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Nano 04-13-2012 12:16 AM

Kinda yea. Like mandarin colors but I'm not ready for a mandarin

Coralgurl 04-13-2012 12:18 AM

Nice work!! How about a fts??:lol:

gregzz4 04-13-2012 12:21 AM

Are you lookin' for another bottom dweller or a mid-swimmer? Or ?

Nano 04-13-2012 12:23 AM

Bottom to middle swimmer I suppose. Maybe I'll get a hand full of tangs ;) jkjk

gregzz4 04-13-2012 12:36 AM

800 ! :smile:

Nano 04-13-2012 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 704353)
Nice work!! How about a fts??:lol:

As requested :)
Still cant figure out how to get good color, I can on macros, but fts its kind of fuzzy/glaring, any tips?

Coralgurl 04-13-2012 12:41 AM

You've got lots of room for more.....sand!!:lol: no tips on photos, mine are really blue too and I still suck at the macros. But your tank looks awesome!

Nano 04-13-2012 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 704378)
You've got lots of room for more.....sand!!:lol: no tips on photos, mine are really blue too and I still suck at the macros. But your tank looks awesome!

lol rigggghhhtt... I'm slowly taking a bit out each water change, just want to keep a small amount, I have a good 3" lol.. (too much)

gregzz4 04-13-2012 12:43 AM

Try turning off the blues and use a higher iso/shutter speed.
A tripod helps
If your camera has it, the pet/child setting helps too

Nano 04-13-2012 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 704381)
Try turning off the blues and use a higher iso/shutter speed.
A tripod helps
If your camera has it, the pet/child setting helps too

I'll give it a shot

gregzz4 04-13-2012 12:48 AM

If you keep that sand, you could consider firefish gobies
But you would do well to read up on them lots first

gregzz4 04-13-2012 01:03 AM

What I meant was these dudes need sand depth

Nano 04-13-2012 01:08 AM

Yeah, but i am afraid for them to get metal from the sand in their gills lol...

A better Fts and some macros, still a bit blue but what ever, I'll figure it out when my battery isn't dead.

gregzz4 04-13-2012 01:21 AM

Wrasse maybe?

Nano 04-13-2012 01:26 AM

That's what I'm steering towards but then there is the fish police to worry about ;)

reefwars 04-13-2012 01:38 AM

ken if you want to get the blue out of your fts, change the angle that your shooting at, in your pics you can see your light from under your black plastic trim, try getting down on one knee on an angle that the trim covers the light.

when your taking macros its easier to get the right angle as your so close, so when your lined up for your macro shot and the colours are there, slowly walk back untill the color turns to blue, this is where the angle needs to be changed, while standing in the spot where the color dissappeared play with your cameras "angle to tank" by going higher or lower and left to right, when you get the color back you can move back again.

of course now things are far away and hard to see so you will need to zoom in a bit:)

tank looks great buddy:)

Nano 04-13-2012 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 704407)
ken if you want to get the blue out of your fts, change the angle that your shooting at, in your pics you can see your light from under your black plastic trim, try getting down on one knee on an angle that the trim covers the light.

when your taking macros its easier to get the right angle as your so close, so when your lined up for your macro shot and the colours are there, slowly walk back untill the color turns to blue, this is where the angle needs to be changed, while standing in the spot where the color dissappeared play with your cameras "angle to tank" by going higher or lower and left to right, when you get the color back you can move back again.

of course now things are far away and hard to see so you will need to zoom in a bit:)

tank looks great buddy:)

Thanks denny! BTW I have three new candy cane heads, and the zoos you gave me are doing well also

reefwars 04-13-2012 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 704422)
Thanks denny! BTW I have three new candy cane heads, and the zoos you gave me are doing well also

goodstuff buddy when you come out again ill hook you up with some more goodies:):)

Nano 04-13-2012 02:14 AM

lol only if I can find room! i might have to part with a few corals to make room

reefwars 04-13-2012 02:19 AM

haha time for a frag tank or an upgrade.....i do have that 80g cube just lying here collecting dust:P

Nano 04-13-2012 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 704432)
haha time for a frag tank or an upgrade.....i do have that 80g cube just lying here collecting dust:P

DONT TEASE ME!! I'M ABOUT TO BE A DAD!! lol but if you dont set it up in the next few months I may consider lol...:lol:

The Grizz 04-13-2012 02:27 AM

Oh Ken you have tons of room in there for more goodies, have you not seen my tank lately :lol:

A McCoskers Wrasse would be sweet but you would need to put a cover on your tank first.

Nano 04-13-2012 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Grizz (Post 704437)
Oh Ken you have tons of room in there for more goodies, have you not seen my tank lately :lol:

A McCoskers Wrasse would be sweet but you would need to put a cover on your tank first.

I put Eggcrate on it :) and hey is a beauty Greg thanks for the suggestion :)

gregzz4 04-13-2012 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 704436)
DONT TEASE ME!! I'M ABOUT TO BE A DAD!! lol but if you dont set it up in the next few months I may consider lol...:lol:

Ah, why not, then in July you could get a 125 or 180 and by X-mas you could buy Greg's 300 long :mrgreen:

The Grizz 04-13-2012 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 704446)
Ah, why not, then in July you could get a 125 or 180 and by X-mas you could buy Greg's 300 long :mrgreen:

The 300 will not be for sale any time soon, hell I hope to have it befor Xmas :twised:

Nano 04-13-2012 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 704446)
Ah, why not, then in July you could get a 125 or 180 and by X-mas you could buy Greg's 300 long :mrgreen:

haha man my wife would castrate me lol

gregzz4 04-16-2012 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 704451)
haha man my wife would castrate me lol

With the pending birth that may just happen regardless :mrgreen:

Nano 04-16-2012 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 705836)
With the pending birth that may just happen regardless :mrgreen:

:lol: if she gets my nuts I get more tanks. Thats my deal ;)

gregzz4 04-16-2012 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Nano (Post 705837)
:lol: if she gets my nuts I get more tanks. Thats my deal ;)

Seems like a painful way to get big tanks
So no action with the baby yet?

Nano 04-16-2012 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 705841)
Seems like a painful way to get big tanks
So no action with the baby yet?

not yet.. :(

Lots of back pain though so its going to be very soon. couple of days is my guess.

gregzz4 04-16-2012 12:52 AM

Give her a back rub for us :wink:

Nano 04-16-2012 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 705848)
Give her a back rub for us :wink:

LOL you do it my hands are killing me jkjk

Coralgurl 04-16-2012 02:04 AM

Baby is going to need a tank, an upgrade sounds about right!! Hope your wife is doing ok, very exciting and nervous times for you both! Make sure you get as much sleep as you can now....keep us posted!

Nano 04-16-2012 02:07 AM

Haha yeah the tank upgrade or secondary tank wont be in the budget for a while but I got her a betta fish, and one of those fisher price fish tank things lol hopefully she catches the reef bug so i have another helper for the next build. :)

b16a2 04-18-2012 07:01 AM

Update pics of sump please?

Nano 04-18-2012 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by b16a2 (Post 706855)
Update pics of sump please?

I'll try to take some tonight its pretty low tech down there

Nano 04-19-2012 01:49 AM

So as requested, pics of the lowest tech sump on earth ;) its cramped so I can get great shots, also you can see, I need an ato, as the tape on the glas represents where I like my water level, and then that is 2 days evaporation.. (yikes) about 1 1/2-2 gallons)
so here you go
Last shot is side ways, (sorry) but it shows the plumbing from the return line, I have the pump sitting on a bag of filter floss to dampen sound (its silent now) and then the line goes up to a shut off valve for maintenance as well as flow control. From there it goes to gate valve (I think thats what its called) for emergency purposes, so when the power goes out the force of gravity automatically closes the line thus preventing overflow in the sump.

gregzz4 04-19-2012 01:56 AM

That's a swing check valve ya got there pilgrim

Nano 04-19-2012 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 707157)
That's a swing check valve ya got there pilgrim

thanks thats the word I was looking for ;)

gregzz4 04-19-2012 02:07 AM

BTW, food for thought.
Next time you think about buying one of those, you may want to get either a clear one, a clear true union one, or clear wye style one. That way you can see if there's crud/someone in it and with the union and wye ( of course ) you can dismantle and clean it out. Otherwise, when you need it most, it may not close :surprise:

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