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Diana 01-13-2010 05:44 PM

No I didn't follow the steps, but I read them beforehand to get kind of an idea. It was pretty straightforward the steps I needed to take to set it up. Really I only looked for inspiration in the style of palu I was going to do. :)

Another site I checked out is

Diana 07-08-2010 06:23 AM

Here are some updated photos from the Paludarium! Some things have really taken off, while others didnt do so well. I also replaced the moss with sphagnum moss because it was browning out. It is by far one of my most favorite tanks!


snow1 07-08-2010 08:00 AM

that's so cool, any fly traps in there?

Diana 07-08-2010 04:37 PM

I had two, but they have receded back to nothing. I think there is too much light for them, and/or the aphids in there are bugging them. I wish I could get better pics of the tank, I will have to set up the tripod. :mrgreen:

4lti7ude 07-08-2010 05:03 PM

Thats soo natural looking.
You have access to so many assortments of plants in your area!
In Calgary theirs noooothing for fresh water.

:question: Do you have to feed the pitcher plants yourself? (Kinda reminds me of a coral hhahah)

Diana 07-10-2010 07:11 PM

This is where I get all my plants from, at times they have the best selection:

You can order & they will ship across canada!

You can feed carnies fish food pellets once in a while as a sub for insects. I think its only like twice a year or something though. I havent fed mine yet. ;)

LeeR 10-19-2010 04:07 AM

any updates?

davidwilsoon 10-28-2010 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Diana (Post 479204)
yah i'm pretty excited about the result so far- and its so young! It is local moss, i put about 4 or 5 different types in there to see what will do well with the warmth, humidity, and light. I think I know what one will do well based on where I collected it, but we will see. Worst comes to worst I will have to use a more tropical moss.

32 gallon Hagen rimless aquarium
36" Giesemann HO T5 light fixture with plant bulbs
~3" of water (small pump & heater) plus stream
river cobble & petrified wood base, small layer of dried moss, and then on top a layer of sphagnum peat.
I will get a humidity & temp reading today



Are those mushrooms? I think I'd be careful about that. I dunno. Maybe it will end up being a neat effect if they spread.

nikole957 12-03-2010 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Diana (Post 479319)
I did some tinkering today. I am just loving playing in this tank. I can't wait to get some orchids and stuff in there:


Wow very cool. I saw one like that yesterday. It had neons in the water and water dragons living in it.

skabooya 03-31-2011 09:32 PM

any updates here?
Can you post details of the build? as well as plant selections, lighting, feeding schedules, etc. I would love to do one of these for my classroom. Test it out first here in my home then move it or start another one in my classroom :)

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