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brotherd 03-21-2015 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 941843)
Thanks guys. No real plans for livestock yet as I'm not very experienced in the fresh water and haven't done much research. Open to any suggestions for some fish that are good with plants and the theme, also things like vampire crabs caught my eye just don't know much about them. The main goal is to keep maintenance down, don't want anything that requires special feeding on a regular bases, the whole point of this transformation was to have something I can essentially leave unattended for weeks without issue.

Pisces had some cool looking little frogs. Black with yellow stripes. Don't recall the species though.That is looking very cool!

sphelps 03-22-2015 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by intarsiabox (Post 941869)
I've seen Archerfish kept in Paludariums. They are an interesting species that are well suited to this style of aquarium.

Yes, Mike also suggested Archerfish so they are on my list for sure if I can find purely freshwater species as appose to brackish.

sphelps 03-22-2015 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by brotherd (Post 941906)
Pisces had some cool looking little frogs. Black with yellow stripes. Don't recall the species though.That is looking very cool!

I like the idea of keeping frogs, always wanted to but not sure they'll fit into my low maintenance requirements. If I could feed them something freeze dried with an automatic feeder then for sure but not sure that's really that feasible.

StirCrazy 03-24-2015 12:44 AM

looks cool Steve, only question I have is can you have fish or critters using the hydroponic nutrient drip?


FishyFishy! 03-24-2015 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 942200)
looks cool Steve, only question I have is can you have fish or critters using the hydroponic nutrient drip?


I don't think many chemicals are going to be used. But i'll let Steve chime in on that one. The dirty water from fish is usually pretty good for nutrients to start with.

sphelps 03-24-2015 01:49 AM

It's an aquaponic system. The tank water feeds the drip and recirculates. The nutrients are provided by the fish waste. Other additives may be added if needed just like a standard planted tank.

MarkoD 03-24-2015 05:17 PM

I don't know if theyr suitable for this kind of tank. But poison dart frogs would be cool in a tank like that. They'd lay eggs in the water and you'd get tadpoles

sphelps 03-24-2015 08:20 PM

It would be a suitable environment for dart frogs however everything I've read on these suggests they require regular feedings and only take live food. For that reason I've crossed them off the list of possibilities as although I'd love to keep them I just can't commit to their feeding requirements. I really have no interest in keeping crickets or breeding fruit flies.

I do appreciate the recommendation though and would also appreciate any others.

FishyFishy! 03-24-2015 08:23 PM

You can do lower maintenance frogs like red eyed tree frogs and red legged running frogs. Both are easy to care for and are totally ok with eachother in the same environment. Also can be put with lots of other species as well.

sphelps 03-24-2015 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 942322)
You can do lower maintenance frogs like red eyed tree frogs and red legged running frogs. Both are easy to care for and are totally ok with eachother in the same environment. Also can be put with lots of other species as well.

What do they eat?

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