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Patrick1 10-31-2008 10:38 PM

I live down town and have to deal with people blocking half my condo's drive way almost every day. It bugs me but, for down town we have very few problems. When I lived in Mount Royal my old roomate had an on going battle with the condo building next door. They would fill our dumpster instead of using theirs.

Many morning I would awake to the sounds of him chewing the neighbours out. One morning he got so mad he pulled the garbage back out ripped the bag open and dumped the garbage all over their entrance.

Anyways don't park in peoples driveways...

Hairytank 10-31-2008 10:56 PM

Peanut butter makes things interesting, but Vaseline takes it to a whole new level...messy and Very diffacult to remove...

Door handles, windshield wipers...
Keep in mind...The wipers may be a "bad" idea, as they may turn them on, and it may obscure their view, and may cause them to die in a fiery accident...

Inside voice: "Would that be justice or just mean spirited" be the judge.

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ElGuappo 10-31-2008 11:11 PM

ya but i was trying to leave it without doing any perminant damage. but if you want you could just spread (beleive it or not) MAYO on the panit and if its in sunlight it will just destroy the paint job. a friend of a friend did this as a harmless joke to find out mayo + UV rays = F#cked paint. good thing it was another friends POS car.

michika 11-02-2008 03:47 AM

Well guess what I got to do tonight when I got home?! Thats right, I called Calgary Parking Authority again. Although I asked for them just to ticket them instead of going for a tow. I'm tired of fighting with these people, I just wish I could pull in, and out of my garage without having to make 40 3pt turns, and spending 10 minutes doing it. As funny as it is to pull an Austin Powers move a few times a day, I just wish they would stop doing this!

The original car that was towed is out of impound and taking up half their back alley drive way.

Der_Iron_Chef 11-02-2008 04:27 AM

Want me to confront them for you? I'm told I can be really scary :)

fishoholic 11-02-2008 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 356635)
Well guess what I got to do tonight when I got home?! Thats right, I called Calgary Parking Authority again. Although I asked for them just to ticket them instead of going for a tow. I'm tired of fighting with these people, I just wish I could pull in, and out of my garage without having to make 40 3pt turns, and spending 10 minutes doing it. As funny as it is to pull an Austin Powers move a few times a day, I just wish they would stop doing this!

The original car that was towed is out of impound and taking up half their back alley drive way.

The nerve of some people!!!!!! :evil:


Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef (Post 356641)
Want me to confront them for you? I'm told I can be really scary :)

Go for it!

ponokareefer 11-02-2008 04:24 PM

Are you able to put something in your space, like a garbage can, when you leave so that they are unable to park in that spot? I know it would mean you have to to extra work to keep them out of your space, but they may get the hint, and stop. They may also just move the item, but that would take extra work on there part. It may save you the headache of dealing with their ignorance.
I would caution against doing something in retaliation. The people you are dealing with are already showing you no respect, so if you do something to them, would it be much of a stretch for them to vandalize your property next? I know that I would be ****ed off and want to do something as well, but I would think that they would just escalate to something worse.

michika 11-02-2008 04:34 PM

Sadly no I can't put anything there.

This is kind of how it works

The first time:

___ROCK WALL_____
[special car]

The second time

___ROCK WALL_____
[special car]

Last night;

___ROCK WALL_____
[special car]

The extra sad part is this is a middle age couple who is doing this! I'll just keep calling parking services, I made the effort and now look what happens

brizzo 11-02-2008 04:54 PM

I vote their special car needs to get stolen! :twised:

Der_Iron_Chef 11-02-2008 05:30 PM

So have you ever actually spoken with them? I was serious about my offer to talk to them for I love doing stuff like that :)

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