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04scoobysti 07-28-2009 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Clay&Chey (Post 437784)
Just wondering isn't a guy supposed to avoid hose clamps like that due to major rust issues??

I've use them (sold as stainless steel hose clamps), never submerged them, and usually the screw starts to rust.

kien 07-28-2009 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Clay&Chey (Post 437784)
Just wondering isn't a guy supposed to avoid hose clamps like that due to major rust issues??

Ya, these "stainless steel" clamps are interesting like that. I use them all the time on my garden plumbing, pond plumbing and all my past aquariums. Some of them rust and some don't even after years of service. I figure if any of the clamps in the sump start to rust I'll just replace them. But hey, wouldn't they just become phosphate removers at that point? :lol: Otherwise I don't really know what to do about them. I've never seen plastic ones and I don't trust zip ties for this application. Any suggestions for something else to use??

banditpowdercoat 07-28-2009 03:47 PM

remove metal hose clamps, will rust and contaminate water. Ocean Aquatics has plastic clamps
Use electrical tape or black paint to cover up the clear hose. it WILL get algae covered inside and restrict flow, requiring frequent cleaning. Just dont use tape below warerline
You might want to put a union on the return pump as well? Not sure how tough those hoses are to remove from the barbs. Mine are really tough. the pump will need to come out for cleaning

Other than that, looks great :D

Eb0la11 07-28-2009 07:43 PM

Nice work Kien. You're moving along fast. Not sure how you managed all the updates when you had a wedding! Im hoping I'll have all my parts by the end of the day and will start the build tonight or tomorrow most likely. I'm hoping to fill this weekend. We all know that timely goals in this hobby usually arent met, but at least Ive set one! haha

Malibu 07-28-2009 09:19 PM

I have read that soda water or carbonated water will lower the DKH. As to whether it could harm your fish - I'm uncertain, not knowing very much about salt systems. However, I would assume that it's like any other water parameter and any high or low level can be bad...

kien 07-28-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Malibu (Post 437899)
I have read that soda water or carbonated water will lower the DKH. As to whether it could harm your fish - I'm uncertain, not knowing very much about salt systems. However, I would assume that it's like any other water parameter and any high or low level can be bad...


JDigital 07-29-2009 12:26 AM

Looking great! Almost too good to put anything in it.. Nice pics as well.

Navarchus 07-29-2009 01:12 AM

B.T.W i think you sould use silicon tube not pvc one.

kien 07-29-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Navarchus (Post 437937)
B.T.W i think you sould use silicon tube not pvc one.

Well, it is a little late now to rip everything out and switch over to silicon :-) What's wrong with PVC anyway? My PVC pipe says it is potable (printed on the side of the pipe).

Malibu 07-29-2009 02:30 PM

Hmmm... sorry about that carbonated water post. Somehow it posted that here instead of another thread.

What I meant to say was if you want metal clips you can try aluminum or copper as neither of them will rust...

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