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Myka 01-13-2012 01:31 AM

Ok, thanks...was hoping I could get it at hardware store, but not likely I guess.

Buckeye Field Supply 01-13-2012 10:57 AM

Hi folks - thanks for the heads up Myka!.

The key with chloramines is to provide adequate contact time with the carbon prefilters. In some situations, one good carbon block is sufficient. Our practice to to always include two carbon prefilters in systems used with chloramines.

Don't bother with a standard GAC cartridge.

Catalytic GAC is another story. It is a super fast acting GAC and we include this as the first of two carbon stages in our Chloramine Special RODI's. The CGAC cartridges are axial flow - meaning the water must flow through the length of the cartridge to maximize contact time. The second carbon block we use is a top of the line, 20,000 gallon, 0.5 mic block - the best we can find.

As mentioned previously in the thread, you will see relatively fasted DI depletion with waters containing chloramines. A dual stage DI is not a bad idea with these waters.


d33ps3a 01-13-2012 12:28 PM

I bouaght a ro/di system from aquasafe's eBay store for 200 incl shipping. Its a 7 stage w extra filters for 6 changes and other accessories. They state on their website that chloramine is filtered out. Pretty good deal considering what you get. Also, its a 3 stage di filter.

Buckeye Field Supply 01-13-2012 01:22 PM

You'll want to remove the 3 DI filters from their clips and orient each of them vertically so that flow through them goes from the bottom to the top.

Horizontal DI filters are a fundamental configuration error...


mike31154 01-13-2012 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Buckeye Field Supply (Post 670771)
You'll want to remove the 3 DI filters from their clips and orient each of them horizontally so that flow through them goes from the bottom to the top.

Horizontal DI filters are a fundamental configuration error...


So your first sentence should read to orient the DI filters "vertically", vice horizontally?

Buckeye Field Supply 01-13-2012 02:13 PM

Agghh! Thanks - I fixed my post.

mike31154 01-13-2012 02:15 PM

Ya, couldn't let that one slip by... I know, it's early in the morning still out west here.

Myka 01-13-2012 02:48 PM

Thanks for stopping on the thread Russ! Axial flow makes a lot of sense. I noticed that CGAC cartridges were axial, but didn't register the significance of this.

Myka 01-15-2012 02:40 AM

Got a kit today. It is called AquaChek Select which tests for free chlorine, total chlorine, total hardness, total bromine, pH, tota alkalinity, and cyanuric acid. It was $28 for 50 test strips. I got it at a Hottub store, but had to go to three before I found a kit that would test total chlorine.

My tap water tested chlorine 0, and total chlorine 0.5-1 ppm. RODI water tested 0 for both. So, good news is no chloramines are getting through my RODI system. Maybe my system is doing just fine...

Buckeye Field Supply 01-15-2012 10:06 AM

Check to see if ammonia, a byproduct of chloramine treatment, is getting through your DI.


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