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albert_dao 11-10-2009 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 462572)
He also doesn't carry Zeovit anymore, because the supplier keeps selling it at pricing where Dennis can't make any money... So why sell it when he only makes a couple bucks on a $60 bottle. I am a business owner and can understand his decision, why stock have overhead for very little profit..

This statement is incorrect.

globaldesigns 11-11-2009 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 462796)
This statement is incorrect.

This statement is correct but not the whole story, I didn't want to get into that, as it wasn't important nor pertinent to the topic of this thread (I do apologize for generalizing or not wording things correctly). But I have now learned that don't post unless you want to write a book or just don't bother posting... For all to know, Yes, Dennis had a falling out with the supplier (is this what you are referring about, or want to say? There were many reasons for the falling out, as a business owner myself, I understand Dennis' reasoning on certain products he may or may not carry)... I can see why people leave this forum, too many people that nit pick at you...

We are so off topic on this thread, lets get back to it...


Originally Posted by intarsiabox (Post 461862)
Does anyone know where I can get Reefers Best salt and Zeovit products in Edmonton? I'm running out of salt and thought I would give this stuff a try to see if it lives up to the hype or not.

Intarsiabox, if you are going to try Reefers Best, give us your opinion on this salt over a time frame (week, 2 week, 1 month, several months). This would be quite valuable to someone like me, if you see dramatic results from the change in salt (while maintaining current dosing, cleaning regime, parameters, etc.), then I myself would even consider a change. keep us posted! If you do this, pics are always a good thing.

albert_dao 11-11-2009 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by globaldesigns (Post 462896)
This statement is correct but not the whole story, I didn't want to get into that, as it wasn't important nor pertinent to the topic of this thread (I do apologize for generalizing or not wording things correctly). But I have now learned that don't post unless you want to write a book or just don't bother posting... For all to know, Yes, Dennis had a falling out with the supplier (is this what you are referring about, or want to say? There were many reasons for the falling out, as a business owner myself, I understand Dennis' reasoning on certain products he may or may not carry)... I can see why people leave this forum, too many people that nit pick at you...

We are so off topic on this thread, lets get back to it...

Actually, this IS pertinent to the thread and myself since Reefer's Best is a fantastic salt that actually has several definining properties other than parameters (mixes crystal clear in seconds, doesn't stress corals if you make large water changes, doesn't precipitate calcium into the water if mixed with cold water then heated, etc). Looking at it just on the basis of numbers doesn't give you a clear picture of the product as a whole.

My personal stake (for the sake of full disclosure) in the misrepresentation is as follows:

- The sales of KZ products have a direct impact upon my livelihood.
- I am on both sides of the Dennis/Proline thing (I work/have worked for both).
- The 'falling out' as you chose to call it was a misunderstanding that has since been resolved, however, as you know, Dennis has his way of doing things and I respect that. To simply dismiss your previous statement (supplier not providing margins, which is, as you have indicated, both dubious and untrue) is simply irresponsible.

Sorry if you consider my comment 'nit picking' and sorry if you feel obligated to 'quit along with the masses', but if you're going to post on a public forum, then expect your opinions to be subject to both review and criticism by the audience.

globaldesigns 11-11-2009 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 462943)
Actually, this IS pertinent to the thread and myself since Reefer's Best is a fantastic salt that actually has several definining properties other than parameters (mixes crystal clear in seconds, doesn't stress corals if you make large water changes, doesn't precipitate calcium into the water if mixed with cold water then heated, etc). Looking at it just on the basis of numbers doesn't give you a clear picture of the product as a whole.

My personal stake (for the sake of full disclosure) in the misrepresentation is as follows:

- The sales of KZ products have a direct impact upon my livelihood.
- I am on both sides of the Dennis/Proline thing (I work/have worked for both).
- The 'falling out' as you chose to call it was a misunderstanding that has since been resolved, however, as you know, Dennis has his way of doing things and I respect that. To simply dismiss your previous statement (supplier not providing margins, which is, as you have indicated, both dubious and untrue) is simply irresponsible.

Sorry if you consider my comment 'nit picking' and sorry if you feel obligated to 'quit along with the masses', but if you're going to post on a public forum, then expect your opinions to be subject to both review and criticism by the audience.

Hey Albert, you haven't been nit picking, it is just overall the comments on this thread that is ****ing in my "Corn Flakes" (this was a generalized comment) No worries... Again I apologize for not being as specific as I should of been, this caused some issues or aggrevation. And you are correct, Dennis has his way of doing things, but I can say he is a great guy, knows his stuff, and has never steared me wrong... this is why he gets 95% or more of my business when I buy from LFS's.

In regards to your comments on the salt, thank you for that... You made some good points that people like myself (who have never used it) can read and go WOW! I didn't know that, or that can help me. Most of us look at the numbers (as you stated), what you just brought to the table goes far beyond the numbers. I will have to research further, maybe it is worth trying. If it is just numbers, then I personally don't care to try anything else, as I am quite content dosing where needed. So again, further research needs to be done.

thank you for bringing useful info to this thread.

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