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kien 06-16-2010 07:19 AM

So I've been putting this off for far too long. The 131g FOWLR is in desperate need of a cover since it is a completely open top. Not even a canopy like the 150g mixed reef, so I know I've been rolling the dice.. Well, finally, here we are with the tank screen cover DIY project.

First up, here's a laundry list of materials you'll need.

1. Some sort of mesh of your choosing. I used a polyproplene mesh that I got off of 'acroholic' from Reef Sanctury. Just PM him if you want some. $0.85 per square foot and $5 shipping. UPDATE (June 12, 2013): Bulk Reef Supply sells the screen and kits as well:
2. Screen door building materials (all from Home Depot in the window isle) including Aluminum rails,
3. Corner attachments
4. Screen spline
5. Screen application tool.
6. Tape measure
7. Hack saw (or similar).

Here is the mesh..

As you can see, it is a pretty small weave.


So first up, we need to cut our rails. Just measure the lengths you need and cut away! I used a hacksaw to cut the aluminum. I did however have a tricky bit that I had to account for, and that was my return plumbing that comes up and over the edge of the tank like so..

To deal with this I had to cut the corner tabs so that the inserts were shorter. Plus, these tabs had small guide rails that slid into the hallow aluminum which I had to cut as well so that I could reverse the direction of the tabs. Once again, I just used my trusty little hack saw and cut away!

And so there we have the opening for the return pipe. That was actually the hardest part of the entire project! After that I just went around the rest of the frame with the aluminum rails and ended up with this.

kien 06-16-2010 07:26 AM

Next I pulled out the mesh and spread it across the frame and pulled out the screen spline material.

I proceeded to insert the spline into the grooves that it was supposed to go into like so..

while using the screen application tool to push the spline into the groves as I went around the frame.

make sure the screen is taut as you go around.

After the screen was secured to the frame I cut off the excess screen material around the edges and finally ended up with this, my virtually see through aquarium screen cover.

Easy as pie! Well, except for maybe Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie because that actually sounds kind of difficult..

kien 06-16-2010 07:28 AM

Here are some product photos.

I am quite happy with the result as there is virtually no light loss and I don't think anybody is going to jump through that sucker.

zum14 06-16-2010 07:40 AM

Awesome job as always! Have you noticed any light deflection off the mesh at all? I just need to figure out how to make one for a bowfront.

kien 06-16-2010 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by zum14 (Post 527925)
Awesome job as always! Have you noticed any light deflection off the mesh at all? I just need to figure out how to make one for a bowfront.

Nope. Have not noticed anything different at all with the mesh screen on.

muck 06-16-2010 02:34 PM

Nicely done on the cover Kien.
Always meant to make one exactly like that for my tank when it was still running... just never got around to it. :neutral:

Coleus 06-16-2010 03:24 PM

I did this too and about to post my DIY mesh thread but i guess Kien beat me too it :0)

Lol. Be warn tho, after getting all materials, it cost me like 100 bucks to do 3 mesh screen for my bow front. I also order the mesh from acroholic

Very nice pictures and clear description like usual :-). I found that less salt sticking on the screen than my old egg crate and coral seems happier but not very convenience when feeding frozen food because i have to take the screen out which i did not have to do with the egg crate. Feeding pellets is fine.

kien 06-16-2010 04:08 PM

Thanks :-)

I don't have a bowfront though so your build will be different :-) Did it really cost $100? The home depot stuff only came out to like, $40 ? The mesh was like $12 with shipping. :biggrin:

Ya, the holes are so small that I can't drop flake food through anymore so I'm going to have to cut a feeding hole in the screen I think.

Coleus 06-16-2010 04:16 PM

Yes here is the break down of the cost

Mesh: $25 include shipping

Screen frame: 3x 11 feet: $36
Rolling tool: $11
Corner: 5 bags: $25 ( i have to do mutiple screen due to the top)
Spline: $5

Total: ~$100

I tried to locate some items at dollar store but could not find any :-(

lastlight 06-16-2010 04:24 PM

Nice work Kien. Do you have little rubber feet under the mesh or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

You don't need to put weights or anything on these? What if the fish used a buddy system? Big tang rockets for the surface and pops this badboy up. Wrasse on the followup and high-fin to the tang as he squeaks on through...

Just sayin'...

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