to make a point or someone else.

I like how you can state hearsay as fact, but if anyone else alludes to doing that, you're all over them.

show me the stats man and you have some ground to stand on, if you can't you're in the same boat you put dabandit into by your own words.

Whatigot 11-26-2008 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 363316)
It been stated in this thread and I quoted above, statements where made regarding higher efficiency and higher par ratings than other bulbs. These were also stated and claimed as fact not opinion and no evidence supports the claims.



Snaz 11-26-2008 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by dabandit (Post 363319)
How many more times are you going to call me a liar? The FACTS do exist I've seen them. A xenon H.I.D is a metal halide H.I.D allmost identical technology why is it hard to beleive their out puts would be very similar?

You may have read something that you take as factual but unless we can ALSO read it, it will not be factual to us.

Definition of FACT: a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened.

Show me the information and let me judge the "facts". Thank you.

Jason McK 11-26-2008 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by i have crabs (Post 362075)
find someone with a par meter to check them out mabey

The Second post in this thread is the most valuable. I can't see any other information in this thread that is factual.

Just chill your talking about annoying car headlights as lights for a SPS aquarium, it's not the end of the world.

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