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Leah 09-16-2010 02:53 PM

Geez! :twised: This is not what you want to read about. So sorry to see this Kien...YOUR tanks inspire so many of us.... they are truly beautiful. Wish mine looked half as bad as yours do know. :mrgreen: Glad to hear you will be hanging in there. You are a true reefer. :biggrin:

reefcanada 09-16-2010 03:12 PM

That sucks, sorry to hear about this. Do you run a chiller? What did your temp. get up to?

kien 09-16-2010 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by reefcanada (Post 549038)
That sucks, sorry to hear about this. Do you run a chiller? What did your temp. get up to?

No I don't run a chiller. We have central AC in the house :)

With the Profilux Controller and some fans the temp always remains between 78 to 81. I have never seen it go out of that range, and if it does I get email alerts. I do have an old skool thermometer that I check on just to make sure the probes are okay but I do clean the probes frequently as well.

Lance 09-16-2010 10:26 PM

So sorry to hear this Kien. This is what pees me off about SPS. It happens all the time; to both newbies and experienced reefers alike: Acquire a little frag, grow it to a nice colony and then one day watch it wither away for no apparent reason. I've sworn I'm done with SPS a dozen times, but no........ we're all suckers for punishment. A sane person would stay away, but there's something about those fuzzy sticks that makes us lose our heads a little. Hopefully you're done with the bad stuff for awhile and your tank returns to its former glory.

karazy 09-17-2010 12:03 AM

sorry for your losses Kien.
the tank still looks great as usual.
did you lose your little baby toe of a red planet frag from OC?

Mrfish55 09-17-2010 12:54 AM

Tragic, I still say it's something seasonal, every summer I go thru the same thing, I make sure to maintain the same maintenance schedule as, like everyone, summer gets busy and let things slide. I get moderate growth from Oct-June and then all hell breaks loose (even the FOWLR lost all 4 large angels within 4 days this spring and no other fish were affected) Nice to see you keeping a positive outlook, I don't know how much more of this I can take, even my bubble for the first time in 20+ years was looking pretty unhappy this summer although it is looking real good the last few weeks, looking forward to the new progress on yours, Cheers.

christyf5 09-17-2010 01:43 AM

Sorry to hear of your troubles but glad to see you're looking on the bright side Kien.

Oh and I just gotta ask. Which tank is the FOWLR ? :wink:

kien 09-17-2010 02:41 AM

Thanks for all the words of support everyone! Heartbreaking, yes, but I think we all know that in this hobby we have to learn to take the good with the bad because there's an ample supply of both. I've had a few issues but pushing onward was never one of them. I'm in it to win it! :lol:


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 549198)
Sorry to hear of your troubles but glad to see you're looking on the bright side Kien.

Oh and I just gotta ask. Which tank is the FOWLR ? :wink:

Its the one with all the fish of course. Duh! :lol:


Originally Posted by Lance (Post 549145)
I've sworn I'm done with SPS a dozen times, but no........ we're all suckers for punishment. A sane person would stay away, but there's something about those fuzzy sticks that makes us lose our heads a little.

Word! They truly are like drugs. You know that in the long run they are bad for you but you just can't help yourself!


Originally Posted by karazy (Post 549175)
sorry for your losses Kien.
the tank still looks great as usual.
did you lose your little baby toe of a red planet frag from OC?

Ha! That piece of lint kicked it eons ago :lol:

Greenmaster 09-17-2010 04:28 AM

I'm still trying to find the one that is Fish Only With Live Rock.... I see two reefs... one of them might be FOWLRACAOS (Fish Only With Live Rock And Coral And Other Stuff) But I don't see a FOWLR :D

*edited at 10:49 on day of posting.
I know everyone hates to see the stuff Kien is going through (as do I)... but it seems to me like he has the right attitude and IMO since he has moved on (as best he could) we should too and stop bringing up the bad things and concentrate on the good. Like what an awesome tank he still has even after losing more coral then many people have.
I love your attitude Kien and you will have a happier with life because of it.

lobsterboy 09-17-2010 05:38 AM

holy, @@@@, thats not very good news. Sorry to hear this and see this.

ahh man, my stomach turned when I seen the stylofoam box.

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